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Blast procs inflicting self damage

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Set up a Torid Incarnon with Blast and Corrosive damage and have been noticing i'm taking a boatload of damage when killing things in close range. I can't reproduce in the simalcrum but it definatley seems as though chained blast damage is causing self-damage?

Edited by Froodles
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I am experiencing this too – it basically one-hit "kills" my Inaros (Negation Armor comes to the rescue) and Adaption ticks a stack of blast damage resistance up. Happens while fighting every faction, but I can't reproduce it in Simulacrum at all. Gotta try more to be sure and/or record some footage.

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I can't seem to be able to reproduce it at all in solo missions – not only in Simulacrum. Maybe it has something to do with being client? Also not just Torid Incarnon – my build uses a Pangolin Prime modded for Electicity, Blast and Radiation but I get self-harmed too (or so it feels) while melee killing a bunch of enemies in one swing.

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ive also noticed this when i tried blast on tenet glaxion on the operation ascension, also cant reproduce in simulacrum so i think it must be an issue when you are not host or have a bad connection as it is very inconsistent, was getting nezha warding halo up to like 500M standing next to blast procced enemies but also still immediately getting one shot through it

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Edit: Posts got merged, you are in the correct thread 😊

Also I want to redirect you all to -> This post here if this is okay with you, since it is in the correct subforum to discuss the status change bugs and just has been opened recently.

And I want to prevent two different discussions happening independently in two different posts... Makes everything easier when all information is condensed in one post.

Edited by Druid_Saladan
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I have this issue as well only occasionally with prisma kana incarnon genesis and a few others while playing as dante with 20k plus overboard but high blast damage on my melee as I use melee weapons as my main form of damage so they are my best weapons damage wise a full stack of blast auto detonating with max overboard and the final verse active can still down me on higher level enemies. Experienced this doing a sister of parvos mission getting the murmurs on Venus the first level place.I believe I was not host but I am unsure. However when I play solo there appears to be no self damage or self downing. Hopefully this gets fixed soon as currently when the bug is active using a blast melee is self downing and not viable if you are a melee main like me. I will say when it works with melee with no self damage it is amazing However. I was going to do a bunch of testing but since others have reported it I figured I should only add the overboard breaking and downing I have experienced to hopefully help the developers fix it sooner. 

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It's probably a client issue. I was running solo missions using blast with the lavos valence formation augment and had zero issues. The moment I went in to missions with friends, with someone else as the squad host, I was getting my shields instantly broken/getting one shot whenever I was using blast procs point blank on an enemy.

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Just did another round of testing with enlarged damage numbers: When I get the deadly damage, I kill an enemy and a damage number pops stating that I proc a blast status.

This might be the reason for the inconsistency: I think you have to proc the blast status on the killing blow for the self damage.

I can confirm it only happens while not being host, but it happens with any enemy type, not just Jade Eximus, it doesn't even have to be Eximus at all.

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Can confirm this is also happening and killing Yareli Merulina.  During the invulnerble phase I can get Merulina up to 800k life from the self damage procs then die almost instantly. This is using the Furis Incarnon.

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Sadly DE didn't fix it with latest hot fix. At least not on Ps5 yet. Same thing only occurs on blast proc only when in multiplayer and NOT the host. Just had it happen repeatedly to me when using verilac whip with blast build on it. 

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