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A Katana Weapon Please!


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so like a wakizashi?

i don't know you're joking or what?

but let's see here the different:

- Katana blades tended to be between 27.5 inch - 28.5 inch(it's 70 to 73 cm)


- Wakizashi is smaller version of katana, and has a blade between 12 inch - 24 inch(30 to 60 cm)

Edit : Katana and Wakizashi are paired often, and the pairing is called daishou to represented the social power and personal honor of the samurai.

Edited by hikistyle
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i don't know you're joking or what?

but let's see here the different:

- Katana blades tended to be between 27.5 inch - 28.5 inch(it's 70 to 73 cm)


- Wakizashi is smaller version of katana, and has a blade between 12 inch - 24 inch(30 to 60 cm)

Edit : Katana and Wakizashi are paired often, and the pairing is called daishou to represented the social power and personal honor of the samurai.

so i say once we are done with this one we better have this daishou thing you were talking about :P

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I would approve if i'd trust DE cares enough about Battoujutsu to pull this off with the dignity this idea deserve.


But then it would need to be Hitten Mitsurugi Ryuu or something like Jetstream Sam's style. Or Xenogear's Citan Uzuki... But you know what, i don't think DE knows the concept of "research" so i would fully expect them to just put the damn movement for the Skana and have the scabbard on the second hand awkwardly...


So high hopes, low expectations...


Also, you suggested on the Concil to have "high crit rate"... Well, to DE's dense minds working the things in there, "high crit rate" means 30% with a pathetic 10% increase to 33% or something... Which means 1/3 hits would be crit... Which means, mainly, UNRELIABLE WEAPON written all over the damn thing. So here's hoping it just have high damage because that's what they do best... Although, again, DE's more likely to screw this harder then they screwed the Lecta...

Edited by ReiganCross
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Go jump in a well.

He's technically correct; Katanas were pretty much designed exclusively around being able to precisely cut through vital areas of the human body, severing necks and limbs in a single slash, but in the end they don't have quite as much strength or durability as, say, a European longsword designed to be strong enough to dent full-plate iron or steel armor.


This katana, however, clearly has a beam sword cutting edge and would not have such limitations, thus making it a superior weapon regardless.

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The one thing I'd like is for this to be like a really long katana, instead of a short one like you made.

It is fantastic and I'd get it in a heartbeat, but I feel that having it's intent as an Iai blade, being used in Iaido, the longer the blade, the cooler (although it gets farther and farther from reality).

I don't mean the sowrd to be long like FFVII Sephiroth's blade, but I'd like the size of your design to be about double, or 2.5x times the current size. And the sheath being placed into the waist, tied there, instead of being held on the "off-hand". I'd say about the size of a Nodachi (a lot longer than a skana, but shorter than Galatine) would be spot on for me.

Would platinum buy. And I NEVER buy weapons with plat. Ever.

All that said, brilliant piece mate.

Edited by Kynian
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He's technically correct; Katanas were pretty much designed exclusively around being able to precisely cut through vital areas of the human body, severing necks and limbs in a single slash, but in the end they don't have quite as much strength or durability as, say, a European longsword designed to be strong enough to dent full-plate iron or steel armor.

This katana, however, clearly has a beam sword cutting edge and would not have such limitations, thus making it a superior weapon regardless.

say did you watch this? look there which one can make more damage to plate and leather armor?


Edit : i don't mean to compare, but to tell the truth just watch it.

         i already post it in front page, but incase people too lazy opening front page here you have it.

Edit 2 : to all people who wants to compare Katana vs Longsword. Please do some research before comparing both sword, both have it's +/- (it's not an insult, just piece of advice)

Edited by hikistyle
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This is some seriously nice art. It is grounded in warframe style while still having the katana's look. To be fair the skana, while very nice looking feels more akin to a katana minus the grip.


Only thing nagging me. From the art alone I can't tell if it's closer to katana length of wakizashi length. Maybe somewhere in between? like often referenced short katanas / long wakizashis. Looks on the shorter end of things from the art, but maybe its just the lack of perspective.


I hope DE recognize your submission and put it in. +1 from me.

Edited by Raigir
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It saddens me to see that this whole hating on the katana trend is carrying over into Warframe as well. I had enough of that crap when Skyrim was starting out. More importantly, though, please stop linking that video as proof of katana superiority. The men who made that piece of crap are incompetent hacks, and I don't have the fortitude to go into the various flaws and biases in their testing procedures.

The katana is a terrible weapon? Compared to what? The quality of any weapon is entirely dependent upon the circumstances under which it is being used. Against guns? Sure, any melee weapon is going to be terrible. Against plate armor? Sure, but name a longsword that's better than a katana at cutting through solid iron or steel. If you use a weapon against armor it wasn't designed to counter or in situations where it is disadvantaged, you're gonna have a bad day. Let's narrow the focus down a bit.

The katana is much more durable than most of the naysayers here are willing to admit. The blade is composed of two different types of steel, which provides for an exceptional resilience that is a well-established fact. The harder steel along the cutting edge allows for superior retention of sharpness, and the softer steel along the back of the blade provides the sword with flexibility to prevent it from snapping. In comparison to European longswords, sabers, and other similarly sized weapons, katana offer a better overall cutting power-to-weight ratio. Against lightly armored enemies, I would much rather be armed with a katana than any other type of sword; it would be easier to cut my opponents while exerting less overall energy. The one thing that the katana doesn't have going for it is that compared to other weapons, it is impractically expensive to produce. Its relatively high cost means that maintenance and inevitable wear and tear are comparatively more significant issues for the katana. I'd be much more willing to hack through heavier armor with a broadsword than a katana, simply because it wouldn't be too much of a problem to replace the broadsword, but the katana would be just as capable of doing the job.

Those of you asserting that the only reason the katana stuck around for as long as it did was that Japanese culture resisted change are also sorely mistaken. It is true that the samurai warrior caste only lasted as long as it did on account of resistance to change, but the katana itself was an enormously effective weapon. To begin with, the Japanese have made a habit out of innovation: they take ideas and technologies from other cultures, and improve them. Even the katana, the iconic sword of Japan, was derived from iron Chinese swords called chokuto. The Japanese didn't figure out how to make things. They figured out how to make things better. If it were true that a katana broke within minutes of entering battle, the samurai would not have continued using them out of respect for "tradition." They would have figured out what was causing them to break and solved the problem(s).

On a side note, there seems to be a common misconception that samurai made up the bulk of Sengoku jidai military forces. Most soldiers were in fact ashigaru, conscripted peasant footsoldiers outfitted with mass-produced equipment of decisively lower build quality.

To sum up, the only things that would qualify the katana as a "terrible weapon" would be the overall superiority of firearms, the relative expense of repair and maintenance, and the inability of any similarly sized sword to cut through thick metal armor. This is a game about gunslinging space-ninjas. The game and space-ninja parts do a fine job of invalidating the firearm vs. melee weapon argument, and the sci-fi materials-of-impervium that go into making all melee weapons in the game render the issues of weapon maintenance and cutting power quaintly irrelevant. It's true that the capabilites of the katana have been grossly embellished by anime, manga, and other popular culture. However, those same entertainment mediums also embellish the effectiveness of other swords, hammers, whips, halberds, guns, tanks, and pretty much any weapon you can imagine. Believe it or not, Warframe is also an entertainment medium. It's allowed to have a little embellishment.

Ultimately, in order to assert that the katana is a terrible weapon, it is necessary to cherry-pick the context of the circumstances under which it is being used. Pitted against the weapons and armor that would qualify a katana as terrible, every single other analogous weapon would also be terrible. Against the right weapons and the right armor, the katana is an excellent weapon. Weapons have different conditions they were intended to be used under, and so are much less comparable than most people would like to believe. They have different strengths and weaknesses, all of which hinge on the skill of the user and their ability to compensate for drawbacks. The weapon in the original post has a wonderful visual design which I would love to see in-game. Katana, broadsword, scimitar, cutlass... they're all going to function the same way in-game, so this entire argument is nothing but a scuffle over aesthetic preferences. The difference is you're not going to see me arguing against the inclusion of European or other culturally-styled weapons simply because they don't suit my personal tastes, in spite of the fact that this game draws primarily on Eastern influences for its melee weapons. I'm not that much of a self-involved bigot. Following the "Skana" argument, the Galatine should have been a skin for the Gram. Now, show of hands, who would actually want that? Anyone? I wouldn't want that.

Addressing the weapon presented in the OP: It looks awesome. I think rather than giving it an arbitrary damage increase on its first strike, though, it would be better to give it an Iaido-styled charge attack sequence instead. +1 to adding more kenjustu-styled longsword animations as well.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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This weapon.. Is one of the coolest weapons I've ever seen! We NEED this in Warframe, we need more stronger long swords in this game since we're supposed to be NINJAS, Dakra Prime is the only sword to run with now but it never does well in higher missions so I feel I have to take a Galatine and it looks ridiculous on my Ash's back. I really hope DE will pick this and since I'm on the design council, I'll definitely vote for this. Also having a duel wield version of this (two long swords,not a long sword and a dagger version), that would be beyond epic

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will be awesome, med damage, high crit chance med-high %crit  and high speed rate attack



and additional a good procs status i dont know, how about 65% or 75% just for elemental rare double sword, and will be good their own swing move, something diferent and very cool, like the arts with twin large katana

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