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belly of the beast

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Can we get more enemies at the end of the mission it's so boring and easy my team is finishing in 6 minutes or so and there's nothing to do just afk basically plz more would be soo much better im not the only one right ? for belly of the beast

Edited by StrawHats04
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At the elevator ride? More enemies won't help there, a better idea would be a way to accelerate the elevator, maybe by overcharing it - tossing more ionic charges in excess to its capacity would give it a short speed boost.

Post elevator ride? What is there to make a challenge of, it's a short run in a straight line. If they want to add more challenge to it they could make it so the pod could actually be killed, this would amp the tension (or at least make us consider the loadout, so we would actually consider what we take to the mission instead of just running whatever). If you're feeling extra sadistic or masochistic, you could make the pod vulnerable and killable throughout the elevator ride.

More bodies to throw at us will make this mission neither more difficult nor more interesting.

Edited by VisionAndVoice
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I think he means the part between the cross shaped room and the ending (the Gallery). There are literally 4 enemies in SP there. Also cvertain frames (eg. Saryn tend to nuke everything ahead of time) as well as people jump up and clear the enemies there, while looking for sister charges.

Edited by Zakkhar
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Posted (edited)

so it's a bad excavator and no way to adjust the damage it can take to  like 40 kills isn't anything you can do that in the first 20 seconds in a SP survival   And yes the cross room is more or less what im talking about its the best part of the mission i wanna be able to kill something with a nice kit i farmed up its way underwhelming for SP 

Edited by StrawHats04
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