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[Endgame Idea] The New War!


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Close your eyes, and let's try to imagine it in our heads...!

Except, open your eyes, cuz you have to read it.






"Tenno on deck."


Your Railjack zooms out into hyperspace. And then you arrive─





─and the whole scene appears at once! A massive space battle - a WAR, if you will - between Grineer, Corpus, maybe Sentients, and who knows what else!

Your mission: Take advantage of the chaos, and weaken all enemy forces.


We must take out 25/25/25/50 enemy fighters (A/A/B/C), and 1/1/1/2 Crewships.

(This gets us our high level Railjack fix!)


Next, we must infiltrate a Grineer/Corpus/etc Mothership, where we play a series of mission types in our Frames:




"Tenno. This ship's self-destruct sequence is highly guarded. We will have to go through a series of tests. Good luck!"


  • First, we must complete a Spy mission type so that we can get Lotus the codes she needs to initiate the next phase. (Enemy level 250.)
  • Once we finish that, we must initiate the self-destruct sequence by completing a single set of 4x Disruption keys. (Enemy level 250.)
  • Finally, the ship becomes completely locked down as the enemies send in their ELITE reinforcements to hunt us down, and Lotus has to work on hacking into the systems to let us out. We must complete a Survival mission for 5 minutes before escaping! (Enemy level 500.)
  • OH NO! And now a boss! Maybe a Lich, maybe a Sister, maybe an Archon, who knows! Depends on faction!


Finally, we escape back into the cold vacuum of space.


This is Rotation A of this game mode. It can follow the regular A/A/B/C format.

Enemy levels can go up rapidly, to the point where Rotation C, maybe even B, has enemies at level 1000 in Spy & Disruption, then 1500 or 2000 in the Survival. Ideally, by the 3rd or 4th set of AABC Rotations, the enemies are level capped at C, and then all the following AABC's. (Bosses may need an adjustment depending on how they scale with that. Also, the Railjack segment probably can't follow that scaling, and would need a fast cap.)





This is the first draft of what I can envision a really great game mode being. It has Railjack space action, it has Survival enemy horde killing, it has boss killing (and Demo killing too), and it even has room for speedsters to shave some time off the runs (with Spy) and stealth gamers to do something that isn't just endless bloodbaths!

And it has rapid enemy scaling for those that enjoy testing themselves, while those that don't can extract on Rotation A's.

Or, if better for casual players, the first set of AABC can stay below enemy level 1000(?), but after that, they scale up rapidly, but you also get major reward boosts for being able to stay in longer. (Nothing that makes those players have access to things that others do not, but just a boost on what they're already getting anyway.)



Edited by 4thBro
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5 minutes ago, (PSN)Cephalon_Scarlet said:

Cool concept but aren't the enemy levels a bit much lol we already struggle with level 200-300



I don't think those enemy levels will be too much. The point is that it's a lategame mode for players that are looking for the challenge. But let's think about it for a second.


EDA's are already level... 300 or so? I forget. And EDA's randomize your loadout, drastically hindering what you're capable of, and most people can hard-carry those by opting out of the last reward so they can just carry with a single weapon or Frame.

I think the first AABC Rotation maxing at about enemy level 1000 should be fine, but if not, maybe 750 or so. But I would hesitate on the first C Rotation being any weaker than level ~750. I think that's a fine goal even for casual gamers to set for themselves (and their party of friends, or whatnot).

(When I play Duviri, enemy level 1000 feels like that's where they actually take a step up into the tier above "general Steel Path enemies," so maybe you're right.)

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1 hour ago, 4thBro said:

Close your eyes, and let's try to imagine it in our heads...!

Except, open your eyes, cuz you have to read it.






"Tenno on deck."


Your Railjack loads out into hyperspace! And then you arrive, and the whole scene appears at once. A massive space battle - a WAR, if you will - between Grineer, Corpus, maybe Sentients, and anything else that we want in here.

Your mission: Take advantage of the chaos, and weaken all enemy forces.


We must take out 25/25/25/50 enemy fighters (A/A/B/C), and 1/1/1/2 Crewships.

(This gets us our high level Railjack fix!)


Next, we must infiltrate a Grineer/Corpus/etc Mothership, where we play a series of mission types in our Frames:




"Tenno. This ship's self-destruct sequence is highly guarded. We will have to go through a series of tests. Good luck!"


  • First, we must complete a Spy mission type so that we can get Lotus the codes she needs to initiate the next phase. (Enemy level 250.)
  • Once we finish that, we must initiate the self-destruct sequence by completing a single set of 4x Disruption keys. (Enemy level 250.)
  • Finally, the ship becomes completely locked down as the enemies send in their ELITE reinforcements to hunt us down, and Lotus has to work on hacking into the systems to let us out. We must complete a Survival mission for 5 minutes before escaping! (Enemy level 500.)
  • OH NO! And now a boss! Maybe a Lich, maybe a Sister, maybe an Archon, who knows! Depends on faction!


Finally, we escape back into the cold vacuum of space.


This is Rotation A of this game mode. It can follow the regular A/A/B/C format.

Enemy levels can go up rapidly, to the point where Rotation C, maybe even B, has enemies at level 1000 in Spy & Disruption, then 1500 or 2000 in the Survival. Ideally, by the 3rd or 4th set of AABC Rotations, the enemies are level capped at C, and then all the following AABC's. (Bosses may need an adjustment depending on how they scale with that. Also, the Railjack segment probably can't follow that scaling, and would need a fast cap.)





This is the first draft of what I can envision a really great game mode being. It has Railjack space action, it has Survival enemy horde killing, it has boss killing (and Demo killing too), and it even has room for speedsters to shave some time off the runs (with Spy) and stealth gamers to do something that isn't just endless bloodbaths!

And it has rapid enemy scaling for those that enjoy testing themselves, while those that don't can extract on Rotation A's.

Or, if better for casual players, the first set of AABC can stay below enemy level 1000(?), but after that, they scale up rapidly, but you also get major reward boosts for being able to stay in longer. (Nothing that makes those players have access to things that others do not, but just a boost on what they're already getting anyway.)



Me, thinking of the Railjack Mission!

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Bonus points for not making a mobile defense gamemode and instead choosing more active game modes like spy and disruption.

Usually the set up for survival is "enemies are making the environment too hostile for us to live (no life support, toxic spores, etc), we need it to be not hostile because we need to provide a distraction for a lone tenno operative". This setup doesnt really work for your concept. Who cares if the ship's life support systems have gone cold, we dont need to distract for someone we need to leave. I think a rush type mission setup would make more sense here:

  • Enemies are locking down the ship to take you with them
  • Our Mission support managed to keep one escape route open but not for long
  • High level enemies are blocking the path (eximus squad, blunt corridor, hackable doors, hazards, tether mines, high energy laser beam corridors, etc)
  • Mini boss intercepts you right at the exit and closes it down. Defeat them to get out.

It might be too difficult for DE to get right but I still think the hard division between railjack content and regular content is ultimately dooming railjack. What's the railjack doing while you are inside? Is someone issuing a parking ticket? This is not a flaw in your suggestion but a flaw in how DE chose to create and rework railjack. It is little more than a (annoying) pre mission to get to the actual mission. I think I'd have more fun with this raid mission pack if it just didnt have the railjack part at all.

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3 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

Bonus points for not making a mobile defense gamemode and instead choosing more active game modes like spy and disruption.

Usually the set up for survival is "enemies are making the environment too hostile for us to live (no life support, toxic spores, etc), we need it to be not hostile because we need to provide a distraction for a lone tenno operative". This setup doesnt really work for your concept. Who cares if the ship's life support systems have gone cold, we dont need to distract for someone we need to leave. I think a rush type mission setup would make more sense here:

  • Enemies are locking down the ship to take you with them
  • Our Mission support managed to keep one escape route open but not for long
  • High level enemies are blocking the path (eximus squad, blunt corridor, hackable doors, hazards, tether mines, high energy laser beam corridors, etc)
  • Mini boss intercepts you right at the exit and closes it down. Defeat them to get out.

My thought was, "If the place is gonna self-destruct, why are they sending a bunch of their guys in there?" But I think we can just say that their mission is just to kill us, which lets them stop the sequence. (Also, we're the Tenno, so we're a high prio target and they might think this is their time to get us, I dunno.)


Yeah, I know the general lore setup of Survival is that we're distractions for... I guess, effectively, somebody else's Spy mission, huh?

But I think it can be flexible!

(Also, we're unable to leave, because they locked the ship down, or need to stay so Lotus can finish her thing, or... something along those lines, right?)


But I think a Survival is important here nonetheless, so we can test how we do against "endless hordes," and our longevity. I'm trying to figure out how we test multiple facets of Warframe gameplay, hopefully including the fun aspects, and not including the unfun ones.


7 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

It might be too difficult for DE to get right but I still think the hard division between railjack content and regular content is ultimately dooming railjack. What's the railjack doing while you are inside? Is someone issuing a parking ticket? This is not a flaw in your suggestion but a flaw in how DE chose to create and rework railjack. It is little more than a (annoying) pre mission to get to the actual mission. I think I'd have more fun with this raid mission pack if it just didnt have the railjack part at all.

Parking ticket, LOL.


Yeah, I know what you mean, but when I actually finally got into the Railjack stuff so I could do my Liches/Sisters... what I actually LIKED about it was jumping into the ships and doing groundwork.

But perhaps we could still have someone needing to operate the Railjack itself? I do think it can be a cool alternative idea to have it so we dropship off a player to a node where they solo a mission type, and we drop 3 people off in total to various nodes, and the 4th person stays in the Railjack to defend it, and pick people back up, etc.

This could even extend into maybe 8 man parties or something, I dunno.


But, basically... I think Railjack's potential IS in mixing it with groundwork as well.

If we really wanted to get crazy with it, we could mix Railjack with a big Plains/Orb type of map, and REALLY be space + groundwork. Think Star Wars, ground squad has to disable the shield generator, etc etc, things like that.






Lots of potential.

But this general direction, I think, could be really awesome.

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Le 02/09/2024 à 06:55, 4thBro a dit :

We must take out 25/25/25/50 enemy fighters (A/A/B/C), and 1/1/1/2 Crewships.

  • First, we must complete a Spy mission type so that we can get Lotus the codes she needs to initiate the next phase. (Enemy level 250.)
  • Once we finish that, we must initiate the self-destruct sequence by completing a single set of 4x Disruption keys. (Enemy level 250.)
  • Finally, the ship becomes completely locked down as the enemies send in their ELITE reinforcements to hunt us down, and Lotus has to work on hacking into the systems to let us out. We must complete a Survival mission for 5 minutes before escaping! (Enemy level 500.)
  • OH NO! And now a boss! Maybe a Lich, maybe a Sister, maybe an Archon, who knows! Depends on faction!

Finally, we escape back into the cold vacuum of space.

This is Rotation A of this game mode. It can follow the regular A/A/B/C format.

So that's an average of 5mn Railjack ; 5mn Spy ; 5mn Disruption ; 5mn Survival ; 5mn boss fight and exiting/repeating.
So roughly 25mn for one Rotation A.
100 minutes (1h40mn) for a Rotation C.
And that's only the beginning ! To reach level cap, at best in the 3rd cycle as you said, it would take 5h.


Le 02/09/2024 à 06:55, 4thBro a dit :

And it has rapid enemy scaling for those that enjoy testing themselves, while those that don't can extract on Rotation A's.

People reach level cap in 1h30 in regular Disruption, with 44 Rotation C (46 rounds) ; your proposal would take as long to get one single rotation C, and fight level 1000 at best.


And for what rewards ?

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1 hour ago, dwqrf said:

So that's an average of 5mn Railjack ; 5mn Spy ; 5mn Disruption ; 5mn Survival ; 5mn boss fight and exiting/repeating.
So roughly 25mn for one Rotation A.
100 minutes (1h40mn) for a Rotation C.
And that's only the beginning ! To reach level cap, at best in the 3rd cycle as you said, it would take 5h.


People reach level cap in 1h30 in regular Disruption, with 44 Rotation C (46 rounds) ; your proposal would take as long to get one single rotation C, and fight level 1000 at best.


And for what rewards ?

I've thought of this, but it's pretty adjustable. For example, maybe we can shave off two or three mission types per rote. Maybe it's always Spy/Demo/Survival, random or predetermined but just one of them, and then the boss, and that's it for the rote.

Alternatively, we keep the 4 types, or put it down to 3 plus RJ, and that right there is the AABC. That could even be better.


What are the rewards? I dunno. Doesn't really matter. Could be whatever is needed for whatever "the big new content is," or another idea could be a mixed assortment of every resource. Like Helminth resources if people are really low cuz they don't play XYZ content, you know? Just a mixed bag of candy.


But yeah, that adjustment can really shave off a lot of the time involved. Also the ramp up after the first AABC can be really fast.

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On 2024-09-02 at 9:19 AM, Drachnyn said:

I think I'd have more fun with this raid mission pack if it just didnt have the railjack part at all

I overlooked this part of your post.


Honestly, I would too, but I think it's a cool thematic concept. That's why I made it so minimal, with 25 to 50 enemies, 1 to 2 crewships. That might be small enough to where it doesn't detract from the overall flavor you get from it as part of the package.


If we did remove the RJ part, we could still split the faction enemies up by making them separate mission queues, with different rewards from the different factions being what makes you play them each. (Would also be more viable for the bane mods, even though I hate those mods and don't use them.)

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