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Rip Vauban


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As we all know Vauban isn't the greatest Frame in the world. His abilities are interesting, though lacking in the effectiveness compartment compared too many other frames. Against Grineer and Corpus, he isn't a very good frame to use; decent, but there are many other frames who can handle them better.


Now against the Infested is where Vauban truly shines. Bastille will make you nearly invincible while standing in it, and allows you to take some target practice as the infested run to their death. Vortex will allow you to crush any enemies who come near and blast away as they fling about helplessly.


Vauban was mostly used in Infested Defense mission due to the fact that with Bastille, nothing could touch the pod. You knew that if you had a Vauban in your team heading into Xini, you would have no issue surviving. 


With the recent changes of Eris, this is now no longer the case. Vauban is now all but useless, and seems to be going the way of Banshee; hard to obtain, and totally not worth the effort. The only place where Vauban can shine now is ODD, which you really only need to run a few times in order to get Mutagen Samples if you were looking a build an organic clan weapon.


You might make the argument that "We now have Infested Invasion, he isn't COMPLETELY useless." And you are correct about this But there will never be a point in Infested Invasion where his powers are needed. Anyone who takes Infested Invasion seriously just uses Nova with Rush and spams her Ult. In Infested Invasion, Bastille or Vortex can work like a "get out of jail free card" but that should never happen with Infested Invasion with the Grineer  / Corpus backing you up. At least In Infested Defense Vaubans powers were a godsend for keeping them off the pod.


Now you may say "but he's still useful against the other two factions!". Alright fine, he's OK against the other two factions, but whatever he can do another frame can do better.


Want an electric attack that is only ever decent against Moa? Why use Vauban when Volt can get the job done much easier.


Want something to increase vertical mobility? Why use Vauban when you can use Excalibur who does the same thing, but easier. Or better yet, why not use Nova's Wormhole for even better mobility. Or Loki's  Decoy + switch teleport. Or even Valkyrs Rip Line.


Want something that will protect you from all the gunfire that the Grineer and Corpus will lob at you? Bastille can do that!... In limited range and anything outside of it will still blast away at you.You could use Volt's electric shield to protect you from gunfire in one direction AND boost the damage you do by shooting through it. Better yet, you could You could be using Frosts globe to ensure total protection from all gunfire.


Want a "Get out of jail free card" that can pull you out of a tight situation? Too bad your using Vauban and he doesn't have that against the Grineer / Corpus. If you wanted that, could use Rhino, Nova, Ash, Banshee, Ember, Excalibur, Frost, Loki, Nyx, Saryn, Valkyr, Volt, or even Trinity!


To top it all off, he's hard to obtain; for some players it can take weeks for the right alerts to come up; even more if you have a job and / or a family to maintain. He is also one of the weakest frames in the game in terms of defense. I can understand his health being low, but his shields really shouldn't be so weak. You would think that him being an "engineer" or "tech" type of warframe would mean that his shields would be through the roof, on par with Rhino, Mag, or Volt.


This is not a "boo hoo my Warframe is so bad please buff it" thread. This is more of a venting thread that a Warframe that I loved so dearly and built so recently has been made even more useless than he than he was pre-11.3.



TLDR: Vauban was made nearly useless since there is now no more Infested Defense / Mobile Defence besides ODD's.

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It's a crowd control frame, specialized on enemy immobilazation (Bounce (for lulz), Bastille, Vortex).

I don't know how/where you playing, but Bastille & Vortex do their job on Grineer & Corpus as well as they do in with Infested (at least for me).

Edited by Riccoshot
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It's a crowd control frame, specialized on enemy immobilazation (Bounce (for lulz), Bastille, Vortex).

I don't know how/where you playing, but Bastille & Vortex do their job on Grineer & Corpus as well as they do in with Infested (at least for me).

I was making a point about Bastille and Vortex being not that great against factions other than Infested because many other frames can handle them better. With Bastille, any Grineer / corpus outside of it will continue shooting at you. The only places I can think of Bastille doing just as good of a job as Frosts globe at disarming the enemy would be very small hallways. In open areas, you will still be shot at. With Vortex, anything not in the Vortex will continue shooting you as well. The AI for this game may not be the best, but most of the time they aren't willing to just happily jump into your Vortex and let you blast away at them. As for infested, they will happily run into your Bastille or Vortex and become bullet sponges.

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I just had a match where a Vauban carried our team through a corpus mobile defense mission. That amount of sheer control and power, coupled with the creative ways Vauban can use his abilities, is sheer fun. Stack a whole ton of grenades on a Valkyr in Hysteria and send her running through the center of a group of corpus shielded by ospreys. Whole place explodes. Block off exits with bounce pads and vortexes. Suddenly it's shooting fish in a barrel. Vauban is all about control, and that's pretty damn hard to nerf, in comparison to straight up damage frames. I don't think he's going to be going anywhere for a long time.

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I was making a point about Bastille and Vortex being not that great against factions other than Infested because many other frames can handle them better. With Bastille, any Grineer / corpus outside of it will continue shooting at you. The only places I can think of Bastille doing just as good of a job as Frosts globe at disarming the enemy would be very small hallways. In open areas, you will still be shot at. With Vortex, anything not in the Vortex will continue shooting you as well. The AI for this game may not be the best, but most of the time they aren't willing to just happily jump into your Vortex and let you blast away at them. As for infested, they will happily run into your Bastille or Vortex and become bullet sponges.


I got total 450 energy, i got Energy Siphon, i got Clan Energy Restores.

Do you think i'm not able to spam Bastilles through all the room, when this is actually will be necessary, though i can thrown 1, disable a bunch of enemies, and gun down guys running outside.

Theoretical =/= in-game, i think i know what i'm talikng about.

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I got total 450 energy, i got Energy Siphon, i got Clan Energy Restores.

Do you think i'm not able to spam Bastilles through all the room, when this is actually will be necessary, though i can thrown 1, disable a bunch of enemies, and gun down guys running outside.

Theoretical =/= in-game, i think i know what i'm talikng about.



Dead on, just use the CC more aggressively rather than passively. 

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I got total 450 energy, i got Energy Siphon, i got Clan Energy Restores.

Do you think i'm not able to spam Bastilles through all the room, when this is actually will be necessary, though i can thrown 1, disable a bunch of enemies, and gun down guys running outside.

Theoretical =/= in-game, i think i know what i'm talikng about.


I run the same set-up as Vauban with Energy Siphon, Flow, and Medium Energy Restores. My point is that instead of wasting 150 or 225 energy throwing two or three Bastilles around the around to immobilize everyone, you could just prevent any gunfire from hitting you with only 50 energy and a single frost snow globe.

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I run the same set-up as Vauban with Energy Siphon, Flow, and Medium Energy Restores. My point is that instead of wasting 150 or 225 energy throwing two or three Bastilles around the around to immobilize everyone, you could just prevent any gunfire from hitting you with only 50 energy and a single frost snow globe.


Now Frost is a whole different topic, and while I enjoyed playing him, he's pretty damn close to a one trick pony. Hard to do creative and fun things with Frost as you can with Vauban. Vauban's job is to turn choke points into slaughterfests in a variety of ways His means of control are more aggressive than Frost and result in dead enemies faster. Frost is to protect fragile things, downed people, freeze bosses and capture targets, etc. Frost doesn't help his team do damage as well as Vauban does with his level of control.

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Want a "Get out of jail free card" that can pull you out of a tight situation? Too bad your using Vauban and he doesn't have that against the Grineer / Corpus. If you wanted that, could use Rhino, Nova, Ash, Banshee, Ember, Excalibur, Frost, Loki, Nyx, Saryn, Valkyr, Volt, or even Trinity!

What?  By stacking some power strength, duration, range, efficiency and capacity (I'll admit this is a pretty endgame build and it did require an Orokin Reactor) I have Bastilles that make an escape plan that's every bit as effective as a Rhino Stomp.  If not even moreso in some cases, because I can throw down multiple and basically cover the whole map whereas Rhino Stomp has a cooldown.  A Snowglobe might cost less energy and protect against gunfire better, but it's not nearly as good for large-scale crowd control, only for small area defence unless you feel like building a snowglobe castle.  Bounce doesn't have the same precision or ability to be used on reflex like Ripline/Super Jump/etc. but it does come with a nice benefit of your teammates being allowed to use it and the ability to toss enemies around.  Vortex I guess suffered the most here, because Grinner and Corpus have much less tendency to gather into crowds than Infested do.


I'm pretty satisfied with how Vauban is right now.  Tough to handle due to his squishyness and unconventional abilities, but borderline OP in the hands of someone who's spent a long time figuring out how to use him effectively.  That's how I think all frames ought to be: Difficult to master, but oh-so-satisfying once you do.

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Someone needs to get creative.

Vauban is right up there with my other main frames (Excalibur Prime, Loki, Nekros) simply due to the sheer versatility of him, like the other three offer.

I use all 4 abilities on all 4 of these frames on a regular basis, you don't even need to think too hard outside the box to see potential in their less loved abilities (Bounce, Super Jump, Switch Teleport, some people don't slot in Soul Punch)

Vauban isn't meant to be killing everyone, if you're fast, and you're smart, you'll be locking down the entire area you're in while keeping a solid Primary and Secondary to dish it out at distance and close quarters. 

He's THE master of CC.

Sure he's squishy, and has average speed, but I'm always incredibly mobile with Vauban, especially with Bounce. I never understand why no one slots this ability in, it's equally useful as his three other abilities. 


Vauban players don't rush head on into gun fights. They take cover, he can throw all four of his abilities for Pete's sake. 


Teslas when spammed in concentration around areas, attached to fellow Tenno, or hell even just making a puddle of them in a high traffic area is fantastic for keeping a large number of baddies stunned.


Bounce is amazing for mobility, at max rank you can lift three buds up to a decent height or a safety ledge to avoid piles of ancients headed your way.

Throw one of these down in front of said Ancients as they rush you, or at Grineer Heavy units before they can spool up, or shoot at you so they can be sent flying and you avoid getting shredded long enough to gun them down or make an escape. Slap several onto a defense objective and watch as advancing infested are blasted away a safe distance

(I think Streamline on Vauban is a MUST!)

Or just fill a narrow hallway with them lined around with half a thought put into it and stall the advancing horde by an entire minute or two, longer than a Bastille or Vortex will last, and easier than stuffing it with Teslas that might not stun certain advancing enemies.

Using it to skeet shoot with the Ogris TF2 Style is also a welcome treat 



Bastille, throwable stasis field that can, when maxed, immobilizes up to 12 targets per Bastille. Throwable. THROWABLE. 

So what if ya have legions of Corpus or Grineer taking cover or sniping your butt from several meters away? Toss a Bastille, you can even do it in various cramped chambers within Void missions, if there's enemies that aren't caught in it due to it's capacity being filled, this can be remedied by killing the targets within, or hell, throw another one if needed. Focus doesn't amplify it quite enough, and Blind Rage is not a good mod for Vauban, he NEEDS enough juice to continuously cast.


Vortex is also throwable, making it one of the most useful ults in the game. Sure at decent levels it's damage is utterly laughable, but when thrown by the basic thinking man or woman, it can land in the center of the throthing horde and 'AHHHHH-' hilariously the -entire- group gets lifted and sucked into a maelstrom of 




The sheer number of enemies it can drag into it for it's decent duration is staggering, it is certainly a fantastic GTFO button, especially when you have a great damage dealing weapon to clean the vortex out for you. Or just use it to buy some precious time, as it doesn't discriminate which enemies get yanked into it.

It'll even clean up the mess when you're done, disintegrating the corpses and leaving a nice floating pile of loot there for ya.

What's not to like about this? How can you complain?


Vauban is a caster, a pure caster. When utilized with some thought and even just a little creativity he becomes one of the best frames in this game. Playing alone might be a bit tough without friends depending on your mod loadout (I slapped a health mod or two on him for soloing things)

-yet he is far, faaar from useless and specialized. 


I take him to exterminates, defenses, captures, survivals, everything, against every faction. Not getting downed with him takes some practice yet it will happen, like it does with any frame, yet if you're situationally aware and play your cards right, he's one tough mother !@#$$!#$ to kill.




No, I'm going to disagree with you. Vauban is fantastic, and when used creatively and with some forward thinking he's one of the best for all factions, capable of tackling any situation. (Just bring something especially potent for the bosses...)

Edited by Hastur609
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