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I've been here a long time tenno, and I have no clan to show for it anymore


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this is a long one, strap in. TL;DR at the bottom.

I've been playing since early 2015. that was a looong long time ago.
Towers were still a thing. keys, too.
Best transportation method? Zoren-copter.
Mastery rank was not a concern anyone had.
Quests were something you did not know.
Operators had never been dreamt of.
Dojos, oooh, our Dojo was.... special. Emptily so. just a few rooms, the labs, and that's pretty much it.
And that's where I started; the clan I stumbled into was one of a friend of a friend's, which we took over and then some when he just up and stopped playing. Got DE to hand over leadership after a while of no-contact with the leader, and it was smooth sailing from there. Tore down and rebuilt the entire dojo pretty much myself, placed statues and some semblance of decoration with a friend, started rushing through all the research labs, and then another friend-of-a-friend joined in on the fun and hauled ass decorating the place. We did amazing runs on events. Me and him even got in the leaderboards on one event. gold statues pretty much all the time. when better decorations came, he went ballistic decorator mode, and poured his heart in the thing. built robots, fountains, bars, houses, caves, holy S#&$ he made it fancy. I'm not saying our dojo was anything special considering what some folks are dreaming up nowadays, but it was ours. And, it still had two OG orokin rooms in it. It was Special.

This clan were my best friends. One of us even changed their in-game name on every game since 2016 to something I had come up with for him and stuck with it ever since, internet-wide. I even have pictures of us with [DE]steve and [DE]Rebecca having the best time at tennoVIP in Paris that DE organized in 2018, and had won a Chroma prime pack there, and given to one of them that was still missing it. (I still feel sorry for drinking way too much of the whiskey there)

We saw the game change together, found new ways to wreak havoc on our enemies, sharing builds and min-maxing some of them to stupid proportions, tailoring setups to rush certain missions like nobody's business, the whole nine yards! (I still have a post-it on my desk of the 7m06s Hydron run time to beat for our clan that I set)

And now, 9 years later, I'm not a part of that story anymore.
I got kicked out. No warnings, No message, No contact whatsoever after me asking wtf and why, just kicked out like I was trash.
We had space in the roster. We were a tiny clan of three, and seven free-ish spots for friends, basically.

I've been on-and-off warframe for quite a bit now. Burnt out by the game itself, the incessant loose ends of quests and lore, the RNG, the insane grind for some stuff, the disappearance of others (R.I.P. raids my beloved), and every so often I'd go for a month or two without playing. Often, just a week or two. But I always came back, and I was always up for play if someone wanted to play.

Last time I logged in, after about a month of not logging in-game, I had simply been kicked out of the clan I had.
And last time I talked to those clanmates, they preferred defending a transphobic friend of theirs that had violently insulted me out of nowhere, while they were at a party with that person and had 'forgotten to invite me' (they spoke and played with me the entire week beforehand). Pretty much everyone that was active on our discord was there. but me.
I left our discord because it happened a second time. When I tried defending myself from being insulted, I was, to them, in the wrong.
They refused to deal with it properly and prevent people they knew from being hurt and insulted by random A******s.

I (thought I) knew these people. I've spent years with them talking on skype, teamspeak, discord. I knew them IRL and some of them I even saw every few weekends to hang out. We had been there for each others through tough times. Some lost dads, some pets, some grandparents, we shared hard times because we could have good times together. All of us were night-owls, so playing until three, four, five in the morning was not an uncommon occurrence. We spoke about nothing and everything. We played airsoft in the summer in a private forest, and had even set-up an official non-profit org for that purpose.

But they decided to kick out the one that got insulted twice for no reason by a transphobic A******.
Shows me right, unconditionally trusting people that told me had no problem with me being trans when I came out and started transitioning in 2021.

I have no reason to play Warframe anymore, really. I have no more friends on this game to play with, and I have absolutely zero will to rebuild a Dojo from scratch and do all the researches *again* and be reminded every #*!%ing time I go there of what happened to me. I'm not even sure I'll buy the tennocon pack this year, and that's the one thing I've been doing every year since I could afford it in 2017, regardless of what I though of the game experience at any given time or how much I played it or was burnt out on it.
I want to play this game, but all the reasons I was doing it for and with have left my life.

This sucks, and I hate it.

TL;DR: got kicked out of my clan by transphobic ex-friends for not liking getting insulted, and I have nothing to attach me to this game anymore and nobody to play it with.


PS: pat your helminth on the head, I hear they like it.

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My friend. I'm literally so sorry this happened. 

When I started, I made a clan with my 2 other friends who played the game. And now both of them have moved on. Burnt themselves out years ago so now it's just been me in an empty dojo. Sometimes decorating. Sometimes changing things. But always just me and the silence. One friend never gave me leadership when he left so I'm just me in a clan im not even leader of. Occasionally the other one re-installs and stops by to do some random missions with me. Then he uninstalls again and doesn't think about the game for 6 more months.

It's not the same situation but it's also hard. I also have no friends that play this game anymore. 

If you have the willpower to trust again. I don't mind being there if you want to try making a new friend. I know you're probably very hurt right now though. It's okay to take some time for yourself. Find something else to love in this game. Or not. It'll be up to you. But I hope you can find some light again. 

Sorry this got a little wordy (or cringey depending on perspective). 

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I'm genuinely sorry to hear this.  It's definitely a familiar story, where long-time friendships eventually break when defending bigotry becomes more important than basic human kindness.  It always sucks when it happens.

My best advice on bouncing back from this is to take a break from Warframe for awhile.  For a long time Warframe and these folks have been intertwined for you, so it's natural that Warframe will remind you of them, and that can often be like pouring salt in a wound.  But over time, the unpleasantness will fade, and eventually you may be ready to play again.  Or not.  Either way, what's important is what makes you happy.

In my subjective enby opinion, I think Warframe can be quite fun without friends.  Naturally, friends make everything better, but the average amount of friends I have online each day is about 0.05, and I've found that just doing public matchmaking tends to be really fun.  I really like the way moving around as a Warframe makes me feel.

If and when you come back, if you want to, keep me in mind.  I don't play everyday.  Sometimes I don't play for long.  I have issues with (real-life) energy that sometimes mean I need to duck out to keep myself afloat.  But I'm all about kindness, compassion, and having a nice time.

Regardless, I really hope that things feel better soon!

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Oh, I was expecting this to be more about the thousand one man clans out there. Instead this just bummed me out.

The internet is not what it was long ago. I don't want to exclude people but I feel early internet adopters better understood the avatar their looking at in a game is a person and thus should be treated just like you would treat a person. I hope there's people who joined later on who felt the same. It would be tragic to think majority just see each other as pixels or a means of getting something they want. Damn near Sociopath tendencies. I can never be one of those people.

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