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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

So, I think this Stalker mechanic needs to change after Jade Shadows.

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I think it's a little strange for Stalker to continue risking his life against me AFTER becoming


a father.

Risking his life to fight what he determines is an existential threat? Sure, it's believable.
Becoming indifferent about the Tenno, or at least lowering the priority level of the Tenno? Sure.

I might be jumping the gun here since I haven't actually faced off against him after the quest, but I'm told he still tries to kill us after the quest so I'll assume that's true.

I don't think he'd still be gung-ho to use Jordas Golem or whoever as an excuse to try to face me in lethal combat AFTER  Jade Shadows.
I get it though, the drops still need to be available for players after the quest, but that can be done differently. You can make his weaponry available via Vestigal Motes, or you can award it for completing Jade Shadows, and then make the blueprints available via Simaris.

You don't have to keep the Stalker's hatred for the Tenno alive because his drops need to be always available to the Tenno is what I'm saying.
You got different ways you can handle it, but that's my only criticism.

I got no problem with pregnant warframes, it's definitely inline with the cruelty of the Orokin. I thought the quest was great, and while I'm a little confused about how to attack enemies in Ascension because sometimes I see them sometimes I don't, I still love it. Ordis backstory, great, love it. Granum backstory, awesome.

9/10 update. This is my only issue with it personally.

ALSO! Thank you so much for the Tributa Sculpture fix! I greatly appreciate it, best fix of all time for us dojo decorators. It's one of the final roadblocks that existed for dojos.

Edited by DrLego
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I did just learn that using Jade, the Stalker will drop loot and leave and not fight you. My only experience so far with Jade was Circuit so I didn't know this.

But as nice and cool as that is, it does raise more questions about the need for the marked for death mechanic in relation to the Stalker.

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I'd love if, long term, they'd have his acolytes just take his place as being the punishers. Yeah, they already exist in steel path, but there's no real reason they couldn't exist in both places. Just make it so every time you'd be visited by stalker, it's instead one of the acolytes. Have them use the stalker weapons, or have them use different ones and even allow for more weapons to drop.

But, this is one of the "issues" of live service games, eventually the plot needs to move forward, but game mechanics can't really be changed without making it a different game, and that could be confusing to new players

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I agree with this as well.  An idea I had was that maybe when you complete the quest or build Jade, you get one of her feathers as a gear item, and as long as you carry the feather, Stalker won't hunt you.  This allows access for people who still want to be hunted and/or need his drops, scans, etc. while also providing a fitting way to prevent him from hunting those who feel like it's no longer fitting for him to continue doing so.  As others said, perhaps the Acolytes could take over that role, with maybe Misery stepping up/getting some improvements since it wouldn't be unreasonable to think they'd they continue on their own path without Stalker

Edited by Lokidus_Prime
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I mean i'd be mad too if i asked for your help, you played a rhythm minigame on my dying wife's pregnant belly and then scrounged around for blueprints of her corpse to then use and run around with.

Don't NTR stalker's dead wife

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