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Excuse me, but why don't Yareli's abilities apply cold status?


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Gave Yareli another try while farming the event, trying to cool off from the weather and battles. Until I noticed her abilities don't inflict cold status (so no cooling off!) despite it being water which should linger on enemies. 

That's something that should be changed on her, especially now that cold finally has it's uses. 

Thank you!

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vor 33 Minuten schrieb --Leyenda-yight6:

Unfortunately, it is not something that only Yareli suffers from, but also Volt and Mag, who despite being warframes that represent an element, do not apply status effects.

Should also be changed tbh.. frost now actually applies cold which is nice. I hope more frames see these changes. 

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I don't think this is a strong argument. Hydroid, the first Water frame, does Corrosive damage (likely to express the corroding effects of salty seawater) and even before the rework it was Impact damage.

So, I pose a question to this question: Why should they? Is it just because Cold became useful all of a sudden? Why not make it Viral or True then? It is just as reasonable to assume that the damage from Sea Snares and Riptide comes from being drowned in water and those two best represent a direct attack on one's vitality.

Edited by Ventura_Highway
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vor 10 Minuten schrieb Ventura_Highway:

I don't think this is a strong argument. Hydroid, the first Water frame, does Corrosive damage (likely to express the corroding effects of salty seawater) and even before the rework it was Impact damage.

So, I pose a question to this question: Why should they? Is it just because Cold became useful all of a sudden? Why not make it Viral or True then? It is just as reasonable to assume that the damage from Sea Snares and Riptide comes from being drowned in water and those two best represent a direct attack on one's vitality.

Because she already deals cold damage.. read the ability description. It makes sense to add the cold proc to it. 

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il y a 41 minutes, Ventura_Highway a dit :

I don't think this is a strong argument. Hydroid, the first Water frame, does Corrosive damage (likely to express the corroding effects of salty seawater) and even before the rework it was Impact damage.

So, I pose a question to this question: Why should they? Is it just because Cold became useful all of a sudden? Why not make it Viral or True then? It is just as reasonable to assume that the damage from Sea Snares and Riptide comes from being drowned in water and those two best represent a direct attack on one's vitality.

Same argument but reversed : why would Volt NOT deal electric procs with Discharge when Gyre's entire kit does so?

Yareli's ability applying Cold wouldn't be so oppressive just because "cold became useful all of a sudden", it would just be applying the status of the damage type it's hitting with, just like it's been the case with the majority of abilities now. Ash damaging abilities? All slash. Gyre damaging abilities? All electric. Ember's damaging abilities? All heat (except that goddamn Inferno ring that won't reliably refresh heat procs/add new ones).

And besides, if you look at the abilities on Yareli that would be applying the status, her 1 and 4, you notice one thing in particular : enemies are hit by a hard CC effect already. Getting cold procs out of it means overguarded enemies don't just brush it off like it's nothing. Maybe you could argue her 3 could also apply cold, but the damage is listed as pure slash so...


That's all there is I'd say about Yareli, but I think it would be fair to have added status procs on other frames too. Radiation procs from Nyx, Wisp and Mirage doesn't sound too out of character imo, magnetic procs for Mag seem to be obvious enough, just like how Volt should have electric procs on his entire kit by default.

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24 minutes ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Same argument but reversed : why would Volt NOT deal electric procs with Discharge when Gyre's entire kit does so?

Yareli's ability applying Cold wouldn't be so oppressive just because "cold became useful all of a sudden", it would just be applying the status of the damage type it's hitting with, just like it's been the case with the majority of abilities now. Ash damaging abilities? All slash. Gyre damaging abilities? All electric. Ember's damaging abilities? All heat (except that goddamn Inferno ring that won't reliably refresh heat procs/add new ones).

 I am perfectly willing to look at every Warframe to see whether or not this is truly an established precedent, and will do so in the quite-near future. Actually, Warframe having more precedents/rules rather than less would be preferable to me. Ideally with a 2/3rds majority, but there are Warframes like Dagath, Nova, and Baruuk that do not abide by this on one or more abilities, and I think a valid explanation for some of these cases is that the damage type's proc does not align with the intent of the ability. Like, why would Rhino's Stomp be better off for inflicting a Blast proc, either old (Inaccuracy on enemies that are frozen in time) or new (You're probably not using Stomp for damage) on the afflicted enemies?

41 minutes ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

And besides, if you look at the abilities on Yareli that would be applying the status, her 1 and 4, you notice one thing in particular : enemies are hit by a hard CC effect already. Getting cold procs out of it means overguarded enemies don't just brush it off like it's nothing. Maybe you could argue her 3 could also apply cold, but the damage is listed as pure slash so...

Yareli's 1 actually does apply damage vulnerability to enemies even with Overguard, so they do not brush it off. Actually, when I play Yareli, I make it a point of soaking Thraxes and the like with her 1 to kill them faster. And Overguarded enemies not being affected by her 4 which is, as far as I can tell, primarily for Crowd Control is fine with me, because I value it having a clear usecase for helping rip up trash while using her 1 to deal with the actually threatening Overguard enemies. I suppose it has a damage component, and that they put scaling damage in (tried to) for a reason, but I can't say I ever thought that actually did enough to mean anything.

So all-in-all I'm not disputing the possibility that "It does cold so it should inflict a cold proc" is a valid argument, but it's anemic enough to fail to move the needle, personally. And to affirm this precedent wholly, you'd also have to do some yucky things like make Banshee's abilities do Blast procs, which doesn't make a lot of sense from a standpoint, mine, that wants Warframes to have simple, elegant kits whenever it's possible.

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Basically, OP, unless an ability specifically states that it inflicts a status, don't assume it does.

Descriptions are often mis-leading. For example, Saryn's 4 deals Viral damage, but only inflicts one Status proc on the final tick of damage.

A very good way of guessing whether an ability will inflict a Status or not is based on what the ability actually does; if it has a CC element, such as picking an enemy up then it won't likely inflict a Status. Why not? Because the animations of enemies reacting to status, like the immolation/electrocution thrashing, or the stun from Impact, and yes the freeze from Cold, will sometimes over-ride the other functions of the ability and make it inconsistent (which DE don't like, despite ending up that way anyway).

So it's sometimes intentional that the abilities don't inflict the Status associated with their Damage.

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