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Jade's quest and her in-game model after the quest

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I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that this thread is meant to share your personal opinion of the visual appearance of the Warframe Jade; not to insult other members of the community, spread hate speech or push your opinions on others by invalidating their beliefs or arguing about "who's right".

In the end DE is the one who will decide what to do with Jade so if we could all be a little more respectful to one another and simply share our thoughts about Jade (whether her appearance is an issue for you or not) and not insult other comments in the process I'm sure everything will turn out fine.

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Going to copy what I pasted in another thread since this seems to be where a lot of the discussion is. Fwiw, I would prefer the Jade model to not feature pregnancy.

2 hours ago, Arausio said:

The reason why people are finding this uncomfortable is because we are literally biologically hardcoded to place pregnant women at the top of our priority list when it comes to protecting others of our species. The juxtaposition of playing a pregnant women that is doing physics defying parkour in a sci-fi warzone is the cause for discomfort. If that was DEs intention to create some odd version of artistic subversion of expectations, well, they definitely succeeded, but dont be surprised by people saying that this is making them feel odd. I wouldn't even be surprised if many people can't put an finger on exactly why it's making them uncomfortable, especially if they don't delve in human social dynamics very often.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb Stormandreas:

With this, you're just telling everyone that you're not a woman, and you have no idea what can happen to a woman during pregnancy mentally, nor do you have any empathy towards woman during pregnancy.

It's a deeply personal thing, and if something goes wrong, and entirely destroy the woman for life.
When you're trying to escape from reality by playing a game, you don't want to be reminded of whatever circumstance you've been in.

This is coming from someone who isn't a woman, but I know woman who have this exact issue, or those who have been pregnant multiple times and don't find it appropriate for a game like Warframe.

That's not even to mention the fandom of Warframe being... questionable at best, and Jade just opens the floodgates for extremely weird, disturbing stuff.

There's a line that Warframe has been very close to crossing for a while, and Jade is just that. DE have crossed it.

Its just crazy to assume that idgaf about womans feelings while pregnant or in general because i dont mind a pregnant charackter in a game, thats just ridiculous. 

May i assume then that you feel sad every time your Kangaskhan in Pokemon gets hit by an attack ?  

Edited by Ruvik36
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About the player Foundry constructed Jade Warframe being perpetually pregnant, remember that Valkyr is a flayed Warframe (Gersemi) and our reconstructed version include the flayed aspect of it which means that every Non-Prime Valkyr that gets built is in a constant state of skinless agony (yikes).

Think of it more like this, the player constructed Jade Warframe just has the appearance of being pregnant rather than actually being pregnant, as that was the physical form it had when its blueprint was created and the Foundry is like a 3D printer.

It's not actually pregnant as it would suffer the same fate as the story quest Jade otherwise.

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43 minutes ago, Thanatos9t said:

every Non-Prime Valkyr that gets built is in a constant state of skinless agony (yikes)... It's not actually pregnant as it would suffer the same fate as the story quest Jade otherwise.

Yeah but now Valkyr gets to unleash vengeful rage on her abusers, that's her whole power fantasy.

Meanwhile, the implications of a pregnant Warframe... uh... nope. Just nope. Nope.

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She is very unique, her angel motifs are so pretty and the fact she's female + pregnant makes her stand out. I think changing or removing any of this, coupled with her very outdated and underwhelming gameplay, would completely kill any originality this character could have.

Warframe, to me and to many, is about the diversity of frames and gameplay. People overlook a lot of typical video game-y things like eating other humanoids, necromancy, torture, murder, etc but the most natural and human part of a warframe - a pregnant belly, is where the community is struggling.

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33 minutes ago, jeandme said:

People overlook a lot of typical video game-y things like eating other humanoids, necromancy, torture, murder, etc but the most natural and human part of a warframe - a pregnant belly

Do you know why? 

That's because necromancy, zombies, space magic are things that don't happens in real life. 

"Oh but torture, murder and etc" - that's because we know those are fiction and the setting is in a war. 

Do you know what's a literal war crime? Sending pregnant woman's to war. 

It's just where I draw the line. 

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6 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

I would sign it, but it's requesting personal information, so nope.

Whether or not you want to sign it is of course up to you.  But those online petitions still work even if you enter in the name Nef Anyo and fakeaddress@email.com

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11 minutes ago, 0bsi said:

Whether or not you want to sign it is of course up to you.  But those online petitions still work even if you enter in the name Nef Anyo and fakeaddress@email.com

Which is also why online petitions aren't taken seriously (and 9 times out of 10 never accomplish anything). A single person could just put a million signatures on it.

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Given it has a whopping 23 signatures, no, it's not going to do anything :D   And even if it had thousands it probably wouldn't either.   I imagine the best way to make a loud statement would be over social media.  But I was simply pointing out that it's not necessary to actually give accurate info out.

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20 minutes ago, 0bsi said:

I imagine the best way to make a loud statement would be over social media.

Correct. The only way that companies like DE listen is if you threaten their public image.

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vor 23 Stunden schrieb Waizard13:

I feel a tad uncomfortable because as a former military I'd never bring a pregnant woman near battle. Now I know it's a fictional game and I still play as Jade, but the point of the game is serving a recreational purpose, not making me feel like I'm going against my principles.

So genocide, torture, enslaving children and using them for more genocide and downright turning a human into a flesh machine against their will is fine for you? 

I (for me) don't see the problem, it's a game, she's not actually pregnant but her original was when she was human. It's just a science experiment from the Orokin, that are legit the most evil characters to ever exist.(Which considering how upset some players are, are well written)

I see it (the belly) as a symbol to her, like Grendel has his belly, and hildryn being buff instead of Kim Kardashian. Like Khora having a cat. It's just who she is. It's what makes Warframes unique.

And who says other Warframe haven't had similar experiences that DE just hasn't told yet? I'm sure not every Warframe was .. whatever it is people expect from them to be. (Wisp mostly)

Edited by (XBOX)K1jker
Grammar, I can't type today
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vor 2 Stunden schrieb OrionSincoat:

Do you know why? 

That's because necromancy, zombies, space magic are things that don't happens in real life. 

"Oh but torture, murder and etc" - that's because we know those are fiction and the setting is in a war. 

Do you know what's a literal war crime? Sending pregnant woman's to war. 

It's just where I draw the line. 


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2 hours ago, OrionSincoat said:

Do you know why? 

That's because necromancy, zombies, space magic are things that don't happens in real life. 

"Oh but torture, murder and etc" - that's because we know those are fiction and the setting is in a war. 

Do you know what's a literal war crime? Sending pregnant woman's to war. 

It's just where I draw the line. 

Do you have a source for sending pregnant women to war being a "literal war crime"? As there are soldiers who remain on active duty during pregnancy...

You know what's definitely a war crime?

Using chemical weapons... Outlawed in the Geneva Protocol...

I guess you don't play Saryn then as she's literally named after and based on Sarin gas?

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4 hours ago, Hexerin said:

This thread really good at showing people's true colors, so many replies from people who have zero capacity for empathy and any kind of morals.

It's a video game. Despite how much you try to convince yourself and others, Jade isn't even the worst thing that DE has touched on. Don't you dare assume people's low standard of morals in a game extends to reality.

Edited by Sammonoske
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8 hours ago, OrionSincoat said:

Do you know why? 

That's because necromancy, zombies, space magic are things that don't happens in real life. 

"Oh but torture, murder and etc" - that's because we know those are fiction and the setting is in a war. 

Do you know what's a literal war crime? Sending pregnant woman's to war. 

It's just where I draw the line. 

Canibalism is sadly real. Disrespecting the dead is a crime for a reason. A lot of frames are overly happy with their murderous and sadistic ways. You can make these warframes as ridiculously real as this Jade thread.

Also, by the Hague Convention certain weapon designs are also a war crime. By this logic they should also be redesigned?

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

So genocide, torture, enslaving children and using them for more genocide and downright turning a human into a flesh machine against their will is fine for you? 

These are horrors that we are canonically fighting against. Myself choosing, of my own will, to put a living pregnant creature onto the battlefield, um no. Really don't like the implications there, and there are many. I've always seen Warframes as machines with organic components, not living creatures. This whole thing weirds me out.

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb Xylena_Lazarow:

These are horrors that we are canonically fighting against. Myself choosing, of my own will, to put a living pregnant creature onto the battlefield, um no. Really don't like the implications there, and there are many. I've always seen Warframes as machines with organic components, not living creatures. This whole thing weirds me out.

Jade is not pregnant, the belly is symbolic. You literally saw the baby. And if you look into it, there's just her light. 

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7 hours ago, Thanatos9t said:
10 hours ago, OrionSincoat said:

Do you know why? 

That's because necromancy, zombies, space magic are things that don't happens in real life. 

"Oh but torture, murder and etc" - that's because we know those are fiction and the setting is in a war. 

Do you know what's a literal war crime? Sending pregnant woman's to war. 

It's just where I draw the line. 


Do you have a source

Easy... Google it. It's not that hard to find what are war crimes. 

It violates the IHL created by the Genova Convention 

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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

Jade is not pregnant, the belly is symbolic. You literally saw the baby. And if you look into it, there's just her light. 

I know, but a woman's pregnant belly symbolizes a lot more than what is explicit in the story. It's easier for some than others to compartmentalize this topic.

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