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Can I revert to the old Shadow Stalker?

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Quest was cool and all, but after having the Stalker spawn on a regular mission, I already miss the old him.

Not only he showed up as the regular Dread wielding Stalker, now he has a clear voice instead of the raspy "I am Batman" one and has neon green energy that really conflicts with his design instead of the old red edgy one.

A downgrade on all fronts, I'd say.

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Ok so, let me get this straight...

The quest ending shows/Hunhow tells us afterwards over mail that daddy-Stalker is "gone into the sunset" with his baby-Yoda warframe-child. Those pictures also show he's no longer a hunter, but a protector, blah blah blah. And yet... He still shows up as a random encounter during the missions? Still tries to kill Tenno, despite us trying to help him during the quest? Why? How? Wha..?

This makes even less sense than the quest itself. Outside of purely "game mechanics reason", of course, where if that were the case (Stalker being "gone"), the player who finished this quest would have been locked out of Stalker's drops... But then again, there are way better ways of implementing that, for lore-to-gameplay consistency sake, no?


P.s. Who gave Hunhow our email address, btw? Ordis, was that you? >:(

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If the new Stalker doesn't have a new model with baby-stalker strapped to his back, I'm going to be even more disappointed :P

(If he doesn't.... then did he leave the baby home alone?  Is there babysitting services he uses?  Grandpa Hunhow?  If the baby doesn't come with him, how can it grow up to be a stalker just like his dad!  I have questions...)

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hace 9 horas, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ dijo:

P.s. Who gave Hunhow our email address, btw? Ordis, was that you? >:(

And why he never killed us while we sleep? xD I feel like DE writing skills can make people dumb just for being exposed to their "stories".

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