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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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please, allow Thunderbolt-mod ( http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Thunderbolt ) for attica-weapon ( http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Attica ). now attica is not popular weapon, because its pretty weak (for example 600 attica vs 3000 paris prime), but it will be funny, if you add an opportunity to launch hail of arrows, 30% of which may explode.


now it can be used only with a bow...but why it can't be used for crossBOW?

Edited by Aquartos
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Something that has been bothering me lately when trying to scan enemies: 

As I am scanning an enemy for the codex my sentinel will practically instantly kill them. Perhaps had a key to toggle the sentinels between a passive and aggressive state.


The Passive state would basically limit any abilities the sentinel has that would effect the enemies; though, you could still use abilities that only help yourself (Guardian, Ghost, Investigator, Sacrifice, Sanctuary... etc along with stat boosting mods redirection, vitality...)


The Aggressive state would remain as the sentinels are now.


Something that would help me and I'm sure others in scanning, or simply leveling up their weapons without the interference of their sentinels, but the sentinels will be just a click away from activation.

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Here is a dated, but interesting, thread from a wiki about ideas for Warframes.

Also, this is a very fun game, but some of the adversaries are a bit too much for some people to handle.


Ancient Disruptors are a bit overpowered. They should have a limit on how much energy they steal and that they don't steal shields and energy at the same time. A player should still be able to acquire energy while the status lasts, or just not able to pick up energy orbs at all instead of the energy not appearing. Thank you for your consideration and how well you have made this game! :D

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A little thing I've been struggling with is the hassle of having to repeat alert missions because the host migration doesn't work (after the missions complete and we are going to extraction ), and it's caused me to miss out on a few missions rewards entirely, simply because it keeps happening.


If the hosts fails to migrated, but the mission objectives are done wouldn't it be better to allow the players to count the mission as completed, or even to let them finish the mission in solo or offline mode?

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Hi a few suggestions


1. can you make trades available for plat purchases like revives

2.can you please fix backward clan logos on signs

3.Make dojo rooms not available to clans after release for plat purchase ie infested derilect rooms

4.What happened to clan motd signs above doors.

5.Make trees fit in dojo

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It would be really good if you could have a new warframe that can you any abilities e.g frosts snow globe, rhino iron skin. etc but make hard to get or research in the dojo



but seriously:

 Actually implement some of the fantastic ideas that are in this thread.

Edited by Miracl3
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Some suggestions:


1. Adding a "send next wave early" button for defense missions. E.g by adding a structure where all squad members need to click simultaneously just like when two players have to open some doors. Lore justification - performing an action that mobilized the enemy.

2. Limited amount of "saves" when falling into instant kill areas. Could be increased by adding a mod. On later stages of development - get an animation like Tenno shooting some batrope/spiderweb or some short burst energy/jet blast to put himself away from the danger and back on track.


3. Automated message when someone is eligible for his first lvlup and undertaking the test. I found out about it by accident due to misclicking. An early in game explanation on how that unlocks access to higher lvl weapon blueprints would also be nice.


4. Less shine and glow to pimped up high end Tenno. Their colorfulness is too often not in contrast with the environment. More subtlety. 


5. A solution that would cease the ridiculousness of "slide+E" becoming the most effective long distance mobility method e.g.
a) reduce the distance that one travels while conducting the "slide+E"

b) increase "slide+E" stamina cost

c) add a "holster" weapon option that would prevent you from attacking but would increase sprint speed 

6. Adding PvP rewards to respective conclave categories. Introducing separate ranking systems per conclave category. Inability to invite an opponent when playing in "ranked" conclave match and blocking rewards after X wins over the same opponent to prevent reward farming. Introducing PVP ladderboard - platinum (or other fancy) reward for seasonal winners.

Edited by Sevnir
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3. Automated message when someone is eligible for his first lvlup and undertaking the test. I found out about it by accident due to miss clicking. An early in game explanation on how that unlocks access to higher lvl weapon blueprints would also be nice.

this is important to do.

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After carefully reading the first post and going through the thread to make sure I don't suggest something that was already suggested, I'm ready to make a list of small things that I think could improve gameplay.


1. & 2. I've seen suggestions for Color scheme picker and A/B/C Loadout Picker. These ideas are on the right track, but could be done a bit better.


There are basically 4 different factions in the game (plus a new one that was mentioned in Devstream 31 and is "on the horizon") so why not have 4 different loadouts for every weapon (Grineer/Corpus/Infested/Void) that get selected automatically when entering a mission (depending on the enemy of course).


The color scheme picker is also a good idea; create a master color scheme that can be applied to your entire loadout with one simple click. However, this would require some rearrangement of colors on warframes and warframe skins since the color selection of Blue/Green/Yellow/Red/White will sometimes result in a mostly blue frame, sometimes in mostly green and sometimes in mostly Yellow. But let's leave that alone at the moment. What I'm suggesting to do with this master color scheme is to allow players a choice to bind the schemes to tilesets. For example, a player could create a white color scheme for snowy Corpus missions, a Green camo scheme for Earth missions, a beige scheme for Phobos runs etc. These would also be selected automatically when entering the missions. I believe this would be a nice touch that would increase player immersion and ultimately also might result in increase of Color Picker sales; a win-win situation for everyone involved.


3. & 4. At some point, mastery rank stops meaning anything, and players really have no incentive to go any further, resulting in many players leaving the game once they reach the rank required for the "strongest weapon in the game". I've seen tons of people stop playing after reaching "Soma rank" before and, more recently, the  "Dragon Nikana rank". So why not make mastery rank and experience a bit more visible?


  - Make the highest ranked player in the mission a Cell Leader; make his icon more visible; bigger/gold trimmed/whatever, make his text a different       color in the squad chat or even give him the ability to push notifications (we're talking those big "The Hive is volunerable" notifications in the               middle of the screen) to all squad members, etc.

  - Make mastery rank visible in chat in the same way it's done in the Friends/Clan list (Name[rank])


This would give the higher-ranked players a sense of achievement, and also inspire the lower-ranked people to strive to greatness. It's basically displaying players' trophies; a truly simple trick, but it works and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


5. While we're on the topic of displaying trophies, there was a suggestion of making Mastery ranked badges. It's a decent proposal, but the badges in general also get too little exposure. The only time you see someones badge is when you're riding with them in an elevator. And that's only if they're standing still. I suggest badges also be added next to the player's name in chat, or at least next to the icons in missions.


6. Display player icons in chat. This gives players more options for personalization and more reason to buy icons. Admittedly, this might be a bit hard to implement since it would require finding the balance between making the icons big enough to be distinguishable and making the chat text small enough to fit a decent amount of it on the screen.


7. Displaying guild name in front of the player's name, prefferably in a different color >> GuildName.PlayerName [Rank]. This was probably suggested, but I didn't see it anywhere in the first post of this thread.


8. And finally, a little quality of life improvement for the healers out there. I feel that Trinity is really good  and much more fun to play now since the invulnerability was removed. I find myself constantly saving people from the brink of death and feeling really good about it until I realize that those people have absolutely no idea that anything actually happened and that and that most players out there don't want trinity anywhere near high-level missions despite her being able to fully heal the entire team every few seconds. Also, whenever I play her at low level missions and get paired with rank 0-2 players, I feel like I'm providing an inconsistent gaming experience for them. Imagine being rank 2 and doing Cassini for 40 minutes without dying once and then getting absolutely destroyed after 7 minutes in the next game. Also, there's a "What's the challenge in playing vs bots?" mentality out there that prevents a lot of people (some of my friends) from trying Warframe. When playing low level survivals and getting rank 1 people to 30+ minutes, somehow I'm always afraid I'm feeding that mentality. Basically, the heals in the game, especially the ones from Trinity, make the game inexplicably easy for some people. 


Now, the problem is complex and the explanation long, but the remedy is simple; whenever a player gets healed by another teammate (be it by Trinity, Oberon, Rejuvenation or items), display a big green notification in the middle of their screen that says "Healed for [Amount] by [PlayerName]". Notifications for heal-over-time effects would, naturally, be displayed every 50 health or so and Trinity notification would also include the amount of shields restored.


Well, that's about it. Here's the short version;




1. Automatically select weapon loadout depending on the enemy

2. Create color schemes that can be applied to entire loadout and allow players to automatically select color schemes depending on tilesets

3. Cell Leader - Highest-rank player in the mission has a more visible icon and different-color text in squad chat

4. Display mastery rank in chat (Name[rank])

5. Display badges next to player icons in missions (and possibly in chat)

6. Display player icons in chat (maybe hard to implement)

7. Display Guild name in front of player name ( GuildName.PlayerName [Mastery Rank])

8. When a player gets healed (by Trinity, Oberon, Rejuvenation or Items), display notification text in the middle of their screen ("Healed for [Amount] by [PlayerName]" )

Edited by Daemonicvs
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How about changing the resource drop models slightly, so that you can see whether the resource will be common/uncommon/rare. For example common = yellow/orange as it is now,  uncommon = red or green to be easily distinguished from the other colours(colors) ;) and rare = blue as it is now. So that there is some clarity as you are picking the resource drop up.

Edited by TheRagingApple
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I was re-watching devstream 29 and I as soon as he said "hatch" i got to thinking of a cool way to make the gene lab look active while you were making an animal, And what you could do is just have a total still shot of the animal and start by having an orange "wire frame" assembled and once the wire frame is complete ( at like 50% or something) the skin and flesh starts to get grafted onto the animal and once its at 100% you have this little baby thing just sitting there in a tank growing and you can apply resources and chemicals to it to make it have more hit points, or be faster, or attack quicker and stuff until it grows to level one and its all ready to kick some &#!!

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- Add a reminder/counter to the pause screen to let players know the status of their challenge (e.g: get 10 headshots, 8/10 completed)

- Don't assign challenges players can't complete (e.g: get 20 kills with pistol, but player didn't bring a pistol) 

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Two suggestions I have is more color coding for the resource drops on each planet. The last one is always blue but it would be nice to see 2 extra colors like red and green to allow quick recognition of the resource. The other suggestion is allowing mass crafting of resources like Feldron or Mutagen mass to allow more than the crafting of one at a time. Waiting 4 days to craft the amount needed for a weapon saddens me when i have the resources to build 10 at a time. There is a bulk builder for ammo/energy regen.


Thank you for the great game and I hope these suggestions are helpful.

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