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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade seems fine, honestly.

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Basically what the title says. Jade doesn't seem too weak or too strong. I mean sure, she's not WEAK by any means, but she's not completely annihilating everything like Dante did; I rarely get above 25% when playing with my friend around the same MR. 
Her 1 is nice, decent healing without being strong enough to upstage Wisp's Vit mote. Her 2 is a set of cycling buffs that's really nice, but you rarely use Shield. Her 3 is also nice, defense strip and that heal at range is super cool. Her 4 does decent damage- It's what I use mainly. It's not super strong like Dante's is from what I've seen, but it's not really weak either. The fly is really nice too. The damage resistance is nice, but again not super overpowered- Xaku for comparison has a 75% chance to outright ignore anything, while Jade has 50% DR and low enough armor that the armor doesn't stack well at all.
Some things I HAVE noticed with her- The 3 is a bit buggy on the healing side of things, sometimes it just messes itself up even when you don't move and resets the revive counter. 
No, I'm not going to talk about her appearance. If you're uncomfortable with it, fine, if you're not, also fine. I don't really like it either, but I've seen so many people complaining about it that it's honestly kind of annoying at this point- Just master her, helminth her, and ignore her if you don't like it.
Anyway yeah, that's my thoughts on Jade so far. I don't really see a reason to do a massive nerf like Dante had; Closest thing I can think of that's 'overpowered' is the 4's Judgement damage, but that needs Judgement stacks and has a small cooldown that's not effected by Fire Rate so you can't spam it over and over again. I think that's fairly balanced too, honestly. What're yalls thoughts? She seems like a solid high A-tier frame to me, I doubt she could dethrone Wisp in terms of 'Queen of support'.

Edited by Wrenwings1
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She's not the worst frame out there, but they absolutely gutted her exalt prior to release. It tickles enemies, even when they're fully stripped of their defenses.

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22 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

She's not the worst frame out there, but they absolutely gutted her exalt prior to release. It tickles enemies, even when they're fully stripped of their defenses.

Try to use her with umbra intensify, transient fortitude and blind rage + streamline

Use it with red archon to balance out the duration and purple to not use equilibrium 

On the weapon use magnetic, radiation pistolcmod and heat(archon vitality) with galvanized condition overload

Magnetic does bonus damage to overguard now

If you build it to use arcane avanger your build will get almost 100% crit chance 5x+ crit damage



BTW I liked it to run wyrm with gun support mods I was getting 100k hits easily 

Edited by OrionSincoat
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54 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

She's not the worst frame out there, but they absolutely gutted her exalt prior to release. It tickles enemies, even when they're fully stripped of their defenses.

Idk what your build is but I've actually found some great success with it. Archon Vit, 250-ish Str, a status build with Galv Shot, and it's super fun. Not oneshotting Steel Path, but two~threeshotting Corrupted Heavy Gunners at lvl 140, which is the highest I can get it in Simulacrum lmao
Ability strength 2, activate 4, cycle to weapon damage, pop down 1, open fire, boom. I'll have to try Magnetic, that seems like fun with the changes for it. I've seen 150k hits with armor still on lmao

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If her appearance bothers anyone, I suggest closing your eyes when adding a helminth ability...sent me into a legitimate but brief anxiety attack.

Though back on topic, Jade seems to be in a good spot with the exception of her Exalted weapon.

with +180% Toxin Tick Damage and Airburst Rounds, it REALLY puts in some work. With some fire rate and Archon Continuity, nothing lasts for long except Acolytes which she can only tickle, as Glory has its damage predominantly back loaded into DoT...and against status capped targets, feels absolutely horrible.

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Seems a couple of y'all here seem to notice that her exalted isn't as strong as it is in the Devstream.

Pablo's Jade was hitting mid-six digits 200-600k with what seems to be a Radiation build with her 4 on Level 185 enemies.

I'm certainly not hitting those numbers. 

Edited by ZiIIion
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15 minutes ago, ZiIIion said:

Seems a couple of y'all here seem to notice that her exalted isn't as strong as it is in the Devstream.

Pablo's Jade was hitting mid-six digits 200-600k with what seems to be a Radiation build on her 4 on Level 185 enemies.

I'm certainly not hitting those numbers. 

Her 1 was definitely changed too, the current version is garbage 

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After more playing her, her 4 honestly feels kinda lackluster. It's an exalted weapon, yes, but it feels as good or worse than the ones that DON'T lock you out of the rest of your weapons.

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13 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

5 topaz shards for crit + arcane avenger + anemic agility on Glory (optional: add arcane velocity) = AC-130 mode.

How does it feel in SP? As I'm running a 5x Emerald varient for Archon Continuity and Toxin Damage, and don't have the 150%+ bile to spare on testing. (slowly crafting 15 forma to fit on a second Jade to try your Amber build.)

P.S. I dropped Anemic Agility for Lethal Torrent, as the multishot damage and status output made up for the loss in fire rate.

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3 hours ago, PhiZero said:

How does it feel in SP? As I'm running a 5x Emerald varient for Archon Continuity and Toxin Damage, and don't have the 150%+ bile to spare on testing. (slowly crafting 15 forma to fit on a second Jade to try your Amber build.)

P.S. I dropped Anemic Agility for Lethal Torrent, as the multishot damage and status output made up for the loss in fire rate.

it's pretty good, i accidentally brought magnetic to SP kuva survival and still shredded

acolytes will be a bit hard to deal with though, I think has to do with how DA interacts with Glory

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21 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

it's pretty good, i accidentally brought magnetic to SP kuva survival and still shredded

acolytes will be a bit hard to deal with though, I think has to do with how DA interacts with Glory

Magnetic should still be a good pick now that it includes Overguard, which the Eximus are definitely second in line for bodying Glory.

Not sure if it's either DA or the status effect cap for Acolytes though, as after slotting in Arcane Avenger and Primed Gambit (base 2x CD) it clears Acolytes at a decent rate.

I'm suspecting faction damage might be a wasted mod slot, as melee DoT builds also suffer against Acolytes to a degree. Maybe it can be remedied by removing faction damage from Glory to a subsumed Roar for universal faction damage? (Replacing it with Target Cracker ofc to double its base damage before status shenanigans.)

Edit: Regardless, the amount of investment to make Glory a viable alternative weapon, is honestly bordering on the absurd. ;-;

Edited by PhiZero
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15 minutes ago, PhiZero said:

Magnetic should still be a good pick now that it includes Overguard, which the Eximus are definitely second in line for bodying Glory.

Not sure if it's either DA or the status effect cap for Acolytes though, as after slotting in Arcane Avenger and Primed Gambit (base 2x CD) it clears Acolytes at a decent rate.

I'm suspecting faction damage might be a wasted mod slot, as melee DoT builds also suffer against Acolytes to a degree. Maybe it can be remedied by removing faction damage from Glory to a subsumed Roar for universal faction damage? (Replacing it with Target Cracker ofc to double its base damage before status shenanigans.)

On the topic of DoT builds, it might be worth considering just dropping DoT builds in general and instead focus on simple upfront damage builds. Especially since corrosive/cold has become much stronger (when it was already extremely strong in Damage 2.0). You have neutral damage against all factions, except Grineer and Kuva Grineer which you deal 1.5x to (which helps offset any lingering armor after the 80% corrosive armor reduction). On top of that, you're slowing enemies down and boosting crit damage.

Plus, if you put this on a lich weapon attuned to magnetic, you're not dealing bonus damage to overguard with the magnetic. Then, magnetic's procs boost the other damage types on the weapon, and once the overguard breaks, you hit them enemy with a chunk of electric (and proc).

I'd say for the player who just wants to mod their weapons and not worry about faction-specific loadouts, this is a golden time to be alive.

Edited by Hexerin
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9 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

On the topic of DoT builds, it might be worth considering just dropping DoT builds in general and instead focus on simple upfront damage builds. Especially since corrosive/cold has become much stronger (when it was already extremely strong in Damage 2.0). You have neutral damage against all factions, except Grineer and Kuva Grineer which you deal 1.5x to. On top of that, you're stripping 80% armor (or more if you slot emeralds), slowing enemies down, and boosting crit damage.

Yeah, I've been brewing the same thought for a while now too...maybe Jade is just going to be stronger with Corrosive / Faction Weakness through up front damage.

With +180% Toxin Tick Damage and 13-stacks of Corrosive, (I think this would be 98%?) most targets bite the dust at around 7-stacks of Corrosive.

(Off topic, Cold + HM + Shivering Contagion is absolutely unholy. Doesn't wipe a crowd, but it feels amazing as a Crowd Control avenue without using abilities, I was literally theory crafting Jade builds assuming Glory was a Primary pre-release.)

Edit: had a brain fart, Glory can't use the magical Corrosive Cold combo due to its innate heat damage. ;-;

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16 minutes ago, PhiZero said:

Yeah, I've been brewing the same thought for a while now too...maybe Jade is just going to be stronger with Corrosive / Faction Weakness through up front damage.

With +180% Toxin Tick Damage and 13-stacks of Corrosive, (I think this would be 98%?) most targets bite the dust at around 7-stacks of Corrosive.

(Off topic, Cold + HM + Shivering Contagion is absolutely unholy. Doesn't wipe a crowd, but it feels amazing as a Crowd Control avenue without using abilities, I was literally theory crafting Jade builds assuming Glory was a Primary pre-release.)

Edit: had a brain fart, Glory can't use the magical Corrosive Cold combo due to its innate heat damage. ;-;

Just for reference, I ended up editing my post with additional thoughts. And yea, that's one of the downsides of Glory. Innate heat isn't the greatest thing anymore, sadly...

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On 2024-06-19 at 7:04 AM, OrionSincoat said:

Try to use her with umbra intensify, transient fortitude and blind rage + streamline

Use it with red archon to balance out the duration and purple to not use equilibrium 

On the weapon use magnetic, radiation pistolcmod and heat(archon vitality) with galvanized condition overload

Magnetic does bonus damage to overguard now

If you build it to use arcane avanger your build will get almost 100% crit chance 5x+ crit damage



BTW I liked it to run wyrm with gun support mods I was getting 100k hits easily 

Gun CO doesn't work on Glory. It doesn't make it explicit in the damage numbers, but it is an AOE weapon. It has no direct damage, only radial, and radial damage does not get CO effects.

Honestly, it's best to run it with Creeping Bullseye and Primed Target Cracker, with a pistol running Cascadia Overcharger or Secondary Outburst (their buffs do carry over to exalteds), and then 5 Topaz Archon shards.
You'll get near constant orange crits, alongside high damage due to the strength, plus Judgement. Add on Nourish and you're now doing the 3 best elements, Magnetic, Viral and heat!

I took this type of build (minus the shards) on a Levelcap Cascade run (I crashed at 7.2k). She completely decimated anything normal in less than a second, and Thrax were a joke. Overguard took a little to break cause it has a natural resistance to ability damage, but once it broke, they already had 10 Mag and Viral procs, with armour stripped due to Ophanim Eye. They just got oneshot instantly. It was kinda nuts.

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4 hours ago, PhiZero said:

Edit: had a brain fart, Glory can't use the magical Corrosive Cold combo due to its innate heat damage. ;-;

No matter, it can use Viral, magnetic and Heat when used with Nourish ;) Best element combo in the game now.

Viral+Magnetic giving you +325% Damage to everything. Health, Shields, overguard, you get it.

Heat doing infinitely stacking, theoretically infinite damage procs, while also stripping 50% of armour.

Nothing really compares. With those 3 elements, you counter everything

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Agree with original post that jade doesn't seem game breaking, want to add my thoughts as well so it is out there.

First off kudos to the art team, she looks amazing and really hits the theme of an angelic warframe. Can't wait to see the skins she gets down the road!


Pablo and his team made a super fun kit for her that all flows together, she's not a top 5 frame but frankly doesn't need to be, her playstyle can be utilized in all levels of gameplay which is what you want. We really need to get Pablo a cheifs hat for tennocon, lol


All in all great update!

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7 hours ago, PhiZero said:

Magnetic should still be a good pick now that it includes Overguard, which the Eximus are definitely second in line for bodying Glory.

Not sure if it's either DA or the status effect cap for Acolytes though, as after slotting in Arcane Avenger and Primed Gambit (base 2x CD) it clears Acolytes at a decent rate.

I'm suspecting faction damage might be a wasted mod slot, as melee DoT builds also suffer against Acolytes to a degree. Maybe it can be remedied by removing faction damage from Glory to a subsumed Roar for universal faction damage? (Replacing it with Target Cracker ofc to double its base damage before status shenanigans.)

Edit: Regardless, the amount of investment to make Glory a viable alternative weapon, is honestly bordering on the absurd. ;-;

honestly don't bother with banes. just toss in your standard secondary mods. galv diffusion, lethal torrent, CC+CD, x2 6060s, hornet strike and fire rate mod, preferably anemic agility. Amalgam Furax Body Count works as well. If you want absurdity, run Arcane Velocity alongside a Wisp ally/spectre.

I run her at 254% strength plus precision intensify, so Glory hits hard. Energy drains faster than my balls to a picture of Yareli, but with Energize it's ok. A bit harder in low enemy density missions but most of the S#&$ I do has them in hordes. 

Not everyone has Energize obviously (event has it – grind NOW NOW NOW), so unless you have another means of reliable energy upkeep or energy efficiency, stick to default energy efficiency. at 45% efficiency Glory on High drains pretty damn quick.

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9 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

honestly don't bother with banes. just toss in your standard secondary mods. galv diffusion, lethal torrent, CC+CD, x2 6060s, hornet strike and fire rate mod, preferably anemic agility. Amalgam Furax Body Count works as well. If you want absurdity, run Arcane Velocity alongside a Wisp ally/spectre.

I run her at 254% strength plus precision intensify, so Glory hits hard. Energy drains faster than my balls to a picture of Yareli, but with Energize it's ok. A bit harder in low enemy density missions but most of the S#&$ I do has them in hordes. 

Not everyone has Energize obviously (event has it – grind NOW NOW NOW), so unless you have another means of reliable energy upkeep or energy efficiency, stick to default energy efficiency. at 45% efficiency Glory on High drains pretty damn quick.

Yep, been floating around the same idea and bumped up her base str to 230%, though with my build I need Banes / Faction Dmg from somewhere as I rely on Toxin procs.

Blind Rage felt good, but pretty much grounded Jade for half the battle, and with Aegis + Avenger, Equilibrium is my only source to maintain Glory.

Though I did run the math on percision intensify, I have the chicken scratch beside me without the proper labels, (God da-) and Percision Intensify was a 33% net loss in DPS, as Symphony's Dmg aura can contribute a sizable boost at low str values with Umbral Intensify.

With Archon Intensify and Combat Discipline + Avenger, the gap in Glory DPS is definitely substantially larger.

At high str values though - probably 300% str or higher without snapshots - I suspect is where Percision Intensify could pull ahead

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35 minutes ago, PhiZero said:

Yep, been floating around the same idea and bumped up her base str to 230%, though with my build I need Banes / Faction Dmg from somewhere as I rely on Toxin procs.

Blind Rage felt good, but pretty much grounded Jade for half the battle, and with Aegis + Avenger, Equilibrium is my only source to maintain Glory.

Though I did run the math on percision intensify, I have the chicken scratch beside me without the proper labels, (God da-) and Percision Intensify was a 33% net loss in DPS, as Symphony's Dmg aura can contribute a sizable boost at low str values with Umbral Intensify.

With Archon Intensify and Combat Discipline + Avenger, the gap in Glory DPS is definitely substantially larger.

At high str values though - probably 300% str or higher without snapshots - I suspect is where Percision Intensify could pull ahead

I run mine with CP + combat discipline, Avenger + Energize. 5 topaz shards as mentioned. When it hits the orange crits it's #*!%ing go ham time. Pretty consistent too. I feel this in combination with 344% str total (counting Precision Intensify and not counting bonus strength/dmg from her 2) gives her quite a big boost in damage.

This is also in tandem with archon vitality (would be a waste not to run it, tbh), but now that you mention it perhaps I should slot in archon vitality as well (my stupid ass forgot about its existence).

Honestly though I feel like it's not worth running toxin unless you have a very specific setup for a specific goal in mind, I feel magnetic to be better if what you're killing is corpus goons. If I'm not wrong Magnetic now also hits Overguard harder than the other elements, and so far I've had 0 trouble with any mobs. Nice buff they did with Magnetic, finally have a reason to mod for it lol.

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24 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

I run mine with CP + combat discipline, Avenger + Energize. 5 topaz shards as mentioned. When it hits the orange crits it's #*!%ing go ham time. Pretty consistent too. I feel this in combination with 344% str total (counting Precision Intensify and not counting bonus strength/dmg from her 2) gives her quite a big boost in damage.

This is also in tandem with archon vitality (would be a waste not to run it, tbh), but now that you mention it perhaps I should slot in archon vitality as well (my stupid ass forgot about its existence).

Honestly though I feel like it's not worth running toxin unless you have a very specific setup for a specific goal in mind, I feel magnetic to be better if what you're killing is corpus goons. If I'm not wrong Magnetic now also hits Overguard harder than the other elements, and so far I've had 0 trouble with any mobs. Nice buff they did with Magnetic, finally have a reason to mod for it lol.

I just use Toxin on all status viable exalted weapons, as it counts as ability damage for Archon Continuity's requirements. (But for some reason, it does not count for +15% Ability Damage on targets suffering from Corr / Rad / Elec which is REALLY weird.)

Get natural armor strip of up to 98% for just fighting, no extra APM from ability spam, which to me feels more comfortable  than Heat's 50% strip and heat inherit.

With +180% Tick Damage, +60% Faction Damage from Roar, and shield bypass, Toxin feels more worth it for my needs as an all purpose element to deal with Armor, Shields, and the filthy Acolytes in one package...and Bursa's have been Bane of my existence for a decade now.

(Though I will buy the Jade Pack with her Glyph next month! want a second Jade exclusively for Heat-inherit and Amber Shards.)

Almost all of my builds have no space to fit any survivability like Archon Vitality, and it wasn't until Operation Gargoyles Cry that I started running Aegis and Redirection, which means no Double Heat Stacks for my setups.

That and I'm finding some success in running Magnetic on my Moa, as it tends throw hands with an Eximus somewhere before I notice it, priming it with 5+ elements and 10-stacks of Magnetic.

Edit: So far my Jade is sitting at 200% base str, but I do snapshot Glory at 375% str, it may feel better once I farm out Growing Power. Dropped Auger Secrets for more range, just feels good at 190% for priming with her passive.

Edited by PhiZero
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1 hour ago, PhiZero said:

I just use Toxin on all status viable exalted weapons, as it counts as ability damage for Archon Continuity's requirements. (But for some reason, it does not count for +15% Ability Damage on targets suffering from Corr / Rad / Elec which is REALLY weird.)

Get natural armor strip of up to 98% for just fighting, no extra APM from ability spam, which to me feels more comfortable  than Heat's 50% strip and heat inherit.

With +180% Tick Damage, +60% Faction Damage from Roar, and shield bypass, Toxin feels more worth it for my needs as an all purpose element to deal with Armor, Shields, and the filthy Acolytes in one package...and Bursa's have been Bane of my existence for a decade now.

(Though I will buy the Jade Pack with her Glyph next month! want a second Jade exclusively for Heat-inherit and Amber Shards.)

Almost all of my builds have no space to fit any survivability like Archon Vitality, and it wasn't until Operation Gargoyles Cry that I started running Aegis and Redirection, which means no Double Heat Stacks for my setups.

That and I'm finding some success in running Magnetic on my Moa, as it tends throw hands with an Eximus somewhere before I notice it, priming it with 5+ elements and 10-stacks of Magnetic.

Edit: So far my Jade is sitting at 200% base str, but I do snapshot Glory at 375% str, it may feel better once I farm out Growing Power. Dropped Auger Secrets for more range, just feels good at 190% for priming with her passive.

Interesting build. Honestly though you might wanna reconsider sparing 1 slot for survivability (rolling guard probably works best). I mean you could just empty the room and that'd work too but some insurance doesn't hurt, yknow? Especially now that we're getting more and more content that has high enemy density & levels.

Hm. With the recent changes, magnetic might not be a bad element to put on my hound... 

You got a video demo or something? Sounds interesting. Also thankfully bursas are rare.

Edited by Skoomaseller
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33 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

Interesting build. Honestly though you might wanna reconsider sparing 1 slot for survivability (rolling guard probably works best). I mean you could just empty the room and that'd work too but some insurance doesn't hurt, yknow? Especially now that we're getting more and more content that has high enemy density & levels.

Hm. With the recent changes, magnetic might not be a bad element to put on my hound... 

You got a video demo or something? Sounds interesting. Also thankfully bursas are rare.

Definitely, thankfully Primed Redirection came around last weekend, so I'm sitting pretty at 1400 shields and Arcane Aegis + Brief Respite for constant shields. (Though if DE doesn't buff her energy in some way, I might swap it out for Boreal's Hatred + 1 Tau Blue, should be close enough to 3-seconds for a shield gate.)

Unfortunately, I'm on the Steam Deck and NSW, neither allow screen recordings for Warframe. ;-;

Though if you want a feel for the build, it is your normal Jade build that dumps a chunk of str for Overextended + Stretch; which, gives generous coverage for her 1 to prime and detonate with her alt fire.

The only hairy part is getting Toxin on Glory to qualify for Archon Continuity, as it needs 4-slots for elements: R0 Frostbite, R0 Scorch, R5 Malignant Force, and R5 Pathogeon Rounds. (~50 50 split between Blast and Toxin) Then just Primed Crit and Galv Diffusion to round it out.

Then it's up to slot either Galvanized Shot (50% Status Chance) for mob clear, or Hornet Strike (~34% SC) for mini-bosses as both are viable.

From there, you should be able to feel a trickle of its flavor, as its DoT TTK will be 1/3 of the full build; which, when I was leveling without shards still felt great on SP.

Think the Hound is definitely the best companion for her as well, infinite status spread for priming Mag / Viral / Corrosive and Equilibrium sustain! As the Panzer was running into issues with targets dying before Viral Quills could spread properly...Moa's still good though with Blast Shields.

Edited by PhiZero
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