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This quest feels so wrong

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Sorry for my language, but this ... eeeh... stuff feels wrong at so many levels I found myself sitting there dumbfounded, unable to decide what to point out first.

DISCLAIMER: Following text describes themes of general procreation, state of pregnancy, health and mental issues, and developers being woefully insensitive to these topics. If you won't take in any considerations in such topics, please avoid reading further.


Like, how this got through designing, focus testing, playtesting at all?
What kind of wonderful person would decide that a short story like that would fly?
What kind of designer would decide to make pregnancy a default and unchangeable state for a warframe (no toggle)?
What kind of a QA would pass that all combined without a seizure?

Please don't take me wrong - I like the general idea of a seraphic frame with a throwback to original designs for seraphs being horrifying killer amalgamations of wings, feathers, eyes and magic that serve an unkind Lord of humanity, that would one day cleanse the slate with those creations to end the world. I liked abilities of such a strong support frame. I liked the weapons.

But for the life of me, I can't wrap my mind about the shoehorned pregnancy and following motherhood themes.

First and foremost - for many people (and not just your audience) it's an extremely uncomfortable and very, VERY intimate topic. Many people have issues with this theme. Many people have traumas with being either unable to carry a child, or miscarriages, or poor delivery and problematic infancy and you chose to force a player character (Operator) regardless of their gender and in spite of a direct and plain refusal to do so to experience a pregnant Warframe's delivery process at a bladepoint? 

I mean, I know Warframe's a pretty hucked up universe and there's no 'good' side, all sides are bad at least in something... But that kinda crosses a line between an artistic depiction of horror and into a trash content that is rightfully banned in quite a lot of countries. It's not art. It's not good. It's awful and it shouldn't be mandatory for players to experience. 

Second thing - the warning about disturbing themes is so hugging vague and limited it doesn't even beging to describe what kind of content you've shoven in. As it stands, it should be quite a list of tags to rival some very perverted pornography I'm sure news outlets would love to speak about.

Lastly, the quest itself doesn't have a decent enough narrative focus on the feelings of basically, anyone aside from distressed and now abandoned Hunhow. Ok, I get it, "Stalker and Smalker got away to Lua to do something, cliffhanger, so weird, we can be Kojimas too" but for the love for the game and audience go learn that tragedy as a genre requires conclusion and ending. Otherwise it's Dembski-Bowden kind of trash that is so niche it would've been best to stay in Patreon support or something.

So, please, consider these steps:

1. Rework the frame model to accept a toggle to exclude content that would disturb a sizeable portion of your audience (and story-wise we have a reason to accept it as an option).
AL_Aegir's contribution: please either add a separate toggle to show/not show those disturbing models for other players' Jades, or make one toggle to show/not show those models for all Jades for the user. 
2. Make the quest completion optional to get the frame by completing the Ascension node. Like, players try to start the node, there's a message like "Would you like to know an unnecessarily disturbing story and introduce your Operator to some exceedingly unhealthy experiences?" and that leads to this part of your... content.
3. Redo the warning message. It's so misguiding I feel tempted to make a playthrough video an send it to ESRB for them to review the ratings for the game and include intruguing new topics that we are now able to explore.

Sincerely yours, 



Edited by AriaTLoak
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The quest was good.

At the end of the day, nobody else is resposible for you dealing with your own personal trauma once you're an adult.

There is no objective differentiation between being "insensitive" and expressing or displaying any facets of life in the context of jade shadow's story

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2 hours ago, AriaTLoak said:

Sorry for my language, but this ... eeeh... stuff feels wrong at so many levels I found myself sitting there dumbfounded, unable to decide what to point out first.

DISCLAIMER: Following text describes themes of general procreation, state of pregnancy, health and mental issues, and developers being woefully insensitive to these topics. If you won't take in any considerations in such topics, please avoid reading further.

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Like, how this got through designing, focus testing, playtesting at all?
What kind of wonderful person would decide that a short story like that would fly?
What kind of designer would decide to make pregnancy a default and unchangeable state for a warframe (no toggle)?
What kind of a QA would pass that all combined without a seizure?

Please don't take me wrong - I like the general idea of a seraphic frame with a throwback to original designs for seraphs being horrifying killer amalgamations of wings, feathers, eyes and magic that serve an unkind Lord of humanity, that would one day cleanse the slate with those creations to end the world. I liked abilities of such a strong support frame. I liked the weapons.

But for the life of me, I can't wrap my mind about the shoehorned pregnancy and following motherhood themes.

First and foremost - for many people (and not just your audience) it's an extremely uncomfortable and very, VERY intimate topic. Many people have issues with this theme. Many people have traumas with being either unable to carry a child, or miscarriages, or poor delivery and problematic infancy and you chose to force a player character (Operator) regardless of their gender and in spite of a direct and plain refusal to do so to experience a pregnant Warframe's delivery process at a bladepoint? 

I mean, I know Warframe's a pretty hucked up universe and there's no 'good' side, all sides are bad at least in something... But that kinda crosses a line between an artistic depiction of horror and into a trash content that is rightfully banned in quite a lot of countries. It's not art. It's not good. It's awful and it shouldn't be mandatory for players to experience. 

Second thing - the warning about disturbing themes is so hugging vague and limited it doesn't even beging to describe what kind of content you've shoven in. As it stands, it should be quite a list of tags to rival some very perverted pornography I'm sure news outlets would love to speak about.

Lastly, the quest itself doesn't have a decent enough narrative focus on the feelings of basically, anyone aside from distressed and now abandoned Hunhow. Ok, I get it, "Stalker and Smalker got away to Lua to do something, cliffhanger, so weird, we can be Kojimas too" but for the love for the game and audience go learn that tragedy as a genre requires conclusion and ending. Otherwise it's Dembski-Bowden kind of trash that is so niche it would've been best to stay in Patreon support or something.

So, please, consider these steps:

1. Rework the frame model to accept a toggle to exclude content that would disturb a sizeable portion of your audience (and story-wise we have a reason to accept it as an option).
2. Make the quest completion optional to get the frame by completing the Ascension node. Like, players try to start the node, there's a message like "Would you like to know an unnecessarily disturbing story and introduce your Operator to some exceedingly unhealthy experiences?" and that leads to this part of your... content.
3. Redo the warning message. It's so misguiding I feel tempted to make a playthrough video an send it to ESRB for them to review the ratings for the game and include intruguing new topics that we are now able to explore.

Sincerely yours, 



tbh, i would add 1 more toggle to the first point: let me hide that part from all jades i encounter, not just my own, other then that, DE, do it

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16 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

The quest was good.

At the end of the day, nobody else is resposible for you dealing with your own personal trauma once you're an adult.

There is no objective differentiation between being "insensitive" and expressing or displaying any facets of life in the context of jade shadow's story

Thanks for your contribution!

I would remind you, that my point stands as follows:
1. This content is excessively disturbing for a videogame marketed for 'space ninjas, which play free'.
2. Excessively disturbing content should be optional, not manadatory to access the rest of the content, which isn't excessively disturbing (say, the Ascension mission).
3. There should be a proper warning before players get into such a disturbing content, not that fig leaf of an effort.

Yes, in the end it's person's choice to play something or not.
I am saying that persons playing the game should be able to make an informed choice, and not stumble blindly into... that.

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1 minute ago, AriaTLoak said:

Thanks for your contribution!

I would remind you, that my point stands as follows:
1. This content is excessively disturbing for a videogame marketed for 'space ninjas, which play free'.
2. Excessively disturbing content should be optional, not manadatory to access the rest of the content, which isn't excessively disturbing (say, the Ascension mission).
3. There should be a proper warning before players get into such a disturbing content, not that fig leaf of an effort.

Yes, in the end it's person's choice to play something or not.
I am saying that persons playing the game should be able to make an informed choice, and not stumble blindly into... that.

1. Warframe is rated M.
2. What is disturbing is completely subjective.
3. There was a warning that literally says "scenes of trauma related to motherhood"

Also idk about you but i had a good chuckle bullet jumping around as stalker dad with babyframe in hand

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

1. Warframe is rated M.
2. What is disturbing is completely subjective.
3. There was a warning that literally says "scenes of trauma related to motherhood"

Also idk about you but i had a good chuckle bullet jumping around as stalker dad with babyframe in hand

1. Apples to apples, oranges to oranges. Jade's quest has no place in an action game about space ninjas. Might be quality content for some perverted individuals, but I suppose there should be thematic web resources for that. No need to pull it into a videogame about ninjas with much wider audience.
2. Indeed. Still, there are generally accepted humanitarian morals - one of which is freedom of choice - and forcing a player character through all that without specifying what kind of traumas are those is simply wrong. Not to say that such M rated content should be mentioned in the ratings for the game - and as it stands, it's not. Which I'm thinking should be rectified if no changes get applied to the situation.
3. As said before, terribly vague. Traumas related to motherhood might be hucking anything, as it happens.

I am happy for you having such a good time and being able to turn that side of brain off for the time being. I really am.
Some aren't that blessed, so... Might need a little more warning and ability to skip it all.

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People fail to understand one simple key thought:

"There is a time and a place for everything".

Yes, for everything. Including discussions of themes such as pregnancy, birth, parenthood, loss of the loved one, becoming a single parent and especially all of that combined. By itself - nothing wrong with any of these things. Recently been re-watching an awesome TV-show called "Dexter", where literally the same themes are included. And yet... These themes are written and showed way better, plus they are appropriate to the events, mental state of the main character and the story that they are in. Yeah, the whole show itself, which is all about him - a guy named "Dexter", literally the same as the name of the show.

Yet Warframe is literally not the place for this stuff. And especially if it's not even about "us", "main character", the Tenno, but about a side-character. Because yes, Stalker might be a cool and important character in the overall lore/story... but he's NOT the main character, he's not Tenno, he's not the player, he's not "us".

All of these themes not only don't belong in Warframe as a whole, but they are not even "attached" to our own characters in the first place. So why we would or should even care, let alone "relate"? Which is why this quest and how it was implemented(poorly) literally feels as someone's fetish fan-fiction and self-insert. Nothing more.

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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7 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

People fail to understand one simple key thought:

"There is a time and a place for everything".

Yes, for everything. Including discussions of themes such as pregnancy, birth, loss of the loved one, becoming a single parent and especially all of that combined. By itself - nothing wrong with any of these things. Recently been re-watching an awesome TV-show called "Dexter", where literally the same themes are included. And yet... These themes are written and showed way better, plus they are appropriate to the events, mental state of the main character and the story that they are in. Yeah, the whole show itself, which is all about him - a guy named "Dexter", literally the same as the name of the show.

Yet Warframe is literally not the place for this stuff. And especially if it's not even about "us", "main character", the Tenno, but about a side-character. Because yes, Stalker might be a cool and important character in the overall lore/story... but he's NOT the main character, he's not Tenno, he's not the player, he's not "us".

All of these themes not only don't belong in Warframe as a whole, but they are not even "attached" to our own characters in the first place. So why we would or should even care, let alone "relate"? Which is why this quest and how it was implemented(poorly) literally feels as someone's fetish fan-fiction and self-insert. Nothing more.

Hence, this should be best made optional with a proper warning for all those who enter the abyss on their own risk. Agreed.

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hace 2 minutos, AriaTLoak dijo:

Hence, this should be best made optional with a proper warning for all those who enter the abyss on their own risk. Agreed.

I feel that its more like "this should not exist in first place" xD And i agree with that. This is a poorly written fanfic and reeks to fetishism.


And now they have a child-frame close at hand. I'm scared to imagine on the possibility that the next delicate theme deserving a trigger warning could start with the letter P.

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26 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

I feel that its more like "this should not exist in first place" xD And i agree with that. This is a poorly written fanfic and reeks to fetishism.

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And now they have a child-frame close at hand. I'm scared to imagine on the possibility that the next delicate theme deserving a trigger warning could start with the letter P.

Well, we live in a representative times. Everyone should get some recognition.


Next Pride Month, I guess?


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You pretend everyone is hyper-fragile like you to manufacture an image of "everyone is disturbed" and create some sense of pressure on DE. Fact of the matter is, most people aren't crumbling apart at the sight of a pregnant woman and there is a small handful of people like you that need to make everything "problematic" and complain and whine about nothing and demand everything be covered in bubble-wrap.

And what is that lame low-key threat of sending it to the ESRB? Game is rated M. If you ain't M get out if you are "so traumatized y pregnant lady" or stay in and grow up

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Just now, Redrigoth said:

You pretend everyone is hyper-fragile like you to manufacture an image of "everyone is disturbed" and create some sense of pressure on DE. Fact of the matter is, most people aren't crumbling apart at the sight of a pregnant woman and there is a small handful of people like you that need to make everything "problematic" and complain and whine about nothing and demand everything be covered in bubble-wrap.

And what is that lame low-key threat of sending it to the ESRB? Game is rated M. If you ain't M get out if you are "so traumatized y pregnant lady" or stay in and grow up

Ah, i so do love when people can't read - and still are willing to contribute to discussion. Welcome, friend!

1. I do not pretend that anyone is hyper-fragile like me. I do not pretend that anyone is anything. I know people that played that sequence with me that were indeed very disturbed, and it saddened my weary soul, you know, that for sake of... forced originality and faked inclusivity we're having this sorry excuse of a quest - during the Pride Month, no less. Which is actually all about NOT HURTING vulnerable people. And that quest did hurt.
2. I find your 'most people' part of the comment quite tone deaf. I thought you said it was I who was assuming that 'most people are like me'? Oh, you.

Anyway, was fun conversing with you.

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1 hour ago, AriaTLoak said:

Ah, i so do love when people can't read - and still are willing to contribute to discussion. Welcome, friend!

1. I do not pretend that anyone is hyper-fragile like me. I do not pretend that anyone is anything. I know people that played that sequence with me that were indeed very disturbed, and it saddened my weary soul, you know, that for sake of... forced originality and faked inclusivity we're having this sorry excuse of a quest - during the Pride Month, no less. Which is actually all about NOT HURTING vulnerable people. And that quest did hurt.
2. I find your 'most people' part of the comment quite tone deaf. I thought you said it was I who was assuming that 'most people are like me'? Oh, you.

Anyway, was fun conversing with you.

Stop weaponizing victimhood man. "i got hurt" "pander to me in my self anointed month of pandering!"

And of course you know people who operate like you. That's how one's peer group forms. And in your case it will be a group of people who push the "I'm hurt, revolve your actions and attention around me" behavior. You all need to grow up.

Also regarding "...during the Pride Month, no less. Which is actually all about NOT HURTING vulnerable people. And that quest did hurt",
Last I checked, pride was about celebrating something (being gay, etc in this context) but of course you're gonna twist it into "it's supposed to be about ME and MY self-victimization. Put me on a pedestal!".

And that quest was about Stalker and Jade lore, not the glorious You. The narcissism is real

Edited by Redrigoth
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OP is just a troll no?I read it all and honestly, it's clearly its own problem not DE.

The first and foremost point is a huge joke, most people don't care at all, like it should.

Second point, same thing, if they told OP precisely what is the disturbing theme, 100% OP would complain about : i would prefer that they just said it was disturbing without saying what it was.

Third point : If that's how OP interpet the quest, its OP issues again. Quest can be understand on many ways.

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1 hour ago, Redrigoth said:

Stop weaponizing victimhood man. "i got hurt" "pander to me in my self anointed month of pandering!"

And of course you know people who operate like you. That's how one's peer group forms. And in your case it will be a group of people who push the "I'm hurt, revolve your actions and attention around me" behavior. You all need to grow up.

Also regarding "Which is actually all about NOT HURTING vulnerable people. And that quest did hurt", last I checked, pride was about celebrating something (being gay, etc in this context) but of course you're gonna twist it into "it's supposed to be about ME and MY self-victimization. Put me on a pedestal!". And that quest was about Stalker and Jade lore, not the glorious You. The narcissism is real

I would suggest you stop victimblaming then?
We live in the world when psyches got torched all the time, and the most recent trends for using considered language did not appear from nowhere. Being considerate speaks volumes for you as a person, and in corporate world it does indeed even more. 

Being that dismissive and inconsiderate also indicates a lot about you as a person, and as much as I'd like to settle on something productive with you it simply might not be possible. All I can hope for is that DE reads this and avoids making similarly grievous things in the future, or gets a more appropriate rating for their game. False advertising by omission of things like this shouldn't roll.

Anyway, good luck and have fun!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, RamnorHoundred said:

You are responsible for your own triggers as you are for your own happiness. Its no more than curtessy and not something you can demand.

Victimblaming is a slippery slope, my friend, and should be taken cautiously.

If this quest wouldn't block a sizeable portion of widely popular content, thus being purely optional, it would be 'almost okay'.
If this quest would've being optional and would have a properly worded warning before it, it would be GREAT! (mostly because I would skip it, and everyone who would like to play it would play it).

Sadly, it isn't. It is getting shoven into people's faces, and not everyone likes and/or accepts it as it is. It might be fine for you, but it also might be 'very not fine' for quite some people out there and it would not be real fine to ignore that. Why not be a good guy and fix a problem that does not require lots of time, effort and resources?

All the requests in the OP are made with open heart and with best of wishes, please react to it the same gracious.

Edited by AriaTLoak
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hace 1 hora, AriaTLoak dijo:

Well, we live in a representative times. Everyone should get some recognition.

Tf are you talking about? Not everything into the world revolves around recognition needs.

I dont give a f about having to play as a pregnant in a videogame or one appearing, but in THIS game i just think that a pregnant woman shouldnt be used as a plot device in such a rough way and much less revived to be sent into the battle.

hace 13 minutos, AriaTLoak dijo:

I would suggest you stop victimblaming then?

hace 3 minutos, AriaTLoak dijo:

Victimblaming is a slippery slope, my friend, and should be taken cautiously.

Wtf, victim? You? For what? For pointing that you are victimizinr yourself? As you continue to do? Dont make me laugh, welcome to the internet. First time experience?

Don't take me wrong, i agree with nearly everything you said inside the Spoiler in the OP, just not with the steps and not with how fast you went to pick the victimhood blanket and wrap yourself in it.

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il y a 10 minutes, AriaTLoak a dit :

Victimblaming is a slippery slope, my friend, and should be taken cautiously.

If this quest wouldn't block a sizeable portion of widely popular content, thus being purely optional, it would be 'almost okay'.
If this quest would've being optional and would have a properly worded warning before it, it would be GREAT! (mostly because I would skip it, and everyone who would like to play it would play it).

Sadly, it isn't. It is getting shoven into people's faces, and not everyone likes and/or accepts it as it is. It might be fine for you, but it also might be 'very not fine' for quite some people out there and it would not be real fine to ignore that. Why not be a good guy and fix a problem that does not require lots of time, effort and resources?

All the requests in the OP are made with open heart and with best of wishes, please react to it the same gracious.

You have obviously an issue with how to enjoy content. If when you play a game, read a book, watch a movie or anything, you need to enjoy everything, YOU are the problem. A game is a journey, you will like some, you won't like some. You enjoy the journey, not the moment, it's the same IRL, don't like your job, but like the salary at the end of the month. Stop trying to impose your childish idea and mindset please.

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3 minutes ago, PurpleDraken said:

You have obviously an issue with how to enjoy content. If when you play a game, read a book, watch a movie or anything, you need to enjoy everything, YOU are the problem. A game is a journey, you will like some, you won't like some. You enjoy the journey, not the moment, it's the same IRL, don't like your job, but like the salary at the end of the month. Stop trying to impose your childish idea and mindset please.

Yeah, stop asking content makers of the game i actually enjoy to play with my friends to be nice and considerate. I totally get ya. 
Hopefully, you won't mind if I don't agree with you.

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10 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

Tf are you talking about? Not everything into the world revolves around recognition needs.

I dont give a f about having to play as a pregnant in a videogame or one appearing, but in THIS game i just think that a pregnant woman shouldnt be used as a plot device in such a rough way and much less revived to be sent into the battle.

Wtf, victim? You? For what? For pointing that you are victimizinr yourself? As you continue to do? Dont make me laugh, welcome to the internet. First time experience?

Don't take me wrong, i agree with nearly everything you said inside the Spoiler in the OP, just not with the steps and not with how fast you went to pick the victimhood blanket and wrap yourself in it.

Victimblaming by definition is blaming a person that was hurt for being hurt in the first place, which by same definition isn't something constructive, positive or whatever. Which I pointed out. There's a fine line between being blunt and rude, and most of the criticisms I've encountered so far in this thread are just rude. See to Draken's fella posts to get the idea.

I prefer not to accept as a valid opinion stuff like that. 

As for the rest, I must say again that all I'm in for is the gracious allowance from developers to players in making an informed choice whenther to play this wonderful quest or to skip it. Mandatory trauma discussing and inducing content shouldn't gate something like new mission types, weapons, frames, resources. Not exactly rockets science, right?

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45 minutes ago, AriaTLoak said:

I would suggest you stop victimblaming then?
We live in the world when psyches got torched all the time, and the most recent trends for using considered language did not appear from nowhere. Being considerate speaks volumes for you as a person, and in corporate world it does indeed even more. 

Being that dismissive and inconsiderate also indicates a lot about you as a person, and as much as I'd like to settle on something productive with you it simply might not be possible. All I can hope for is that DE reads this and avoids making similarly grievous things in the future, or gets a more appropriate rating for their game. False advertising by omission of things like this shouldn't roll.

Anyway, good luck and have fun!

Lmao "victim-blaming".

You really manufactured outrage over seeing a pregnant frame fade away after the suggestion of childbirth and then called yourself the victim for not being coddled. You aren't even part of the equation to begin with. It's about Jade and Stalker not you.

Nice try with the buzzwords. Spin pedestalizing you into "being considerate" and "being a good person" and having things you don't like (In Pride Month!!! no less. Such heresy!) as "grievous" and "inappropriate" and "false advertising".

Are you a professional victim that works in a consultation firm that threatens companies into hiring them so they can "implement the game in a considerate and representative manner for the modern audience" by suggesting that not hiring you will draw "backlash"?

What a joke.

Also you said "Victimblaming by definition is blaming a person that was hurt for being hurt in the first place, which by same definition isn't something constructive, positive or whatever." but the trick here is claiming being hurt in the first place so you can define opposition as bad by definition. You weren't "hurt" by a barely detailed cut-scene in a game. Thinking about something unpleasant for a minute isn't "getting hurt".

If you want to argue "I don't want to see pregnancy in game so let me skip the scenes" that's fine, but geez all this extra stuff and professional self-victimization and shaming tactics.

Edited by Redrigoth
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I'm genuinely so weirded out that everyone is so disturbed by her looking pregnant. 

How is it in real life? Do you walk up to pregnant women and tell them to never leave their house again, so you aren't 'forced' to see their baby bump?

There are so many weird things about this quest and you guys choose to focus on that one thing. 

People weren't complaining as much about Dagath, a literally beheaded frame. So why now?

Is it a men thing? I haven't seen my female friends complaining but boy, the guys were disgusting on release day. Are men really that fragile that they can't look at a baby bump?

But at the same time look at Grendel and bow down before his glorious sumo body? 


So weirded out. So so much.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)UmbralHalo said:

I'm genuinely so weirded out that everyone is so disturbed by her looking pregnant. 

How is it in real life? Do you walk up to pregnant women and tell them to never leave their house again, so you aren't 'forced' to see their baby bump?

There are so many weird things about this quest and you guys choose to focus on that one thing. 

People weren't complaining as much about Dagath, a literally beheaded frame. So why now?

Is it a men thing? I haven't seen my female friends complaining but boy, the guys were disgusting on release day. Are men really that fragile that they can't look at a baby bump?

But at the same time look at Grendel and bow down before his glorious sumo body? 


So weirded out. So so much.

Don't know if it's a man thing or not but I'll explain how it's uncomfortable to me and how it could really be traumatic to some men.

I find it uncomfortable seeing a pregnant women, or the imaging of one, getting shot at/hit and so fourth. So it's not the baby bump that's the issue. It's 

the results of putting that baby bump into a virtual combat zone. 

Now for the truely traumatic thing. If you could imagine there's bound to be men who have outlived their spouse/children. I don't think I need to continue on explaining

how the image of a pregnant lady being throne into combat would rub them the wrong way and the rest of the quest line. Enough to give pts.

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I mean, if you don't like the quest, the frame, or the lore... simply don't play the game?

You won't be missed and DE won't care because your ego is fragile and you can't handle a touchy topic.

This entire game is nothing BUT touchy topics.

The warning itself was not vague, Jade that we build and use is also NOT technically pregnant, she already had the child, the belly is just the light source for her power at this point. If you're this overly sensitive about this topic, you really need to stop playing any game that involves pregnancy then. 

DE doesn't have to please every player, and they likely won't. So if you don't like the quest or Jade, then why are you playing it? Why are you using the frame? Seems so redundant to complain whilst you're still using the frame itself.

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