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Do we know how Ember and Rhino Resurgence will work?


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When Mag and Frost Heirloom skins were released, they were added to the Prime Resurgence separately from the current Prime Resurgences that were being rotated out while Mag and Frost were available. 

We have new changes to the Heirloom system. Ember's Heirloom skin will be available in the game permanently. Presumably, her Prime Resurgence won't be permanent in the game. Ember and Rhino Prime Resurgence is supposed to start on the 20th, but the in-game shop says that the next Resurgence is in 27 days. 


So do we think Ember and Rhino will be added in additionally with the current rotation of Prime Resurgence, or is the in game timer incorrect and we only have about 15 days for Nekros and Harrow?

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Yeah, I was surprised to see that DE skipped over Ember's resurgence. I assumed it would've returned with her heirloom collection, but I guess not. 

Some folks are going to be salty. Those who were banking on Ember's resurgence to get access to Glaive P. I suppose now the asking price in trade chat will jump back up to 400p (for another month at least). Those relics have been out of rotation since January 2022. :(


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They talked about Ember and Glaive Prime being brought back for a resurgence for TennoCon 2024, and when DE has had an "off cycle" resurgence in recent history, they would add the extra relics along side the usual resurgence that the usual current resurgence in the rotation.  I think we should wait until after the heirloom collection and TennoCon arrives before we start grieving about missing Ember and Glaive again.

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Okay, my memory can be a bit unreliable at times so don't credit me on that later — but I think I clearly remember Frost and Mag were additional to the regular rotation during last TennoCon because their Heirlooms were released. So nothing's new about it if Ember just casually pops up during last weeks of Harrow and Nekros being in stock.

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If its similar to how it was last time, then nothing unusual has happened yet. When Tennocon arrives, Ember Heirloom will be made available and she (Ember Prime and associated gear) will also enter the Prime Resurgence, as an addition to, as opposed to a replacement.

So the regular cycles will generally carry on as per usual as well.

Also if I recall correctly, the Platinum purchase version of Ember Heirloom will be permanent, but the paid real world currency version won't be. That will retire and then will enter a rotation. So Ember Prime Resurgence may just work off the paid versions availability. Since we are also getting the announcement of the other Heirloom skin at Tennocon, then that will likely be the eventual paid version of the Heirloom replacement (permanently available Plat version), and then also likely coincide with that Warframe being added into the Prime Resurgence cycle. 

Nothing about is necessarily certain though, just based on information they have made available and past precedent. 

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Usually for TennoCon they do an update across all platforms right before to add the Baro relay, TennoCon relay, the Twitch Drop (AX-52 Rifle this time around), and likely that Ember and Rhino Resurgence. I'm sure they'll run it separately from the current rotation like Frost and Mag were handled before. 

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