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Whats Your Best Warframe Moment


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Whats your best Warframe moment?



An afker got killed, I decided to fake revive. When the afker got back on he was all piss and stuff. Because I failed to revive him/her she tried to grapple hook me as a troll. I ran around so she couldn't grapple hook me. She held us up at extraction for more than 3 minutes untill she finally gave up. I was rolling on floor laughing that day, or smiling at the computer screen.

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When an afker in Xini defense ~U9 attempted to bum off us... our loki pulled him out of the room at wave 15 and used his Rhino as a decoy.... we didn't revive him, but his dethcube was quite nice.


That or the first time playing this game after I got a mouse and finally reaching all those hard to reach places in the void!

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Soloing the new Ruk. (...there's more)


Why was this so special? Because i did it just after patching before any nerfings and changes...aaand i had spotify playing...


the music?



followed by


I finished him at the 30 second mark into End Run. Can you say JACKED? I was down to NO ammo in Either gun had my orthos as my only real weapon for most of the run to the extraction point. Oh yeah...frost prime... ;)

Edited by Hyperion5182
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I was in an Derelict Exterm solo, with Nova equipped. Stalker decided to pop in to kill me right when I used M.P. He ended up slashing a charger that was in front of him, and then died because of the chain explosions. I was just there like O.O This was before U11....got a Hate print from him:P

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I'd have to say, the first time I played stealth. As Loki, I went through an exterminate mission with my best melee weapon - Fang - and stealth attacked every enemy in the mission flawlessly, except when I appeared out of nowhere in front of a Sawman (now Butcher) and waited for him to attack. I hit him four times with Fang in the time it took him to swing, and he never finished his swing.


Best moment ever for me.



That, or the time I was sniping some unalerted enemies with Dread, and as soon as I released the arrow, the world's most unfortunate Flameblade teleported directly in front of me and was killed instantly.

Edited by qwertyboom80
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All my griefing and trolling moments.


Griefing teleport an ancient toxic middle of your team at U8 or 9 was it.


Putting a decoy on those small tunnels at corpus maps or switch teleporting everywhere Rhino players at U10 event.


Ripline an ancient toxic at your team mate or Ripline a team mate to bottomless pit.


Worm holes in front of the extraction point entrance. Trollva I love you. Nova: "<3"


One of the friendly epic moments was that I was luring a Stalker away from my team mates who were about rank 2 or 3 when slaughtering this with only melee.


Also trolling the Stalker by running around him and going behind pillars or boxes dodging his despair and dread shots.


I am the master of trolling. Come at me and get mad bro.

Edited by Revel72
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Me and a friend were playing in a T2 Survival, I was playing Excal Prime and him Nekros.  This was update 10.

He'd keep bringing back Ancients and I'd take care of the small fries, and we lasted till 25 minutes.  But that's not the best part.

We discovered that Ancient Healers brought back by Nekros can revive downed teammates if they can touch them.  It was glorious.

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Stalker came after me. I stood vigilant with my team looking around running through the level wait for when he decided to strike. Then I see a conspicuously small cloud of smoke scuttling around. I tell my team where he is and decide to bait him.


My team took positions around my vicinity and I strolled up to the stalker, he dashed and I dodged landing him directly where I was in the middle of hellfire.


But now that I think of it my most badass game was when I solo'ed as Ash on Phobos. The Grineer tried to pin me down but I found a hole in a wall leading into a building. I jumped through making sure they didn't see me. I flanked them getting into range then took them out with blade storm.


The rest of it sort of played in the same way. Me hiding behind cover formulating plans and stealthing through. Phobos is definitely my favorite planet because it's so easy to play it like a cinematic not to mention use the environment to your advantage. I was disappointed that I didn't think to record it but I guess it wouldn't of turned out as well if I did.


If you ever get a chance, find a way to use the environment. It's not as run and gun but it will feel more satisfying.

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I have two favorite Warframe moments. Both of them took place in voids. The first one was when someone was abusing his Ripline and pulling people into mobs, lasers, chasms, ect. I was just shooting and such and he was standing in front of me. I see a corrupted ancient coming along side him. So I stood still where he could see me and just as he was about to pull me he gets *@##&#036; slapped across the room. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. I also couldn't bring myself to shoot that ancient after he catapulted him like that. 


The other time was when it was a T3 Mobile Defense. We had 4 data terminals to do, and didn't see a single enemy the entire run. Then we go to extraction after facing zero resistance the whole way there and there's at least 500 units just chilling in the extraction room. We had a nova on our team, so you can probably imagine what happened next.

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The other time was when it was a T3 Mobile Defense. We had 4 data terminals to do, and didn't see a single enemy the entire run. Then we go to extraction after facing zero resistance the whole way there and there's at least 500 units just chilling in the extraction room. We had a nova on our team, so you can probably imagine what happened next.

I'm thinking this song spontaneously started playing.



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My favorite warframe moment? 


Void, t3 mob def. Was Loki at the time and was the worst guy in the team. The resident Rhino-player was shouting at me for being bad as he stood in the middle of a huge group of corrupted. Used radial disarm and watched with sick glee as the Rhino lost his Iron-skin and died after he ran out of ammo (shouldn't have brought a Ceramic dagger, *@##&#036;)

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 there's at least 500 units just chilling in the extraction room. We had a nova on our team, so you can probably imagine what happened next.

XD oh god ik the feel. Back in mid-late U9, I was playin a void Mobile Defense, I don't remember most of the details, other than one of my friends(IGN: DirtyPersona, mains Mag) crashing another friend's(IGN: KaoSEcho) computer. Not just his Warframe, but his whole computer just stopped. We were all in a Skype call, then when IT happened, he dropped out of the call for, like, a minute. What happened was this: Terminal gets bum rushed, Dirty Crushes, then we all get disconnected. Echo comes back in a minute and tells us what happened. We now call any move that fills the screen with numbers a "Dirty". Well, we call it by his real name, but for confidentiality's sake, I'll just use Dirty :P

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My best moment is I was falling over the a hole full of Ancients and I was using Loki, I noticed that I have Switch Teleport with me so I used that on my team mate and there it is. He was calling me a retard, stupid and so on.. I was laughing at that time.

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Got the jump on Stalker when they first introduced the void. It was T3 exterminate and I was using Loki. I ended up leading him into the tile with the single rotating death orb in the corner that pretty much sweeps the entire first floor and into the murderous masses of corrupted. Didn't even bother shooting him.

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My best moment when I was essentially a portable shield for a newbie who'd stumbled onto pluto by accident. Don't ask me how, but it was his second mission in the game, and he was scared S#&amp;&#036;less from the amount of damage he was taking. So I used my Rhino as a walking shield, and told him to stand behind me while I worked my way through the mission. 


I felt epic when I was protecting him during the mission, and because of my heroism, he decided to continue playing the game, and is now a Mastery 10 min maxer :P

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