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Is Rng Rigged? I'm Beginning To Think So


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i posted a similar theory about this :D yay,finally someone who thinks like me! 


lol I haven't posted it cause I didn't want DE to change it. I was getting a ton of rare resources this way. Also made a ton of money off pathogen rounds, was getting 4+ pathogen rounds a 30 minute survival when they first changed the drop tables.

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Actually a LOT of games give out their statistics. Especially their drop tables.

Like what? I don't recall playing an MMO in the past several years where they had this information openly available. Drop tables yes, those are more common and I have seen a few games do this through some in-game feature but out of all the MMOs I've played I can probably count on one hand those that did give out drop table information. I wouldn't mind if they implemented a way to view drop rates via the codex scanner, though that would only work for enemies or containers.



 Don't try to play that bullsh*t card of "OH, so they should just show us EVERYTHING EVER right?" because that isn't nearly the same as just making the drop tables openly viewable.

You give some and people are going to ask for more. How long til people start speculating or creating conspiracy theories about other things they think are rigged and demand the information for that too? Just accept that random is random and move on. Can they improve it in some way? Maybe. But to say it's "rigged" just seems like complete nonsense to me. And by the way, what will releasing the drop tables do exactly? Is that going to change anything? He's basically accusing them of running a script to lower the chances of getting the last piece so now are we going to need to see the source code involved with the drop tables to check that as well? It's going to make no difference if they release the drop tables and it says the chance of getting "x" item is 50% because it doesn't mean anything. You may not get it in two runs, you may not get it in ten runs... I'd bet people would be far more likely to create threads saying this same exact type of thing in the future if they DO officially release drop rates: "omg the drop rate says its 10% but I ran the missions 84957234672384 times and didn't get it wtfhaxbugsconspiracy?!@*(@"

Edited by Seraphyx
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I would really like to know what the drop rate for braton prime receiver. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still .067% because I have yet to find one >_>.


 They tried that .67% type stuff before and the backlash was enormous.


 Realistically you're probably talking about a drop rate around 3%


 The last time someone was able to Datamine drop statistics that was pretty much the lowest you'd see from a Void drop.

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Nice...seems i'm not the only one who thinks EXACTLY the same like you.

I come to think especialy the "My conclusion is [and TLDR;], there is a script in the Orokin drop tables that stops you from getting the last part missing from certain items" part of your post.

I play warframe (EVERY day) since july, reached mastery rank 12, obtained all frames either bought or farmed. Got almost all "farmable" weapons but still missing the last blade of the fang prime. Done like a ton of T3 defs to get formas, braton prime parts and stuff. Even got 2-3 braton prime receivers in a row. But i noticed something else which might be completely random or either your theory is not very far from reality. As soon as you get that much-for-god's-sake part you miss, you can be sure to see drop rates flying sky high! Thankfully when i was farming fang prime i was also farming braton prime. At some point i was missing braton's receiver which seemed to have a lower drop rate than fang prime's blades. As soon as i dropped the receiver i got during next 10-15 runs 1-2 receivers!!! I dropped for a moment T3 defs to farm ammo mutations. These where tricky too but not that much.

Now i still miss that fang prime blade and i've run just a few OD survivals to try for burston prime. Seems though that at this moment droptable is broken cause i got crap in last 3-4 runs.

So,i really hope that you are totaly wrong because if what we suppose is true for the sake of grinding, then i think i spent way much time with this game and its time maybe to move on...

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Firstly, I do not start this topic looking for an argument or conflict.

Secondly, if you will not behave in a good manner please do not comment.


Ok now to my point:

I played 40+ T2 Captures and 15+ T3 Captures looking for the Ember Prime chassis. Did I get it? No. Did I get anything useful? No. You would expect to get one of the useful uncommons at least by now but all I have is Bronco barrels and a ton of paris prime strings. Even though it is meant to be common to T3 Capture and uncommon to T2 Capture.


Now the reason I am suspecting that this "RNG" is rigged is because I have a ton of friends who have the chassis but are missing one part of her and none of them are able to get that one part even though I have gotten it really easily, they have gotten the chassis really easily.


My conclusion is [and TLDR;], there is a script in the Orokin drop tables that stops you from getting the last part missing from certain items. It is of course possible that the drop rates are extremely low.


DE, how long until we get true transparency between the community and the developer? Huh? Encrypting the drop tables so people can't complain about it being ridiculously low?

Then adding more primes, don't get me wrong they look amazing but they have come from this awesome thing everybody wants, to an awesome thing everybody feels they need. I mean you don't see many Frosts anymore just Frost Prime. Let the prime be unique please and stop clogging the drop tables. Anybody care to comment? Remember, no hostility!

i just wanted to say what a excellent story but i dont care tbh i got all the items in the game so the rest can burn imo

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RNG hates nearly everyone. We gotta learn to accept that.


Any system that makes you pissed and want to drop the game ASAP is not something that should be accepted .We have to voice our opinion and ask for a serious change. This method is ludicrous and the devs will never know because they don't have to farm for their items.

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Here let me explain how it works.


The RNG is seeded at some point since its never truly random. So in a single survival run you'll end up getting 5x some bp or 5x some resource, etc. It seems like it gets seeded every 3 hours or so, but I haven't been able to figure out when it happens. Its why I would run Assassinate missions and get Nekros systems every time for 2 hours straight. Its also why I would get 14-16 morphics a run back to back then when the seed was changed, down to 6 morphics. This also explains why people would run a survival for 40 minutes over n over and not get a single say orokin cell.




If you end up getting lots of drops for a rare resource or a rare mod that sells for lots of platinum, run it back to back to back. As soon as the drops start changing, just go do something else. If you are looking for a bp and you end up getting 5x the same bp in a row, then come back in 3 hours, you'll have a better chance then.


Also it appears that the seed is connected to the host. So if you joined someone's survival and got a ton of rare resources, you want to join that same host.


This also means that hackers could in theory change the seed to get them any drop they want.



Thank you for this! I will keep in mind, you're awesome :D


Really? So what games openly give out ALL of the information used behind the scenes? Things like drop tables, stats skill/damage formulas, almost none... Stop acting like DE are a bunch of villains who want to keep everything to themselves to punish players or whatever you're trying to imply with your post. DE is far more transparent than the vast majority of MMO developers.


Also confused, you're complaining that you don't see Frosts anymore only Frost Primes, so you want them to keep Frost Prime rare/"unique" but you are complaining about the low drop rates? What?!


Rng is rng... people have said that thousands of times probably every single time a conspiracy theory thread pops up.

I will correct myself about the Frost Prime point. It was completely off-topic. What I meant is that DE should stop re-making our current frames into Primes, Primes should be unique; I will edit that, my fault sorry.

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To all the people claiming that the RNG is rigged against giving you the last component you need for a frame or weapon - first of all, you're ridiculous. Second of all, what if I need a chassis and I get into a group with someone who needs systems and someone who needs a helmet and do 10 runs? Does the game implode? :P

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I will correct myself about the Frost Prime point. It was completely off-topic. What I meant is that DE should stop re-making our current frames into Primes, Primes should be unique; I will edit that, my fault sorry.

I just didn't understand exactly what you were saying. How do you want them to be unique? Unique as in very few people have them? Meaning extremely low drop rates so they aren't so common? Or were you saying you don't want them to be obtainable at all? I just didn't get it.



Any system that makes you &!$$ed and want to drop the game ASAP is not something that should be accepted .We have to voice our opinion and ask for a serious change. This method is ludicrous and the devs will never know because they don't have to farm for their items.

Then how about people offer up some reasonable suggestions on how to change or improve it? People seem to always jump to it's either bugged or there is some nefarious schemes going on behind the scenes.

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Any system that makes you &!$$ed and want to drop the game ASAP is not something that should be accepted .We have to voice our opinion and ask for a serious change. This method is ludicrous and the devs will never know because they don't have to farm for their items.

Not saying it doesn't suck. I still don't have my Bronco Prime after all the runs I've done, got nothing but the blueprint. But whats the other option instead of the RNG?

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Ember prime, Burston prime, they both drop got ember yesterday and burston approximately 30 minutes ago. it's just RNG, try to not let it affect you, i just see it as it is, it's a game so i don't get dishartened or down when i don't get the drop i wan't because if i did i would just go play another game for abit because i would be getting no enjoyment out of said game. Also i got most of the prime items solo so handicapped quite abit unless i can find a squad in recruiting.

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Not saying it doesn't suck. I still don't have my Bronco Prime after all the runs I've done, got nothing but the blueprint. But whats the other option instead of the RNG?

Quests, objectives, stuff like that.


Kill a million heavy grineer gunners for 'x' blueprint.


Some may like quest type objectives and rewards better than relying on rng, personally I don't really care. In a lot of cases I'd take rng over ridiculous quests. Maybe if they can somehow combine the two.


Declare what you're after and the chances after each completed run slightly increases the chance of getting the item you have "declared." Just pretend the Lotus is working her magic to find the missions that contain said item and directs you to them, the more you complete the closer you are getting to the item you want.

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Not saying it doesn't suck. I still don't have my Bronco Prime after all the runs I've done, got nothing but the blueprint. But whats the other option instead of the RNG?


The other option is to give everything to you with minimal effort so then we can complain about the game not having enough content/endgame/stuff to do.


Can almost guarantee you that if RNG did not exist in the current state of Warframe and items were given to you "fairly" and you always get what you "want", there would be more threads complaining about how the game is dying and the updates aren't coming out as fast enough because "my friends are quitting, that means this game is going downhill."


I'm glad this game is what it is for a free2play game.

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Guys, to clarify. I am not trying to make DE look like the bad "villain" here. I appreciate their efforts, but it is just that sometimes it feels like they do not listen to us when we provide so much feedback to them, examples:

-The events

-Token system instead of RNG+an idea to have a hybrid system


-Ways to add in the new content


and so much more.


I know they listen to us sometimes and every time I come on these forums and the game I feel happier than I would in certain other games. That is why I gave them £100. That is why I will give them more and that is why I have 700+ hours on Warframe (according to steam). I love DE, they worked on my childhood games and that is more important to a gamer (or just me) than others might think.




Ember prime, Burston prime, they both drop got ember yesterday and burston approximately 30 minutes ago. it's just RNG, try to not let it affect you, i just see it as it is, it's a game so i don't get dishartened or down when i don't get the drop i wan't because if i did i would just go play another game for abit because i would be getting no enjoyment out of said game.

From survival did you get the BP or the chassis/ other components?


Not saying it doesn't suck. I still don't have my Bronco Prime after all the runs I've done, got nothing but the blueprint. But whats the other option instead of the RNG?

Token system or a hybrid system.


To all the people claiming that the RNG is rigged against giving you the last component you need for a frame or weapon - first of all, you're ridiculous. Second of all, what if I need a chassis and I get into a group with someone who needs systems and someone who needs a helmet and do 10 runs? Does the game implode? :P

It just doesn't give you anything useful. Remember the fillers? Paris Prime strings, Bronco Prime barrels, formas etc.

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RNGesus has been frowning upon me for 300 hours... I still have not seen a Banshee helmet. I got the other two parts my first month of playing.


329 in-game hours and no Banshee helmet as well. My 3 friends of master 5 and 6 and maybe 100ish hours all have her.

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It just doesn't give you anything useful. Remember the fillers? Paris Prime strings, Bronco Prime barrels, formas etc.


Translation: "If I don't need it, it must be junk."

What if people actually need those "fillers"?

The only actual fillers are the credit rewards, which are garbage-tier if I might add.

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Guys, to clarify. I am not trying to make DE look like the bad "villain" here. I appreciate their efforts, but it is just that sometimes it feels like they do not listen to us when we provide so much feedback to them, examples:

-The events

-Token system instead of RNG+an idea to have a hybrid system


-Ways to add in the new content


and so much more.


I know they listen to us sometimes and every time I come on these forums and the game I feel happier than I would in certain other games. That is why I gave them £100. That is why I will give them more and that is why I have 700+ hours on Warframe (according to steam). I love DE, they worked on my childhood games and that is more important to a gamer (or just me) than others might think.


From survival did you get the BP or the chassis/ other components?


Token system or a hybrid system.


It just doesn't give you anything useful. Remember the fillers? Paris Prime strings, Bronco Prime barrels, formas etc.

From orokin derelict survival i had the blueprint when i got up this morning to play a quick game then i got abit bored towards the evening been playing a long session today and decided i would try for the rest of the part's then i just got the barrel reciever and stock in one go the stock was at 20 minutes.

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