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Scintillant farming is driving me insane.

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I've been playing for a couple of weeks now, and have gotten pretty deep into the game.  I've just hit a roadblock that's the most mind numbing, frustrating problem.

Farming scintillant feels like it must be bugged.  The bounties from Mother in Deimos say that for the level 5-15 bounties that scintillant should drop as a common reward, but it doesn't.  No matter how many bounties I run, it just doesn't drop. Either that or I'm the (un)luckiest bastard on the planet and only get silver or gold drops when all I need is a bronze drop.  And I haven't been able to get the 3x scintillant bounty reward to drop from isolation vault 1 either.  No matter how many times I've run it, it never drops. In fact, the only 2 that I've gotten were found by another player in I think iso vault 3, and I just happened to get them too.  I think I saw one on one other occasion before I knew I needed to grab them for Xaku's frame, but that's been it in all the hours I've been specifically farming for them.  

This is beyond annoying or frustrating, and has crossed into maddening territory.  You can't buy them, or trade them, and you can't farm them anywhere else, so you're stuck doing these mindless bounty grinds with basically no hope of actually getting what you need so that you can get that one last component to build one warframe part.   

DE:  Please consider either increasing the drop rate, or figuring out why the drops are at best, inconsistent, and at worst, just nonexistent - at least that's been my experience.  This stuff shouldn't be so rare that it creates a feeling in the players that they never want to run that content again once they've farmed the few drops they need because it burned them out on the entire zone.  I'm almost to that point, to be honest.


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8 hours ago, dwqrf said:

You can also find them floating around inside the Isolation Vault or get some when killing Necramechs.

Thanks.  The only ones I've ever received were from another team member grabbing a floater.  Never from a mech kill or bounty.  I've tried to find the floater again without any luck.

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2 hours ago, MayhemPayload said:

Thanks.  The only ones I've ever received were from another team member grabbing a floater.  Never from a mech kill or bounty.  I've tried to find the floater again without any luck.

Once you see a floater you'll know what to look for...  for me i've always seen then up high - in higher ceiling'ed rooms , where I never looked because I'm usually looking level or down.



11 hours ago, MayhemPayload said:

This stuff shouldn't be so rare that it creates a feeling in the players that they never want to run that content again

Everyone has their black unicorn.. some of us have whole herds of them... RNG can be painful sometimes.

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