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SP Divuri needs to be looked at


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4 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:


I'm really sorry to say this, my friend. That is the worst possible demonstration you could have given. It shows no understanding of the weapon you're using, no understanding of the Warframe you're using, and no understanding of how to approach this part of the game.

The first thing you missed is that the Sybaris you're using is a Headshot Crit-based weapon. And you spend 30 seconds out of a 44 second video shooting enemies in the feet. That does no damage because you're not using the weapon correctly.

The second thing you missed is that Loki is a frame that relies on his Abilities, his Decoy to draw enemies away from him, his Invisibility to not get shot at, his Radial Disarm to take enemy ranged weapons away and force all but Eximus units to approach in a group. You don't survive because you ignore those basics.

The third thing you missed is that you made no effort to even move around for advantage on the enemies. After going invisible, you didn't move. Enemies in Warframe may be stupid, but they're smart enough to shoot at an area where a frame goes invisible in case it's still there. A melee unit walked up behind you, charged up a full attack with an audio cue that made me want to hit a Dodge Roll or Bullet Jump the second it started out of instinct, then hit the space where you were supposed to not be anymore to kill you.

This lack of awareness of so many things shows us, looking on, that it isn't the weapon or the frame or the build.

I can only apologise for your confusion and frustration and say that so many of the other players here are correct; you're playing the game badly, because you aren't making the choices that would actually make the most of these options you have available to you.

You aren't dealing damage because you're not using the weapon correctly. You aren't surviving because you aren't using the frame, or game sense, to do so.

I was almost about to post another vid but doing headshots, but I'm realising you guys are pure unadulterated shills for the game. Even if I showed that the headshots do nothing, you'll try and come up with some excuse as to why.

It can clearly do no wrong. Always the players fault. 

The video was to show the lack of damage, not the survivability of the frame so all of that about Loki you wrote is irrelevant. 

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You guys need to understand that there is a power scale with weapons.

There is a reason metas exist.

Not EVERY weapon is perfectly balanced

Not EVERY weapon is suited to SP/Divuri 

You're in denial, and it's fine

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il y a une heure, proevilz a dit :

I was almost about to post another vid but doing headshots, but I'm realising you guys are pure unadulterated shills for the game. Even if I showed that the headshots do nothing, you'll try and come up with some excuse as to why.

It can clearly do no wrong. Always the players fault. 

The video was to show the lack of damage, not the survivability of the frame so all of that about Loki you wrote is irrelevant. 

The most hilarious part of the video is that you are playing a game mode you can't lose (excavator with cryotic amount collected), and that you are trying to kill random enemies for no reasons, while you could just distract and disarm the horde to actively participate in the mission. But ho well, auto-build bad ! Right ?

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12 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

The most hilarious part of the video is that you are playing a game mode you can't lose (excavator with cryotic amount collected), and that you are trying to kill random enemies for no reasons, while you could just distract and disarm the horde to actively participate in the mission. But ho well, auto-build bad ! Right ?

I was highlighting the weapon damage!!!!

What part of that don't you understand? 

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il y a 12 minutes, proevilz a dit :

I was highlighting the weapon damage!!!!

What part of that don't you understand? 

The part where auto mod makes the players ability to play the game.

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2 hours ago, proevilz said:

Bro... I didn't build it for Divuri??? I didn't build radiation for these enemies?? It was an old build that was already there.

Again, you're focusing on the fulmin, but we're way past that. I got a totally different weapon video with a default build and as I said in the very beginning, it does zero damage. 

You guys can keep waffling all you like about the fulmin, it doesn't change what happened in the video. 

It's a bad build regardless of whether it was for Durviri or not.  And on top of that, you should adjust the build to actually work against the enemies you're up against.  This is some of the highest starting level content in the game, you can't just show up with any build.  I am fully aware and in agreeance that the default builds don't work well until they're covered in decrees.  But you posted YOUR build and tried to act like it was Duviri that was the issue, and it's your build.  The same way the auto-mod is a problem.

5 hours ago, dwqrf said:

I do. Every weeks, and for most session actually. And the weapons I miss are extremely low tier. Is it hard ? Yes, frames survivability is tough, but weapons do a good job. Is it impossible ? Nah bro, I got skill.

I mean outside of Duviri, where you don't have decrees to carry you.  I was just in level cap Circuit with a Kuva Karak.  I like the weapon, and I know what it can do.  It's nowhere near level cap viable with MY build.  It was oneshotting whole packs in the circuit because of decrees.  The auto-mod and weapons are NOT good.  The decrees are carrying.

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There seems to be a disconnect here (and just a tad bit of defensiveness). So to at least try and minimise that... When I first tried Steel Path (just regular normal Steel Path, years before Duviri). I struggled massively. Could barely damage the enemy or survive (I was solo), even though I was using Rhino Prime and the Tigris Prime. Few hours later, I tried again and it was much much easier. What changed? Well my modding and understanding of elements and enemy resistances, armour, and damage reduction improved significantly. I spent a few hours learning about all that stuff. Learning about new synergy, game systems, interactions, the value of Corrosive, Viral, Slash, headshot multipliers, multi shot, certain timing, ways to bypass enemy armour... Few weeks later I continued to refine my knowledge, few months later, my knowledge and understanding meant I could take any Warframe and most weapons and solo any Steel Path missions comfortably. 

So Steel Path Duviri, "why would DE do this?" well, firstly, different people have different ideas of "you are a liability to your team". As someone who regularly solos and can solo, and carries, in Duviri, EDA, like I am sure many many others can and do... No one is ever a liability in my eyes, when we play. Its a cooperative, chill, PVE. Your knowledge might be greater, your gear might be better. Your gear might be worse, your knowledge might be better. Your gear might be better, your knowledge might be worse. Your hear and knowledge might be worse, none of that matters too much to me, 99 out of 100 we will succeed the mission, I wouldn't view you as a liability regardless. 

So "why would DE do this", I don't think they do what you imply or assert, as far as "making some players liabilities", I think the game has varying levels of progression, that and depending on peoples definitions, can loosely be viewed as a type of challenge, difficulty, varied experience, coupled with certain restrictions. I am using certain qualifiers because different people can view challenge, difficulty differently, but my main point, is that different peoples game knowledge, synergy knowledge, build and modding knowledge, and gear acquirement and investment is different. Different peoples ability to progress will therefore be different, some will have a relatively easier time of it than others. 

The "Fulmin build" and why it matters. My Tigris build I first used in Steel Path also wasn't "the worst build ever", and my build understanding isn't tied to my innate character or identity. Nor is anyones build tied that way. Which means its not a personal insult or something we need to necessarily get defensive over. Also it didn't need to be the "worst build ever", it just wasn't adequate and good enough to met the situation and be effective and efficient. More so because of my modding than how weapons can interact with enemies. The Fulmin build given, isn't the "worst build ever" but it isn't really going to be adequate or as effective as it could be. Specifically for the modding. 

If its not as good as it could be because the modding... then its not really a surprise that someone wouldn't understand or believe why and how other weapons could be way more effective, just with better modding. Thats before you even start to consider synergy between tools and builds, like the inclusion of Primers or different weapons strengths and weaknesses and ways you can use them together. So specifically your Warframe, Primary, Secondary, Melee and Operator/Drifter. 

Many people routinely make below average weapons decent enough to progress through Duviri SP solo, and then you add the variable of Decrees and potentially some of those tools or synergy will give you above average results. May even make the experience downright cosy. For some people, thats even actually a fun challenge. Tests your understanding of game systems, synergy and the ability to put theory crafting into practice. Decrees often can make the experience far easier than otherwise. 

Again though to be clear, not everyone will find that fun. Not everyone will have as much investment and ability to ensure that any random weapon can be pushed to its limits, and so good for synergy, and many people will feel underpowered, lacking and potentially like a liability by their own feelings... Thats just a progression thing though. Also, I think its fine to wish changes were made, and the mode was re-looked at. It already has a few times, and has been changed a little here and there... I just don't think it will be changed in the way some want... just because I am not sure they realise the abilities of others to work with the conditions as they currently are. Especially the Steel Path version. Like someone who starts the game today, won't be able to do Steel Path Duviri, obviously, I think its suppose to be a struggle to many... Relatively speaking. Have been things I struggled with, but I personally enjoyed that, and then the idea that in a few months I might improve and find it easier (like how I can now comfortably solo 5x3, fast PT runs, SP Duviri with meh choices). 

It also doesn't need to be a "well you guys are just blindly defending DE", many of the people who have posted with explanations, reasons, routinely criticise DE. People not agreeing with you personally, don't just mean they are irrational loyalists who blindly defend an institution just because. It might just be more simple than that, and that your Fulmin build wasn't that good, and if its not good, maybe your modding for builds could use improving. Its also fine if you wish the guns were more effective regardless, but then you'd essentially be asking for SP Duviri to be less difficult. Your reasoning may be "well if I had my actual favourite weapons instead", that would also make sense, but some weapons being inherently more effective for certain reasons (like Incarnons), its more like their effectiveness is in spite of average modding, meaning people who know how to Mod better... Then its also okay about not liking RNG selections either, but my main point here, is for good sincere conversation to happen, have to actually understand and describe our issues accurately... Reach common ground, understanding etc. 

I also emphasised soloing a lot, but important to remember the value of sincere and good team work and communication. Just finished an EDA with some randoms, none of our builds were that good, but united and with team work, we made the experience much more chill and cozy than otherwise. Necramechs took a little longer to kill, but we coordinated attacks well, communicated people to defend objectives where necessary. Had some people prioritise CC and some keeping our defences strong (to counter the weeks modifiers). Was a positive experience and fun. Weak average builds don't always mean you are a liability, if everyone understands that people don't get to choose their best gear, because thats literally the mode. May just mean people need to have less expectations, and work together better if working in a team (or to really understand the games modding, synergy and enemies if trying solo). 

Take care all! 

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il y a 45 minutes, MrDugan a dit :

It was oneshotting whole packs in the circuit because of decrees.  The auto-mod and weapons are NOT good.  The decrees are carrying.

Yes, that's what we say since the beginning. Decrees can carry any build, even auto mod.

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At no point in the thread has anyone said "Every single weapon in the game is capable of carrying a solo SP Duviri/Circuit run all by itself with no need to use another weapon or frame ability even with default auto-modding." Everyone is telling you that yes, you may get an option that is less than optimal. Luckily there are 3 weapon types you bring with you with multiple choices each as well as the frame and its abilities that you pick. Or get items rerolled by making a short run or waiting.

It's a mode with random choices, S#!7 happens.

The fact you are being willfully ignorant means that you're either hopeless or a troll at this point.

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Am 28.8.2024 um 22:24 schrieb Venus-Venera:

that's just my theory.
mechanics were designed for NORMAL duviri exp. and it was about offering weapons and warframes that the player doesn't have or hardly plays. so that he tries it out.
in reality, however, I'm ALMOST ALWAYS offered some kind of rubbish. and I have all the weapons and more than 60% are hardcore pimped and tested in simulation.
the whole thing is getting absurd. I've been seeing dual cestra for weeks. so I've got 5x forma in there.
and then the joke: I now only see secura dual cestra several times a day. so here too 4x forma in there.
and now the joke for April 1st: in almost every 2nd reset every 2 hours there's almost always normal single cestra in there............................ 🤡

If anyone thinks that was meant ironically - here's evidence from EDA this week:


that's just embarrassing! and has nothing to do with randomness!

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Ok fine, randomness tempered with stuff you've never owned. But if one is playing SP Duviri/circuit that should imply that you've at least mastered a lot of stuff even if it isn't perfectly modded. Makes no difference for the point.

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21 hours ago, proevilz said:

The video was to show the lack of damage, not the survivability of the frame so all of that about Loki you wrote is irrelevant.

Except Survivability is something you've been complaining about since the original post.

It's not shilling for the game to call out bad play as bad play.

Your earlier comments are saying things like 'It's only level 150' to the people replying to you, as if level 150 doesn't need to be treated like it can kill you.

While you are absolutely right that there is a heirarchy of weapons, players have been shown to make literally every weapon bar one (I'm looking at you, Stug) viable in the Circuit. Specifically because it's the Circuit and has the mechanics to scale those weapons and your Warframe as long as you play well.

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