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De, How Are We Going To Fight Grineers Now?


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I don't feel like whipping out a recording device but I've got screen shots to prove the numbers at least.


The Build for my Soma


Corpus damage

Corupted Heavy damage
Corrupted Lancer damage.


I have a screen shot showing I could kill the lancer but I haven't been in the mood to play. You can double check the numbers in game yourself but this isn't particularly fun to waste 20-30ish rounds on light grineer

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I confirm, this is getting ridiculous. After fighting those adamantium guys on some alerts missions and in the void yesterday night, I will just avoid this faction until it's fixed. Will avoid high level Void too. And Infested are kinda broken at the moment.


Well, that leaves Corpus then. Fighting only one faction will get old fast, but not much choice now.

Edited by Hyunsai
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Might be some misunderstanding here. The problem is not that armor scaling changed. The armor scaling is the same since U11.

It is that puncture and corrosive no longer armor ignore. Use to be puncture 50%, Corrosive 75% armor ignore.

This more or less fixes nothing except now there's no way around armor. and it's a very unbalanced resistance with how it functions and scales.

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Hm, you guys recognized, that weapons with same or almost the same amount of dmg on impact, slash and puncture got nerfed by the last 2 hotfixes?

Cus all of those physical dmg types got reduced dmg on different factions now... you wanna try a puncture only weapon vs grineer now, or maybe a synapse/embolist... i myself could only test a lvl 20 grineer mission for now, but with an unmodded embolist with only convulsion on it and, yeah, it oneshotted every grineer in the mission oO

... but have to test it vs void grineer...

corrosive didnt ignore armor in the first place, it dealt 75% more dmg all the time vs armored targets and had a chance to proc and reduce armor and it was never stated by DE, that this had changed...

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Hm, you guys recognized, that weapons with same or almost the same amount of dmg on impact, slash and puncture got nerfed by the last 2 hotfixes?

Cus all of those physical dmg types got reduced dmg on different factions now... you wanna try a puncture only weapon vs grineer now, or maybe a synapse/embolist... i myself could only test a lvl 20 grineer mission for now, but with an unmodded embolist with only convulsion on it and, yeah, it oneshotted every grineer in the mission oO

... but have to test it vs void grineer...

corrosive didnt ignore armor in the first place, it dealt 75% more dmg all the time vs armored targets and had a chance to proc and reduce armor and it was never stated by DE, that this had changed...

Not trying to be rude, thanks for the reply but please test it on the relevant factions, read the above posts and watch the linked video.


Grineer are Flesh and Armor. This should make slash adequate against them with the new fix with Corrosive as those are the two damage types aimed at them.


The Brakk deals a respectable amount of puncture damage around 37 unmodded, higher than a lot of automatics have. Blast only has a minor penalty to armor, 25% and Impact has no penalty. So the bulk of the damage on those two weapons should not be lost.


The Synapse does not deal any of the base damage types and is still getting hit hard according to claims. I implore you to please read your fellow posters before assuming we haven't tried that.


The old Corrosive system DID return up to 75% damage on armor, someone crunched the numbers on it a while back. It's why weapons with a garbage status chance like the Dual Gremlins could still get use out of it on single shots and why Corrosive was so important


We were not aiming at sub 20 mobs we were aiming at 30+ mobs so please replay on a higher difficulty mission or a void key.

I'm not arguing they're impossible to kill, I'm arguing the damage reduction is absurd even when aiming at their resistances.



And here's an explanation on why, lovely

Edited by Redmage107
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For explanation: Red line is what appears to be the current formula. Green line is what it used to be. Purple was me looking at possible ways to fix the armor scaling (applying the modifier on armor value).

The graph was based on 1000 Corrosive damage. For reference, a Lv. 1 Grineer Lancer has 100 armor and a Trooper has 150 armor.

(Also the X axis is totally wrong)


So far no formula works right for both bonuses and penalties. (With the old formula, elements weak to Armor would make damage get reduced to ridiculous numbers. We're talking single digits here)


So don't rag on DE too hard, it's hard to find a good formula.

Edited by Kyte
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