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Brakk Nerf Megathread - Post Your Thoughts!


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you're killing diversity.

'nuff said

Diversity = freedom of choice; being able to play how you want to play.

Being forced to use a specific kind of diversity != freedom of choice.

Nerfing a weapon only makes the next in line best in slot, it doesn't solve problems, it only creates more.

People will only complain about the next in line being OP soon after, which eventually gets nerfed, making the 2nd in line the new OP weapon etc. etc.

Sh*t needs more balance, like an all round number of stats where the formula is the same regardless of the weapontype (a combination of damage, RoF, status chance, crit chance and all the other stats)

Divided into tiers where all weapons belonging to a specific tier have the same potential so it doesn't matter what weapon you use.

It should be all about preferred style of play, not stats.

And sure, some event weapons should be slightly better, by about 5-10%, because you worked for it.

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Come on guys, why would you want to nerf anything at all when this is a PvE game? Or is the AI secretly complaining and crying making forum accounts? :o

"Roller: The Brekk kil me in uno bullit pls nerf :("

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I played exclusively only with Brakk prior to its "nerf" and it was above any other weapon, in terms of close, mid and long range. Kind of like the old Acrid was.


This just makes you pick a choice between having a close range secondary as Brakk or something else for long range.


Brakk is a Hand.Cannon, not a mini-shotgun. Oh I'm sorry. It's DE's silly mistakes with their descriptions and now DE decided to "fix" it so it can only shoot fluffy cotton candies pass 10m. Good job DE. If I want a close range secondary, there is the Bronco family. I played with them for more than 50 hours in my 500 hours of game play so I think I'm good with that.


Just because you played it exclusively prior its "nerf" doesn't mean it's the same with everyone. And if you think "balance" is good for the game, I think you are wrong cause a game should take a step forward, not backward.

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I got into the game after work, and I see everyone and their mother crying and boohooing about this gun being nerfed. I doubted they nerfed it that badly, and went in to go fight Phorid with it.

I ended him in one clip. No reload, just 7 squeezes and he was a goner.

Impact damage? That's doesn't mean it's trash! It just is more leaned for Corpus stomping, (Y'know, for acquiring this gun from being  on the Grineer side) 

Damage drop off? Oh come on, with out it, the Brakk has no drawbacks. Why use a Vectis when I can do more damage with one click of my Brakk? And honestly, the range is the range you SHOULD be using your shotgun/hand cannon secondary. Not right up close, and not freaking on the other side of Xini.

Slightly more spread? THIS IS GOOD. ._. WHY WOULD ANYONE COMPLAIN? More spread, means that you can hit more targets behind the primary enemy with Seeker. And the spread was so freaking tight on the Brakk, this change made it more balanced.

Everyone should have seen this coming, and shouldn't feel so butt hurt about it. 
All of this, "I spent forma on this, I want a refund or I will quit Warframe!"

The Brakk still WRECKS everything it touches. I stayed about 50 minutes in Palus, and I was STILL killing them at level 65+. Which means, about level 160+ in Damage 1.0.


Some nerfs are necessary, because if the game had a handfull of OP weapons that shadow the rest, it begins to lose its fun, which is something we rather like, I am assuming.

The Brakk needed a nerf. Majorly. And as far as nerfs go, this one was pretty small. I expected a loss of damage, or maybe slower fire rate. 

I am going to laugh if someone accuses me of not having a Brakk too, (I've been accused of it already)
because yes.


I do.

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I'm sorry, what is diversity? Does this game have it? No, it doesn't. 

I'm sorry , did you had an aneurysm or something?

Of course it does.

Nerfing a weapon only makes the next in line best in slot, it doesn't solve problems, it only creates more.

Brakk was nerfed because it was too OVERPOWERED ! Not because it was best in slot.And nerfs are Not done arbitrarily by DE .

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Brakk is a Hand.Cannon, not a mini-shotgun. Oh I'm sorry. It's DE's silly mistakes with their descriptions and now DE decided to "fix" it so it can only shoot fluffy cotton candies pass 10m. Good job DE. If I want a close range secondary, there is the Bronco family. I played with them for more than 50 hours in my 500 hours of game play so I think I'm good with that.


Just because you played it exclusively prior its "nerf" doesn't mean it's the same with everyone. And if you think "balance" is good for the game, I think you are wrong cause a game should take a step forward, not backward.

What you're talking about is game progresion so no thank you.No endless gear treadmills for me.

The way weapons are being introduced to the game now is just fine.If you wanna feel OP go play gta4 with cheats on.

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Love the damage slant

Love the spread

The falloff is way too steep.

You call it still borderline OP? Remove the falloff, remove status and CRIT chance. Make it into something that can hit from afar, just not be nearly as effective, and it'd be fine. That, or decrease the falloff to start at 20m and end at 25m, or even 15-25. The other solution is to balance the Bronco to also have at least some falloff, because right now that puts the Bronco for most overpowered shotgun, even if only against corpus.

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zorens need to be nerfed (correction, need to be fixed) as copter is way more broken towards gameplay that some pistol doing good damage. DE staff went on runs with people and were amazed that they couldnt keep up with regular joe gamers coptering across the screen and wiping missions in sub 2 min.


if you are gonna nerf (correction, fix) stuff then nerf the stuff that actually needs it. I despise zoren users for this very reason. Its ok to wreck everyone elses fun, but not theirs eh? (special mention, nerf I mean fix Galatine as there is no comparison when it comes to using melee weapons for melee. Galatine is beyond OP and broken versus anything else in the game for melee)


matter of fact take another look at the soma too. these are the same weapons everyone is using, so they obviously must be the BESTEST and thus require ner%&^e (I mean fixing) hell the zoren problem isnt even about being OP in anyway its a known EXPLOIT at this point.

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Yes it is terrible i have to switch now to Soma during Defense missions, i'm crying tears now.

And that shows what kind of player you are.


The problem is that people get used to OP things and then rage when it turns out it wasn't intended to be that way.

True, but we also have to be understanding. If a gun is better than every other gun regardless of class, we have a problem.


Love the damage slant

Love the spread

The falloff is way too steep.

You call it still borderline OP? Remove the falloff, remove status and CRIT chance. Make it into something that can hit from afar, just not be nearly as effective, and it'd be fine. That, or decrease the falloff to start at 20m and end at 25m, or even 15-25. The other solution is to balance the Bronco to also have at least some falloff, because right now that puts the Bronco for most overpowered shotgun, even if only against corpus.

The range isn't THAT too too bad, imo. But if you really think it needs a longer range, or removal of fall off, or etc, I would take it up with DE.

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True, but we also have to be understanding. If a gun is better than every other gun regardless of class, we have a problem.


wasnt better than my Boar Prime, i mean i carry around 24 rounds compaired to my 7 in the Brakk, and do almost as much damage. So no the Brakk wasnt the best weapon in the game, it was the best SECONDARY WEAPON, and was ment to be, now its just slightly above average.

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Expecting logic / reason from people on forums is like expecting a rabid german shephard to not rip your throat out. No matter how many times you grab these people by the neck and slam their skulls into the walls, they will never, ever, get it.

The Brakk is still one of the best sidearms in Warframe.


Complainers gonna complain.


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I'm sorry , did you had an aneurysm or something?

Of course it does.

Brakk was nerfed because it was too OVERPOWERED ! Not because it was best in slot.And nerfs are Not done arbitrarily by DE .



Raid was replaced by Survival mission in Update 10 with De's excuse that it was not popular and was played the least. Have you ever played Raid? Will future new players get to know what Raid is? There is your diversity. 


"Nerfs are not done arbitrarily by DE," cause it was done by nerfherders and whiners. Good job there.



What you're talking about is game progresion so no thank you.No endless gear treadmills for me.

The way weapons are being introduced to the game now is just fine.If you wanna feel OP go play gta4 with cheats on.


It's awesome when a game goes backward. If you don't want endless gear treadmills, you should play Candy Crush Saga. 

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I got a real chance to use it a few minutes ago. The fall-off is WAY too short. I was not expecting the fall-off to be THIS severe. I was doing 1 dmg and I can spit farther than that...

This is worse than any other shotgun hands down. [untested]

The Brakk needed a nerf. No doubt about it. But fall-off damage is NOT the answer.

Edited by PapaKicks
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Let me add my personal opinion about modifying the Brakk's dmg:

Well yeah Brakk was OP against everything which is the problem. Lore-wise I would find it weird for Ruk to be giving the Tenno a weapon, that he knows we would use against grineers as well, and is so effective against armor, which applies mainly to the Grineer. So what i think the re-balancing should have looked like:

Impact    ~50-60
Puncture  0
Slash     ~50-60

Perfect for killing Corpus (and infested) but against Grineer one would need a corrosive setup for it to work properly, but then again there are weapons better for that (like the Aklex, Lex, etc)
Impact is high but Broncos have a lot higher impact, so for the best effect for killing shields one would either choose a Bronco or Brakk depending on play style.

Widen the spread == no more sniping with Brakk.

As for PvP balancing: raise the conclave value dramatically, or just simply do not allow event weapons to be used in PvP.

I'm not "whining" for nerfing a weapon. I can use other secondaries, i could use them before the Brakk so i would be able to use them after the hotfix. What i do "whine" for is that they made a special event weapon feel less if not special at all, and they did that after we had it for quite a while.

If they want to reuse the design (i have read about someone pointing the time spent on a weapon design out) sure, go ahead, release a weaker version like i don't know [impact:25 puncture:25, slash:25] (<-- just an example), give it a background story like "Lotus reverse engineered the Brakk but it needs a special rare component to function at maximum capability" --> solves the matter of those who got a Brakk bp for the event. Those who got it from Ruk, <--- doesn't even need to be explained. 

As for people who say it's still OP at close range: yes it is, but i would rather be with a rhino or other tanking warframe if i want to run up to a lvl 50 heavy, or a group of corpus. How does that widen our variety of frame/weapon load-out?


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Raid was replaced by Survival mission in Update 10 with De's excuse that it was not popular and was played the least. Have you ever played Raid? Will future new players get to know what Raid is? There is your diversity. 

I still think someone hit you in the head.



"Nerfs are not done arbitrarily by DE," cause it was done by nerfherders and whiners. Good job there.

That's the very opposite of what I said and obviously the way it goes.You have issues bro..


It's awesome when a game goes backward. If you don't want endless gear treadmills, you should play Candy Crush Saga. 

I'm sorry if I preffer my games to be based on personal skill rather than who has the biggest gun.

uhh , what's wrong , you want your toy back? You suck that bad?

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I got a real chance to use it a few minutes ago. The fall-off is WAY too short. I was not expecting the fall-off to be THIS severe. I was doing 1 dmg and I can spit farther than that...

This is worse than any other shotgun hands down. [untested]

The Brakk needed a nerf. No doubt about it. But fall-off damage is NOT the answer.

Ive tested a good number of shotguns myself, and they are more effective at longer ranges by far, they do bout double the range of the Brakk, and then some. Its depressing to watch a gun that you worked for in the event, get stripped of its usefullness, especially in high tier maps like pluto...

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