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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Hey, hopefully someone from DE sees this and responds, but there's something I want to clarify: I took "specify grip-type" to mean "tell us what animation set this weapon uses", presumably so that the animators could just model the weapons and slap them on existing animation sets instead of having to come up with new ones. However, I'm seeing a lot of submissions that would clearly need brand new animation sets of their own. So, can someone from DE please tell me -- should our submissions be compatible with existing melee weapon animation sets, or are we free to come up with ideas that might require new animations?

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didnt make draw or want to clim the pic ffor my own just like the idea.

rather then a revolver a singal dagger or fist wepons that can shoot only when charge attack.

a small shotgun type shot the dmg shuld not be high on the shot but the dager or fist wepon should compair better then the others....

best vs grineer and infested. so probably a corpus wepon

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"a rose by any other name". this deadly tenno weapon is a great sword, and is wielded like such. when doing a ground pound attack deadly spikes launch out of the ground in a 5 meter spread around the user, when doing a charged strike the tenno  stabs the weapon forward thus making the spikes on the great sword launch forward five meters straight piercing enemies in its path, the spikes are then retracted when the attack is over

IMAG1261_zps5aab7949.jpg Photo by austin853 | Photobucket                                             IMAG1262_zps5ce7f8e3.jpg Photo by austin853 | Photobucket
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Name (optional): Suzumebachi (Asian hornet)

Faction: I'm of two minds in that regard. I'd call it lost era technology adapted for conventional needs, but if not, then Corpus defectors.

Grip and description: One handed dagger-style - thrusts and short swings. Charge attack is a fast double thrust. Suzumebachi is a tech-rapier (or an epee, I'm no expert) with high piercing damage against armour on thrust and moderate slash damage against everything on swing. It's blade is thin and of a standard longsword length. There are two electric contacts on the tip and upon contact with metallic armour plates it creates high-voltage spark of such a temperature that in microsecond it literally vaporizes small piece of armour, creating tiny breach just enough for the blade to come through. "POK!!", you're dead.



Edited by Valentine_Grim
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Name: SwitchCleave (Subject to change)


Faction: Tenno


Description: A combination of two swords, able to be unfolded. In standard formation, it would be weilded as one sword with two parrallel blades, dealing massive single target damage with both charge and standard attacks. In the unfolded formation, it would deal area damage, similar to the Orthos and would deal half the damage per target compared to the previous form. Tapping the block button would switch your stance. Holding block only blocks and does nothing to your stance. 

Grip: Longsword or Polearm depending on Stance
Damage: Mostly slash with more Piercing than Impact
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Faction: Infested
Description:  Sword and Dagger Grip Type (the small dagger part can be used as a whip) - The Mios
A multi-purpose bio-weapon that gorges itself on enemies and can drag targets closer to it using the hook-dagger built into the pommel.





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A Morning-star/FlaiI is something useful. I would think that some Nunchaku (or Tabok-Toyok) would make their way into a ninja-esk game. Also the Three-section staff would be an interesting addition.  Another Tenno play on words weapon would be, the Tessen or Gunbai (a Japanese war fan carried by high ranking soldiers) 



Flail (morning star style but chained together) * A cool upgrade for this would be to add a more chains, turning the flail into (and up to) a 3-tailed version (nine would be just too much). Upgrade is similar to making a single sidearm into a dual wield.


Nunchaku/Tabok-Toyok (Nunchaku with a longer chain and typically shorter handles) For a spacey update they can have shock/stun capability due to electrical power. Can be upgraded from short range Nunchaku to longer ranged/multiple target hitting Tobak-Toyok.


Three-Section Staff (A bo staff broken into 3 parts and connected by 2 sets of short chain) Basically the Galatine version of the Nunchaku. Hard, Multiple target-hitting, slightly slower, chain-stick weapon. Could also be the final tier upgrade for the Nunchaku/Tabok-Toyok.


Tessen/Gunbai (a tough, fan-weapon meant for close range slashing/stabbing attacks when opened or clubbing/stabbing/parrying/defending attacks when folded. When open could also block/deflect arrows/medium projectiles. Probably could be thrown like a glaive but for difference sake, let's just make it revovle around the caster. the higher the lvl the more times it revolves, up to max of 4) When equipped and the player blocks, the animation will show the tenno quickly flipping the fan out to a full circle buckler-sized shield.


Images can be googled or wikied. That's it for now. Thanks for reading!




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It's time to get my old project in the field!

And here it is:


Dual Zodiac - Corpus Elite Battle Knives

Faction: Corpus

Description: A pair of combat knives that uses super heated plasma blades to melt everything they hit. A much more ergonomical response to the [Grineer] Dual Cleavers. They can heat up with the pressure of a button and they charge within less than half of a second. Great weapons against heavy shielded targets as they can melt those barriers like butter.


Original Thread: Corpus Reinforcements: New Weapons (With Pics!).

Edited by Krotalon
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Or we can have dual long katanas that arent really based on close range hack and slashing , tho u can still do so but isnt really effective. (Idea conceptualized from Sengoku Astray and bleach) so when we use normal melee , the katanas when swung will produce energy like curves, that colour will be based on energy colour or elemental mix colour , the energy hits the enemy either kills them or knocks them down. In charge mode , both katanas launch two energy curves in the shape of an X. The effect will either kill or knock back... However when the charge mode is used , the melee charge will have to rest for maybe 1.2 secs because of its another effect. This charge will be affected by range mods on how far the two curves will travel , such that if theres a whole line of grineer coming at you , it will knock them down and continue moving until it reqches a range limit, and thus continuing knocking down everything in its path or killing them. This blade will have equal damage in its slash impact and puncture. Damage will be low... Maybe like 20-25 because its used as a cc weapon instead or a killing weapon. Ground pound will be the usual dual weapons ground pound only with a little knockback radius ... Sorry no pic just wanted to share

Edited by LEVI-
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Name: Mjolnir

Faction: Tenno

Description: One handed hammer that hits hard, can be thrown and brough back by a powerful electromagnet and finally jump attack causes knockback and not knockdown.




Edited by Chieftain5486
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Faction: Tenno

Name: Jaquilas 

Type: Jet Broom (or Staff, or anything you want to call it)


Puncture: 20.5

Slash: 6.5

Impact: 27

Charge Attack: 76.5

Spin Attack: 56

Leap Attack:34

Wall Attack:56


In-game Description idea:

A staff fused with a blower that was modified with ancient tech and a powered orb which has great power.

This weapon was used by the elite tenno group of the east. No one knows where this invented weapon came from,

But some believed it was created by the orokin.


Weapon Idea:

Similar to a witch's broom which you can ride on but its not. Like I said, its a Jet Broom, It shoots air waves to boosts its attack and speed. Its also got Radiation power, which causes confusion. This broom shoots radioactive air waves.

Combo attacks: similar to Orthos' combo attacks, does radioactive hits.

Charge attack: creates a large radioactive wave which can reach about 4m range.

Leap attack: creates a wave which reaches 3m range.

Spin attack: launches some waves and then spins around hitting all targets nearby.

Stealth attack: Puts its hole where the waves comes out on the enemy's head, then crushes target's head with a powerful wave

Doodle and Sketch Artwork: I'm a teen and I'm not good at drawing stuff like this. So please appreciate my kiddy drawing and sketch.


Edited by ericdesuper10
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Incoming fatpost


Name: Keels


Faction: Tenno (Repurposed Stalker)


Grip: "Custom" - Closest existing would be a knuckle/fist weapon.


Description: Grips 3 daggers in left hand. Swings them around like Wolverine or someone protected by lots of copyright. Whether you're holding 1 or 3 daggers, normal attacks only hit one target, but holding 3 daggers "hits" the same target 3 times. Result of holding them in the left hand allows for faster holstering (unless you're switching to/from akimbo pistol), but also creates a blindspot in the right side on the first strike.


Charge to throw: partial throws 1 dagger, full throws all 3. Full charge indicated by arm shaking and electric crackling. Once thrown, daggers must be reloaded ("Ammo": 3/72, replenished by converting energy orbs (25 = 12 daggers)). These daggers are pulled from the holster on the right side. Slight arc on throw. If it hits an enemy, it deals its electrical charge (or comboed elemental) and despawns/vaporises with the corpse, similar to bolts. Daggers thrown into walls/ground are "live", which means it can still deal electric damage (ignores non-electrical elemental mods) by comboing it with skills. Treated as "objects".


For example, daggers thrown into walls/ground (max 9, 10th will despawn 1st) count as "machinery" for Volt's Overload, dealing additional electrical damage in a 1m radius around the dagger. Similar effect achieved by other AoE skills to create localized Magnetic/Corrosive/Radiation (Frost, Saryn, Ember, respectively, 1m radius around the dagger).


Live daggers are treated like objects, and can be teleported to by Loki and Ash, be Primed by Nova to explode (does not deal any additional electrical damage). It also increases Vauban's Tesla damage by 15% if in range (1m radius), and daggers thrown through Volt's Shield increases damage and flies straight.


Lore/Flavour Text: Mono-filament daggers created by the Lotus after studying the composition of the Stalker's knives. It carries an electric charge and can be thrown.



just kidding, more spoilers here.






Possible/example (per knife held/thrown) stats:


Impact: 5

Puncture: 17

Slash: 33



Charge: 75 (Impact: 10, Puncture: 50, Slash: 15)

Electric: 35

Charge time: Partial (0.4), Full (0.7)

Reload: 0.8


Crit: x1.5|10%

Status: 25%

Attack Speed: 1.6/sec


Jump: ???

Slam: 25 (Impact: 10, Electric: 15)

Slam Radius: Space Jam 1.2 (not per held dagger, set/flat radius.)

Slide: 65 (Impact: 10, Puncture: 10, Slash: 45)


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Inspired by the Amphis and Orthos, the Grineer crafted Gorran was designed to harness the power of puncture and impact. Due to its ferocity and ability to easily incapacitate, the Gorran is a popular weapon among personal bodyguards.


Two handed polearm. Hybrid between Orthos (spear end) and Amphis (tesla end). Excels in both puncture (when attacking with spear end) and impact damage (When attacking with tesla end). Picture describes potential colour scheme and goes into more detail on features.




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Faction - Tenno
Name - Kaikate (Kai-ka-te)
Grip - Gauntlets
Description- originally designed as climbing equipment then modified for warfare.
When unused the blades retract into the gauntlet. When active the attacks with the weapon are very quick and short range.
During a Charge attack your tenno will bring it arms up and the blades fire out on wire/chains gripping a enemy, your tenno then leaps into close combat with the enemy or enemies the blades have lodged into becoming un-lodged once in combat.
Jump Attack -Your tenno will leap in to the air and slash downwards with his/her bladed arms. Well doing so energy forms around the blade making them larger for the duration of the jump attack, allowing for a larger area of affect.
Damage - Normal attack - Slashing
Charge attack- Puncher
Jump attack - Slashing

The weapon is gauntlets on on both arms. Each Gauntlet has three blade running down the outer side of the forearm. The blades go from largest closest to the elbow to smallest closest to the hand.

Edited by Wildanimal123
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мне кажется чем вы придумываете все новое и новое оружие лучше бы добавили комбинации ударов, а то нажимать по многу раз на одну кнопку просто так не интересно.

комбинации с добавлением выстрела из оружия и добавлением усиленных атак.

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Name : Skanda

Faction: Tenno

Grip:Two-handed (animations similar like Bo or Orthos)


Description: Inspired by the Naginata of old days , the Tenno created the Skanda .Taking the concept of the Skana sword to a new Design, they created a new more deadly, swift and graceful weapon . It is also a favored Weapon by Female Tenno .

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Ok, before we start, i must tell that my photoshop level and drawing level is really suck, hope the images at my post won't hurt your eye, thanks for watching them anyway.


Faction : Tenno

Name : Impulse


Description : A new Tenno made Throwing weapon that specialize in both close and medium range battles. It contain a pair of glove and a core. The glove allow Tenno fight at close range, it multiply the kinetic energy applied on enemy (similar to obex), and the glove also use as a charger, to charge the core and then fire it to do a strong impact damage to the target.


Concept Art :


The Impulse 







Some idea about Impulse



Impulse's Color Set & Little Concept






Impulse on Hands






Impulse's Standby View






Launch the Core






Impulse's Normal Attack






Impulse's Charge Attack






Impulse's Stealth Attack






Impulse's Finisher






Impulse's Jump Attack






Thanks for Watching!

Edited by Y-O-L-O
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I can't draw but I have an Idea based on this picture 



Name : Juggernaut 

Faction , : grineer Tenno hybrid  

Type : heavy two handed rocked powered sword 


Description. Heavy two handed sword that with similar animations to the galatine , but for  each strike pushes you a 5 - 6   feet forward with  great knockdown power to weaker ennemies . Can hit multiple enemies  , The cool down between strikes is longer than any weapon but the strikes themselves are fast. 

he charge attack overcharges the rockets ,resulting in an attack similar to slash dash but much shorter range  and instead of Excalibuer's animation. the tenno spins around once while going forward  because of the propultion, hitting any ennemies around him.

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A while back, I mentioned the lack of Chainsaws in this game. So my submission comes with a new enemy idea as well.


The Grineer by nature disregard their own safety, having no sense of self-preservation due to the fact that they can just be cloned and reborn. But even dying over and over can take its toll on their psyche, and combined with DNA degradation, some of the Grineer forces eventually snap and lose all sense of control or command. Not wanting to throw out valuable meat puppets, the Grineer commanders realized that these rage filled monstrosities could be a powerful tool.


These monstrosities are called, Berserkers. The combined breakdown of mind and genetic structure has left them filled with nothing beyond murderous rage, an attempt to claw their way out of the cycle of death and cloning they've been trapped within for far too long.


In both of the Berserker's hands are these, chainsaw blades, with wide edges for maximum reach and impact. Emphasizing the Grineer and Berserker's lack of self-preservation, they're as dangerous to the user as they are to the victim. The powered spinning sawblade is dangerous to flesh and armor alike, carving apart steel and tenno.


Sorry for the paint art. I can't draw for crap.


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