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Eurogamer Warframe Review


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the review is quite fair imo 



cause the crafting system does take far too long for new players 12 hours for new stuff is a joke and should be changed too zero i dont know even 1 game wich also has this that is f2p  its just a cheap money grab then  indeed DE pricing list is kinda greedy imo just look at prime access bundle and the grand master i bought both cause i got  the money but i can imagine that people who arent that well off  are getting  quite  run over by thoes prices 


and essentialy this game is P2P   cause u cant have everything for free everything is locked between paywalls   just my 2 cents but i do agree a 4 is kinda hard is think a 6 is more appropiate cause the gameplay is fluid and no cover system ? .... this isnt gears of war  lal


I don't even know where to start with this mess of an opinion so I'm not even going to try.

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Wow, just read this review and i'm shocked...  I have been trying to convince my ps4 friends how good this game is.   But I have noticed that warframe does tend to evoke a Marmite response with people.. they either love it or hate it..  And often many reviews just dont get a game that doesnt have a distinct story and campaign...


Still for the record I have generally never liked Eurogamers reviews and attitudes

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The fact is not what I am enthusiastic about or you.The fact is what the review portraits.

This game is entirely based on building weapons and shoothing things on a more or less relevant platform.If you're into something else this game falls short.Which makes it an all around mediocre game.


     The review only portrays the opinion of the author. I agree that the game is based on building weapons and shooting things on a more or less relevant platform. I also agree that it falls short if you're into something else. I would say that yes, these are facts. But they are redundant. The first is a description of the game. The second basically states that "if you don't like what this game is about, you won't like this game." I mean obviously if you don't like building guns and shooting things you won't like to... build guns and shoot things. Does that make it an all around mediocre game? Well I'm not sure if you meant to include this in what you consider to be the facts, but its not no matter what way you look at it. Facts can be proven, and you cannot prove that this is a mediocre game simply because there are people who love it. You can argue that its mediocre, but that judgement relies entirely on how you feel about the game personally. In my opinion it doesn't make it all around mediocre. Is CoD a mediocre game because it falls short if you're into crafting? Is Starcraft mediocre because it falls short for people who aren't into strategy? Is the only good game one that anyone can enjoy regardless of what they are/aren't into?

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I'm getting really sick of people reviewing games while they are still in Beta. They should call it something else like "first-impressions" or at least mention that the game in question is still in Beta!


DE specifically gave permission (and even encouraged) review sites to assess Warframe in an effort to get more publicity.  That was back in March. 


Besides, MMOs (and Warframe is sort of an MMO) are technically never out of beta stage until they die completely.  New content will always be added, new bugs will always be fixed, systems will constantly be reworked.  Go read some of the launch reviews of World of Warcraft, and see how relevant they still are.  For Warframe, being "released" will, on its own, have absolutely no meaningful impact. 

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I'm getting really sick of people reviewing games while they are still in Beta. They should call it something else like "first-impressions" or at least mention that the game in question is still in Beta!

Forever-beta games rarely get immunity from criticism.

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     The review only portrays the opinion of the author. I agree that the game is based on building weapons and shooting things on a more or less relevant platform. I also agree that it falls short if you're into something else. I would say that yes, these are facts. But they are redundant. The first is a description of the game. The second basically states that "if you don't like what this game is about, you won't like this game." I mean obviously if you don't like building guns and shooting things you won't like to... build guns and shoot things. Does that make it an all around mediocre game? Well I'm not sure if you meant to include this in what you consider to be the facts, but its not no matter what way you look at it. Facts can be proven, and you cannot prove that this is a mediocre game simply because there are people who love it. You can argue that its mediocre, but that judgement relies entirely on how you feel about the game personally. In my opinion it doesn't make it all around mediocre. Is CoD a mediocre game because it falls short if you're into crafting? Is Starcraft mediocre because it falls short for people who aren't into strategy? Is the only good game one that anyone can enjoy regardless of what they are/aren't into?


Stop right there. You are the one setting the bar arbitrarily low for the sake of fanboyism.


See, this is what the "industry" expects when you fight a "Jackal":


This is the Jackal you get:


Sorry that it offends you that people are pointing out the obvious.

Edited by niekaa
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You know what. No. Warframe isnt a beta. It stopped being that a long time ago, no matter what the developers say. Just because they're still adding content and tweaking gameplay doesnt make it a beta. By that logic, World of Warcraft would still be a beta.

Warframe is a beta, and it's not going to be officially released by your definition or command.

DE is indeed handling the beta concept very weirdly, with a fully functional market system. The only retort, is they need funding from us, and they decided to make it open to get moar free testers and funding. Do I fully agree with this move? No.

However, things are still changing really fast, especially for a F2P. I've NEVER seen an F2P like this, and its mechanics, features, and content has definitely evolved from such a primitive state, really fast. And it still changes, violently, with bugs. The part that they stop calling this beta is if they get their own QA team to test each update, and they have provided enough things to do in Warframe as THEY see fit, not us. It officially released won't stop them from changing it even further, but as of now, not many people or even DE themselves can say they know what direction Warframe is going. It should've already been known that Warframe barely has a structure, and still needs much more than just tweaking.

Edited by Xelorx
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Stop right there. You are the one setting the bar arbitrarily low for the sake of fanboyism.


See, this is what the "industry" expects when you fight a "Jackal":


This is the Jackal you get:


Uh, what? I'm not sure if you're trying to troll me or not but... where did I say anything good about this game? I mean you can assume that I like it because I'm here and I bought a founder pack, but please do point out which part of my fanboy is showing. I'm attacking the nature of the review, not defending the quality of the game. Specifically talking about the blurred line between fact and opinion. I'm pretty sure you either did not read my post at all or have me confused with someone else, the Excalibur icons can do that.

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The one who made the review is about as smart as a bike riding baboon.

You're right.  Bike riding baboons aren't known to dump 300+ hours of their lives into a virtual slot machine with the superficial trimmings of a sci-fi shooter.

Edited by niekaa
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Stop right there. You are the one setting the bar arbitrarily low for the sake of fanboyism.


See, this is what the "industry" expects when you fight a "Jackal":


This is the Jackal you get:


Sorry that it offends you that people are pointing out the obvious.


Ahahahahah,,, I believe its possible that one day Warframe has boss fights like that... one day.

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I must admit, very sadly.... That DE had this coming. For someone that has sticked aroud in Warframe for over a year now and seen all the begging from the community for more variety, lore and tighter controlls. DE has done shamefully little to adress these core issues. Especially the Warframes are indeed very, very simmilar (press 4 -> kill everything).

It is indeed an unforgiving review as it doesn´t really mention or appreciate the little development time of the game so far and considers that it is still in beta. But on the other hand, being in beta can´t be an excuse forever to adress issues, that undenieably are there and are rightfully criticzied in the review.

I would have wished for a more constructive review, but at it´s core, the criticism is justified. Only the fewest of players, even among the veterans, bother with unlockin the whole map, because the missions are so goddamn repetitive and still no planet has it´s own story arc even though that would be the most obvious way to extend the lore.


I can only hope DE will monitor these reviews and take notes. It is a hard pill to swallow and may not be appropiate in tone, but it hits the very core issues that have plagued the game since it hit Open Beta.


Now start crucifying me, as i know i have just broken holy Tenno law and raised my voice against DE.......

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There are 0 places on any of the tile sets that require advanced movement "techniques" to tarvers. Basic Vertical and Horizontal wall running will get you everywhere on the objective path. I don't know what "gorge" you are thinking of on the Corpus Outpost. I can only think of three, one is really small and has a bridge at either end, another also has a really obvious and big bridge, the 3rd is 100% crossable by vertical wall running.

It's an outdoor tile with three "islands", one is large, leads to a door and a grate facing each other, the second is small and has a grate, and the last has a two-storey building with a fallen tree that helps you jump from just that one side.

I like how DE cleaned up the tricky tiles for new players on the Grineer Galleon, but they should really do the same for the Outpost.

Edited by TintedLenz
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This clearly looks like the dude simply didnt get into the game so everything get's multiplied by 10 when it comes to annoyance.




Personally, I don't listen to nearly any game reviewers or critics because most of them over-editorialize based on piss-poor research I could do myself.  It would go a long way if "games media" people would just admit what their biases are before going into a piece instead of having this pretension to objectivity.  No one is completely objective or neutral on any issue any where, ever, and we could all finally GET something out of biased reviews if the writers dropped the act.


But I won't pretend anyone actually cares about my opinion, so carry on.

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It's an outdoor tile with three "islands", one is large, leads to a door and a grate facing each other, the second is small and has a grate, and the last has a two-storey building with a fallen tree that helps you jump from just that one side.

I like how DE cleaned up the tricky tiles for new players on the Grineer Galleon, but they should really do the same for the Outpost.

My apologies, as I need to correct my prior statement by one word. The tile you describe was the 3rd one I was thinking of. It is 100% navigable by HORIZONTAL wall running. I will agree it could use a little cleaning on those wall run sections... but not much. Any issues on that tile tend to come down to wonkyness in the wall run mechanic itself.

The tile you are thinking of on the Grineer Galleon had two major flaws, neither of which were the wall running. The first was a broken "return to top" pit mechanic which trapped people, the second was an unclear (no good visual cue) upward path. The walkway they added was more likely due to the pit rather than people being unable to wall run, as they tried to fix that pit in at least two hot fixes, before rebuilding it to the way it is now.

I have not encountered a tile to date that absolutely requires an accelerated wall jump or helicoptering to pass.

Edited by Brasten
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Personally, I don't listen to nearly any game reviewers or critics because most of them over-editorialize based on &!$$-poor research I could do myself.  It would go a long way if "games media" people would just admit what their biases are before going into a piece instead of having this pretension to objectivity.  No one is completely objective or neutral on any issue any where, ever, and we could all finally GET something out of biased reviews if the writers dropped the act.


But I won't pretend anyone actually cares about my opinion, so carry on.


I won't pretend to like your opinion.

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