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Please change "heat inherit" to be less detrimental for heat based Warframes


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So before anyone will go with pitchforks at me: NO, I don't want HI to be nerfed

I only want HI to be more workable on frames that deal and proc heat status in a wide area, leading to alot of enemies being "primed" with an heat status that you don't want because of how HI currently ONLY checks for the first proc and not the strongest.

Ember for example can hit alot more enemies with her abilities than her weapons (as she should) but also inflicts alot of enemies with a worse heat status to work with, which is detrimental to the entire idea of her kit that wants to stack as many heat procs as possible on enemies.

HI is a cool (or should I say "lit") mechanic that should stay in Warframe but should be changed to be more workable and also easier to explain to newer players.

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So your suggestion is for Heat status to take the strongest value of all procs inflicted, is that correct?

Say you have a sentinel with +300% status duration and +300% Heat damage, a gun with +55% faction damage, and an ability with no bonuses whatsoever, these would all meld into one proc with all of the highest stats of each source, regardless of order.

How do you suppose "ownership" of the proc stack should be handled? First proccer owns all as it is now, or should that be changed as well so the stack is owned by all that contributed? How would that affect affinity gained and mod effects that depend on dealing the killing blow?

I completely see your point, but a vague suggestion doesn't really have much of a chance to be adopted - if DE cared to bother with this can of worms on their own they would already have done so.

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On 2024-09-27 at 3:49 PM, Traumtulpe said:

So your suggestion is for Heat status to take the strongest value of all procs inflicted, is that correct?

Pretty much yes, if I'd do the programming tho I wouldn't just test for the highest number but parts of the equation instead. There could be some shenanigans with final multiplicative buffs etc. that could be easily exploited if you simply check for the highest damage value.

I don't have a perfect equation for that on hand nor do I plan to make one atm, but simple testing could easily yield a good formula.

On 2024-09-27 at 3:49 PM, Traumtulpe said:

How do you suppose "ownership" of the proc stack should be handled?

By contribution to the proc stack, this can be evaluated by either proc ammount and / or proc strength. (aka you can check for both since both types of application are valuable)

For example if someone applied a FAT heat proc on an enemy but I contributed an absurd ammount of heat procs that would surpass that total damage on it's own, I would own the proc stack.

I don't see any reason to dance around who gets the kill when the answer is pretty simple imo, if you contribute the most to the heat proc stack by 1 of 2 or both ways you get the kill when the damage tick kills the enemy.

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