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Soma Needs More Recoil!


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I can see why this game lacks balance. Sheesh, I hope the developers have some sense so that they don't listen to that particular group of the community. It's becoming rather painful explaining things to you guys. 


you keep missing  the  obvious point, you dont need to forma or potato other guns right away to use it, the soma you must, and all of that is part of the work put into the gun, the same way you say i am biased for saying leave it alone because of all the time farming and work i put into mines, isnt it the same i can invalidate your opinion by you saying its easy because some people get it in a few runs? none of the points you put forward have any solid ground to be considered as the converse to them disprove your points just as much a you try to disprove others. like i and others said before if you want a gun like the soma thats not as effective go use a grakata or play solo or use non formaed and potatoed weapons, and some many? hammershot is one of the rarest mods to get, an unranked one goes for 40plat+ and you expect everyone to have 40 plat that inst starter or gifted to spend on a hammershot if they want it, like i told you before you cant count obtaining items by trade to say something is easy, that is a luxury not everyone has. tbh it just seems every single weapon out once it performs better in some cases than another you would want it nerfed, when that gets nerfed you would want  the  next best gun nerfed and so on, like i told you before the game is progressive when you have progressive and tier oriented systems there is nothing like balancing or complaining a high tier gun is better as that is the obvious point of having such a system.

Soma is pretty good without hammershot, and the best with hammershot. And who cares if a gun performs better than Soma right out of the box? There's a difference between having a good balanced weapon when you put loads of work into it, and a terribly unbalanced weapon. 
Edited by DesuEx
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Why are you even comparing communism to balancing weapons. Who cares about the buildi2ng costs, if you didn't know, the building requirements for weapons in this game doesn't really make sense. Take a look at any of the infested clan tech, they require an absurd amount of resources, yet most of them are mediocre. 

Because thats more or less what you want, for weapons that are very easy to get to be comparable to those that require experience and more mats to obtain, putting it bluntly all weapons no matter how hard to get to get the same output as begginer ones. As for clantech yea agreed there are issues but currently you are talking about the soma, so lets stick to the topic and solve 1 problem at a time shall we?
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Because thats more or less what you want, for weapons that are very easy to get to be comparable to those that require experience and more mats to obtain, putting it bluntly all weapons no matter how hard to get to get the same output as begginer ones. As for clantech yea agreed there are issues but currently you are talking about the soma, so lets stick to the topic and solve 1 problem at a time shall we?

Alright, Soma needs recoil, I'm not saying anything about the damage output, just make it a bit harder to aim, and give it a feel of kick, all I'm asking and people start complaining about how this will make the gun useless and their efforts in vain.

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The Soma is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. (Seriously, I can't think of any reasons to not use it)

We either nerf it, or we make it difficult to use to compensate that it is, again, the most powerful weapon in the game.

You're acting like it'll be worse than the MK1-Braton if this happens.

Just because Warframe is PvE, it doesn't mean we can ignore balance.

Edited by MechNexus
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you keep missing  the  obvious point, you dont need to forma or potato other guns right away to use it, the soma you must,

And to build the bulk of the other weapons from Clantech I need to burn a forma or two just to build them and farm my &#! off and burn hundreds of thousands of credits to get those Fieldrons, Mutagen Masses and the explosive thingies.


Soma just needs a potato and one forma to start busting asses, because it has 2 polarized slots already, while most other weapons need at least 2 Formas (on top of the building costs and the mandatory potato). Hammer shot is easier to come by that you might think, just farm low level nightmare missions while you are leveling the gun.


It was a joke to do back then when It was ML3 (and I was ML3) and it's going to be even easier for a ML6 guy.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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And to build the bulk of the other weapons from Clantech I need to burn a forma or two just to build them and farm my &#! off and burn hundreds of thousands of credits to get those Fieldrons, Mutagen Masses and the explosive thingies.


Soma just needs a potato and one forma to start busting asses, because it has 2 polarized slots already, while most other weapons need at least 2 Formas (on top of the building costs and the mandatory potato). Hammer shot is easier to come by that you might think, just farm low level nightmare missions while you are leveling the gun.


It was a joke to do back then when It was ML3 (and I was ML3) and it's going to be even easier for a ML6 guy.

Wow, normal clanless player can obtain powerful weapon! No way!

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I can see why this game lacks balance. Sheesh, I hope the developers have some sense so that they don't listen to that particular group of the community. It's becoming rather painful explaining things to you guys. 

Soma is pretty good without hammershot, and the best with hammershot. And who cares if a gun performs better than Soma right out of the box? There's a difference between having a good balanced weapon when you put loads of work into it, and a terribly unbalanced weapon. 


yes i hope they have sense as the ones calling for a nerf on this thread i think i can count on 1 hand and not mess the gun up for the rest or rather majority of the community because of a few random people who want everything nerfed and balanced in a tier styled progressive game system which obviously is conflicting with the style of  the game, btw to the  guy who said he needed a forma to make clan tech, those things are given out more often than you think not to mention alot of bps in void etc its still way easier to obtain all mats and mods for those weapons than everything for a soma, and like i  said  before unlike what you all think not everyone who has a soma uses it as their go to weapon or "endgame" weapon.

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You're implying that making a weapon that, if modded correctly, can do 6x it's base damage 80% of the time, has 100 bullets with a low reload time compared to other weapons within it's class that have lower capacity, paired with an incredibly high firerate and has surprisingly high accuracy, a little bit of a challenge to use, will make it worse than the MK1-braton, suck all of the fun out of the game, and then kick your dog?

Edited by MechNexus
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Oh hey, I guess that makes it in the same class as Grakata, difference is Soma becomes too overpowered at the end. Grakata doesn't. See the problem here? 


Grakata is a rank 0 weapon for new players, it's not a great comparison to make there.

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Alright, Soma needs recoil, I'm not saying anything about the damage output, just make it a bit harder to aim, and give it a feel of kick, all I'm asking and people start complaining about how this will make the gun useless and their efforts in vain.

well you can't really blame them. most of the time when a nerf comes out for a weapon we can learn from past nerfs that most of them do sort of become useless. the soma's ammo is already a bad enough drawback when dealing with late game enemies you can literally burn a clip and the heavy unit(bullet sponge) would still be standing. recoil will lead to bullets missing worsening the ammo situation and slow down the effective damage as aiming for weak points will become a long proccess and by the time you are done with one 3 or 4 would have arrived to take you down before you can even reload

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Informations :


More exactly:


Here we can see that a heavily modded grak take 2.24 seconds to down kril, while a heavily modded soma take 2.03 seconds.

So, less than 2 seconds and a half for each of them.


Even if balance is wishable for this game, the problem run deeper than simply nerfing here and buffing there.

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Informations :


More exactly:


Here we can see that a heavily modded grak take 2.24 seconds to down kril, while a heavily modded soma take 2.03 seconds.

So, less than 2 seconds and a half for each of them.


Even if balance is wishable for this game, the problem run deeper than simply nerfing here and buffing there.

tbh that helps prove the point that the soma is good as is, as grak is rank 0 and soma rank 6 and for that huge difference in rank the difference in the overall damage is .21 seconds. so apparently they want soma and grak to perform the same?

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Wow, normal clanless player can obtain powerful weapon! No way!

Wow, because joining a clan is a so horribly complex and expensive process, requiring the highest mastery levels attainable in the game.


Plenty of casual clans recruiting in the recruiting section. ("casual" = not hardcore, friendly and not interested in topping leatherboards)


You just need to post there, and then pay a morphics and some random crappy mat to make the key.


Wooo! You're in a clan!


So no, we don't really need a powerful weapon for "poor clanless sods".


Here we can see that a heavily modded grak take 2.24 seconds to down kril, while a heavily modded soma take 2.03 seconds.

So, less than 2 seconds and a half for each of them.

yellow crits seem to bypass armor, as I'm getting the same identical critical damage on all armor levels. Yay, more reason for saying the Soma is OP.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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1) So no, we don't really need a powerful weapon for "poor clanless sods".

2) yellow crits seem to bypass armor, as I'm getting the same identical critical damage on all armor levels. Yay, more reason for saying the Soma is OP.

1) So, we don't really need your opinon, clanboy.

2) Yay, you don't have a proof, but saying OP, clanboy!

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Now if only I were arguing about their damage, this is about drawbacks, which the Soma lacks. 


  • Requires mastery rank 6.
  • Low DPS and inefficient ammo economy without a critical hit focused build.
  • Requires quite a large amount of uncommon and rare resources to craft.
  • Longer reload than most rifles (not as long as the Gorgon or Supra however).
  • Lowest base damage per bullet of any primary weapon.
  • Weak Impact damage.
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1) So, we don't really need your opinon, clanboy.

2) Yay, you don't have a proof, but saying OP, clanboy!

1) We don't really need your opinon either. Also, I'm a Warlord, not clanboy. Use the right title pls.

2) http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_Hit_%28Mechanic%29#Notes


Critical headshots seem to bypass armor, and you have the game, you have the Soma, you have mobs to headshot. It's not hard to find out.





  • Requires mastery rank 6.
  • Low DPS and inefficient ammo economy without a critical hit focused build.
  • Requires quite a large amount of uncommon and rare resources to craft.
  • Longer reload than most rifles (not as long as the Gorgon or Supra however).
  • Lowest base damage per bullet of any primary weapon.
  • Weak Impact damage.

He was talking about serious drawbacks. Half of that aren't even drawbacks or are outright BS ("quite a large" and "rare" resources lolwtf? Going to edit that line in wiki as rare mats are Neurodes, Orokin Cells and the Neural Sensors).

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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  • Requires mastery rank 6.
  • Low DPS and inefficient ammo economy without a critical hit focused build.
  • Requires quite a large amount of uncommon and rare resources to craft.
  • Longer reload than most rifles (not as long as the Gorgon or Supra however).
  • Lowest base damage per bullet of any primary weapon.
  • Weak Impact damage.


Yo hey I think everyone is talking about real disadvantages, not some crap copy and pasted from the wiki.

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dont think yellow crits bypass armor though so thats wrong, on a level 12 or so can do like 1k+ crit on a mob at lvl 52 its like 34 dmg wiht a yellow crit headshot so i dont believe that yellow crits ignore armor to be true. as for disadvantages like i said the amount of work to put into the soma is what can be listed as a disadvantage, with out a potato vs other weapons the soma is rubbish unless you forma its 6 times even with a potato you need to  forma  3-4 times, it has one of the worst ammo  efficiency and it takes quite a bit of leveling to make it worth while compared to other higher tiered weapons, not to mention the work needed to farm some of the mods to make the soma into a  comparable  weapon. 

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Omg. Get your hands out of Soma. It IS perfect assault rifle. The only perfect assault rifle in game.


Want to "nerf" it?  Fine, make a plead to increase it's mastery requirement up to 10. No one would say anything about nerfing an M10 rifle.


Oh, and about Grakata - yes, with such horrible accuracy it needs a recoil reduction, if not complete removal. Once upon a time I managed to shoot a whole clip into Leaper from ~15m, and it was ONE bullet that hitted him. Yes, it was continous fire, not a Grakata choice, but damn, it's 15m. Now i don't wonder, why Lancers have troubles with Tenno.

Edited by SpFinX
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All these arguments about the OPness of weapons is vain, for the many reasons already expressed in this thread, and for another one, much more valid.


DE never expressed what should be the power level of gear per mastery rank.


All whiners are screeching "OP ! OP ! OP !" like f*king mice yet only DE know if a piece of gear is truly unbalanced or not because they are the only one to know what kind of balance they want to achieve, if any.

They should start to give good, valuable feedback about the content instead of thinking that pestering the devs will lead them anywhere.


DE, please go on making entertaining content for your customers without caring about the tantrums of a token number of sour people.


/thread for me.

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