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Everything posted by Tatakai-no-Kami

  1. Yeah it's been like 3 months since the forums were broken for a lot of us. Any word at all from DE as to when this mess is gonna be addressed and fixed? Or is it just going to be ignored and buried?
  2. Am I misremembering what we got week one or did we get the Dex Nouchali Syandana as a reward twice this year? Is that a mistake and one of them should have been the Dex Sybaris? Or are we getting the Dex Sybaris this weekend? On another note. I'm really disappointed the Dex Nikana wasn't a Dual Nikana like the Sun and Moon. I feel like that was a missed opportunity. Also, still unable to sign in as my Xbox profile 90% of the time.
  3. Platform: Xbox. Solo play. Extermination mission. Just completed a mission, got a Simaris scan, an Ayatan sculpture about 20 argon and bunch of other rewards, and at the end I got stuck in a permanent loop of |Could not update account information. I have never gotten this permanent error before. All the mission rewards gone. Also, I cannot log into my Xbox account to post this is the Xbox forums. This has been an issue for several months on the foirums that is being ignored. Sort it out.
  4. Bump because this issue seems to be ignored.
  5. Hey DE, give us some support here instead of ignoring us. My xbox account is my primary account, I have almost a decade of history on these forums on and off. Yet for no apparent rhyme or reason, the forums cannot make up its mind as to whether I should be logged into my Xbox account here, or the noob PC account I do not play on but was forced to create for cross-save so I could continue posting here. It's been about two months and we have gotten nothing from you guys in regards to when this will be sorted and ZenDesk support as always is useless.
  6. Still an issue this week. It's definitely related to having too many Grineer with you thanks to freeing them and having the Veilbreaker subquest.
  7. Well it was good while it lasted but it is defaulting back to the PC account now
  8. No, it does not. Already had this same discussion on Twitter. You're looking at different packages. This is Prime access and Prime accessories on Console.
  9. I thought that was the case, but since it is not displaying my in-game avatar, I was looking for a way to change it. On the main Warframe site, it shows correctly. But here it does not. I am thinking it was too early to roll out cross-platform save.
  10. Samer issue as everyone else. My Xbox profile is set as my main, and so it should be how I log in here, not this broken noon PC account. Hopefully it is just a teething issue and the next update will sort it. In the meantime, I don't even know how to change my profile pic. There seems to be no option for it.
  11. Creating a PC account just to access the forums now has reset all my previous account activity. Even though my Xbox account is linked and set as my primary. Even my profile p;ic has reset and I cannot set a new one.
  12. So I noticed the Gauss Prime Access complete package is more expensive than the other two combined. (At least in New Zealand anyway) This seems like an error. If anything the complete access pack should be slightly cheaper, not more expensive. Where would be the proper place to report this?
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