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do the jade parts even drop?

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I earned all the vestigial motes to buy the first 3 jade parts before ever seeing one drop (450)

I am now 719 vestigial motes and a single jade chassis blueprint is all I have seen drop out of the jade parts

I have had 4 harmony 3 eversong and 0 cantare

I am 31 vestigial motes away from buying the blueprint, the nueroptics and the systems to build my second jade to feed helminth and I still need 300 more for the secondary

those drop chances are horrific!

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well, for the first jade i got all parts during the runs to accumulate enough motes to buy the  (then, still missing) neuroptic, the bow BP and the 2nd main BP... in the end i had, ofc, far too many motes, since i only had to buy the main BP that can't drop from the mission.

all in all, a typical DE farm-run ^^)

oh yeah, play on SP, since that is way faster...

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