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  1. I had thought that this update would change the nature of the Vigile Gargoyle dojo decoration but it's status remains the same, which is a shame because the decoration has a lot of potential that dojo decorators would love to get their hands on. Some folks deleted it after the operation and have no way to bring it back. Some of us would like to place the statue in a different room but can't. I think Clans deserve to have a memento from this operation, especially if they didn't earn any trophies. I also think you should remove the duplication block you have on the gargoyle statue.
  2. Oh neat. Thanks for putting in the work of reviewing Dante's abilities.
  3. After some testing, it seems all 4 consoles of a trade post can be fast traveled to. This should be changed so only one of the consoles on the trade post can be fast traveled to. I'm recommending this because dojo decorators often decorate the trade post by melding it into a wall, making 3 of the 4 consoles either out of bounds or in tight areas players would be unable to escape from without Fast Travel. Now, we do have a very convenient Fast Travel Gear Wheel so if players are stuck they can escape easily. However, if players fast travel to an area not intended to be accessible, this can cause visual disorientation as the camera collides with various objects. Likewise, if you fast travel to a trade post and the console the player is closest to happens to be out of bounds, the player would be stuck in the trade menu while their warframe falls into the void. Giving trade posts a "true north" console like the Treasury Vault will allow decorators to have better control over where players fast travel to, hopefully preventing frustrations and time wasting.
  4. Tap/Hold, make it so the helminth version is shadow / damage reduction only.
  5. Are you sure about that? Isn't it possible someone put it down without letting anyone know?
  6. If you invite me ingame I can try to find where it is in your dojo
  7. I have a question: Is it possible to keep theclan's progress after the statue is deleted and built in another dojo room?
  8. This is my entry for this contest, with much appreciated assistance from Dizzzy12 for making the video of my room: Prime Naberian Feast This probably doesn't need explanation, but my goal for this entry was to try to represent Grendel Prime feasting on the feast of Dagath and Dorrclave clan research.
  9. I'm wracking my brain there's so many ways to take this room, I have to settle on an idea first.
  10. Day 1: Portal - Vauban Opens an Ethernet Port with Arcane Daemon Jutsu. Day 2: Fangs - The Twin Fangs of the Coolant Reservoir Day 3: Decade - Rosary Pilgrimage of Purgatory Day 4: Crystal - Crystallization of Mind and Void Day 5: Beetle - Beetlejuice's Weekend at Duviri Day 6: Throwback - Remember when Hydroid had Undertow? The Kraken remembers! It never forgets. Day 7: Knives - "Those aren't knives...this is a knife." Day 8: Whisper - "Shh...Your silence is too loud..." Day 9: Man In The Wall - The Man On The Moon Day 10: Orowyrm - Wyrm of Dominus Day 11: Inspire - Leading By Example Day 12: Solidarity - "Some trials are difficult, but you don't have to face them alone." Day 13: Courage - "Courage is the hope that lights the dark." Day 14: Rally - "Play like you're in 1st, train like you're in 2nd." Day 15: Uplift - "Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence." Day 16: Family - "The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is family."
  11. Oh I did remember, you may want to address debt-bond acquisition for the Solaris United syndicate in Fortuna. It's definitely a choke point for progression for some newer players.
  12. Reddit thread had this comment that should probably be included here. Junction changes are absolutely solid. Same goes for the adjustments to Necramech anquisition and cetus wisps. Though I'd also recommend increasing cetus wisp size to roughly the same as scintillant, and maybe give it extra glow or effects to signify it's location. While the changes you're planning are good for newer players, they were still designed to be kind of hard to notice. I'll include the images of scintillant and cetus wisp below to show the severity of the contrast between them when it comes to visibility.
  13. Yes this bug plagues us all. It's certainly plagued me twice as I've placed it in 2 places and it acts stuck.
  14. Note beacons are always welcome, you can do some impressive things with them that you can't with physical object decorations. and it's free.
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