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Stalker Lore


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"Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.


The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.


Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may

forget but you are not innocent."



This is the description that's listed in the codex after I scanned him/her/it 3 times. I grasp some concepts in the lore but overall it's confusing to me:
-Did the Tenno win the ancient war and slaughter innocent people because they're warriors who crave battle?

-Was It the Orokin Tenno that were actually war hungry beings and the Stalker used to be one but rebelled?

-Who is the Lotus really and what side of morality does she side with?

-What happened that causes all of use to lose our memory? Couldn't the Stalker try to reason with us or is he afraid that we might discover the truth and history repeats itself?

All the questions and NO answers...

Edited by chaosbleeds91
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Orokin created Tenno to fight sentients or whatever. Tenno apparently managed to drive them back or something. Then at the victory party Tenno decided that they're better than Orokin and killed them for kicks or maybe Lotus changed their "Enjoy the party" objective to "exterminate all life".

They killed them because Orokin were copying the US. So the Tenno copied Hayden and killed them all... Never call something Tenno unless you plan to do what Hayden would have done, and not something Hayden would have hated... Like don't know... trying to control the infested... kill innocent people... trying to achieve an objective through killing millions...


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My initial thought when I first read this after I'd got enough scans is that The Collapse happened because of a cycle of fear. The Orokin were fearful of their creations, the Sentients, because well - they wanted to end the Orokin. That's usually what sentient beings do. (ie. Terminator, Matrix, etc.).


This led the Orokin to search for a weapon they could fight this new and powerful enemy. Upon discovering the Tenno, the Orokins used them to defeat the Sentients. Obviously at this point, the Orokin were overjoyed that the Sentients were no longer a threat, but just like all other countless instances in both fiction and non-fiction, the issue of fear emerged from this once again. 


At the end of the Sentient War, or perhaps even before that, the Orokin must have looked at the Tenno and thought "Wow, these guys are so powerful and strong, they defeated an enemy we couldn't beat on our own. If they are so powerful, what would stop them from overthrowing us if they wanted to?" It would not surprise me in the slightest if the Orokin planned to dispose of the Tenno as soon as the Sentients were no more. My guess is that if that was the case - the Tenno found out - and the Orokin's plan backfired. Thus to prevent their own demise, the Tenno rose up against the Orokin to insure that they wouldn't be the victims themselves.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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The truth is: we're the actual villains. Or at least we were.


There was a ceremony at the end of the old war when the Orokin had won against the Sentients. Obviously the Tenno were there because they created the Tenno so we could fight against the Sentients. The Low-Guardians were also there, one of which happens to be what's now known as the Stalker.


During the ceremony, they played ten drum beats. Every beat counting to ten had revealed to the Stalker the terrible plot as we were waiting. The Tenno slaughtered the Orokin empire on the ninth beat.


After this event, the Tenno went into cryo sleep and now we finally wake. Meanwhile, the Stalker had been wandering these worlds.


Now the Stalker is a vengeful figure seeking out Tenno to carry out justice for our betrayal, thus making him a hero antagonist.

Edited by 41Danny1
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The truth is: we're the actual villains. Or at least we were.


There was a ceremony at the end of the old war when the Orokin had won against the Sentients. Obviously the Tenno were there because they created the Tenno so we could fight against the Sentients. The Low-Guardians were also there, one of which happens to be what's now known as the Stalker.


During the ceremony, they played ten drum beats. Every beat counting to ten had revealed to the Stalker the terrible plot as we were waiting. The Tenno slaughtered the Orokin empire on the ninth beat.


After this event, the Tenno went into cryo sleep and now we finally wake. Meanwhile, the Stalker had been wandering these worlds.


Now the Stalker is a vengeful figure seeking out Tenno to carry out justice for our betrayal, thus making him a hero antagonist.

I always assumed this. However, the stalker looking so dark and evil doesn't help his image.

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The truth is: we're the actual villains. Or at least we were.


There was a ceremony at the end of the old war when the Orokin had won against the Sentients. Obviously the Tenno were there because they created the Tenno so we could fight against the Sentients. The Low-Guardians were also there, one of which happens to be what's now known as the Stalker.


During the ceremony, they played ten drum beats. Every beat counting to ten had revealed to the Stalker the terrible plot as we were waiting. The Tenno slaughtered the Orokin empire on the ninth beat.


After this event, the Tenno went into cryo sleep and now we finally wake. Meanwhile, the Stalker had been wandering these worlds.


Now the Stalker is a vengeful figure seeking out Tenno to carry out justice for our betrayal, thus making him a hero antagonist.

This is correct,


only thing that bothers me about this story, is :


The Tenno was created from those wretched few, that entered the void and returned all "twisted and broken"

(hence the Tenno powers)


so,.... How is it that the Stalker, who is NOT a Tenno, but "just" a gardian of the Low Guard, can have Tenno powers?


This puzzeles me, but then again, how can those different bosses have tenno powers too? did they find a way to imitate or copy the Tenno powers, or maby they, (Grineers/Corpus) discovered the powers of the void, from those few that came back, and dident turn into the Corrupted?

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-Did the Tenno win the ancient war and slaughter innocent people because they're warriors who crave battle?

"The Tenno we´re able to drive the Sentients back,thus the Orokin wanted to celebrate this victory with them,and now comes my funny speculation part:

A:The Tenno we´re obsessed with "keeping balance" so they slayed the Orokin-This is the "neutral choice"

B:They got pissed at the Orokin for sending them into the Void and making hundreds of their comrades die in battle-this is the "good choice"

C:The Tenno beat the Orokin butts cuz they thought they we´re something better-the "evil choiceL

-Was It the Orokin Tenno that were actually war hungry beings and the Stalker used to be one but rebelled?

"As it says in Codex,the stalker was a member of something known to be "Lower Guardians".Since him being Lower,he was still a Tenno from the Void,but he had no god-like powers to match the other Tenno.So they made him and some others lower ranked,and didnt send them to battle the Sentients.

This could lead to Stalker having some "friends" and probably even Stalker being the "wrong" one.I mean,does he know how hard and horrifying the battles must´ve been?

-Who is the Lotus really and what side of morality does she side with?

"I think the Lotus is the one who survived the Tenno "betrayal",if you wanna call it like that.

Also,she is on the side of BALANCE.The word "Balance" can be used to explain many things in the Warframe universe

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I do not know why they slayed the Orokin but meh


This is from the Tenno faction on the website here...hmmm


"The Tenno are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryopods for centuries, the Tenno now awaken to a new war, fighting and resisting warring factions as the sole bearers of the Orokin-created Warframes.  While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not.

Fragments of history suggest that discipline and chivalry are the cornerstone values of the Tenno: is this true today? The Tenno are emerging into a world unfamiliar to them. One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth. Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other."

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This is correct,


only thing that bothers me about this story, is :


The Tenno was created from those wretched few, that entered the void and returned all "twisted and broken"

(hence the Tenno powers)


so,.... How is it that the Stalker, who is NOT a Tenno, but "just" a gardian of the Low Guard, can have Tenno powers?


This puzzeles me, but then again, how can those different bosses have tenno powers too? did they find a way to imitate or copy the Tenno powers, or maby they, (Grineers/Corpus) discovered the powers of the void, from those few that came back, and dident turn into the Corrupted?

That's a good question. The Stalker is very mysterious, isn't it?



I always assumed this. However, the stalker looking so dark and evil doesn't help his image.

That's a very valid point, but the Stalker has his reasons to be dark.

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I always assumed this. However, the stalker looking so dark and evil doesn't help his image.

How innocent and light giving could you be after the heros you looked up to, wished to be and honored murdered your leaders and almost everything you held dear to the point life as you knew it was simply ruins. The origins of Stalker's powers from how mixed they are makes sense in a way. He was never Tenno, but that does not mean what he uses is not a Warframe crafted from Orokin labs from those that lived as a weapon from the traitors. Was the stalker alone from the start or is he one of the last ones who managed to live encased in a warframe built for revenge against their once heros for unknown centuries? Would you forgive the murderer of your kind because they collectively say, 'I don't remember'?

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How innocent and light giving could you be after the heros you looked up to, wished to be and honored murdered your leaders and almost everything you held dear to the point life as you knew it was simply ruins. The origins of Stalker's powers from how mixed they are makes sense in a way. He was never Tenno, but that does not mean what he uses is not a Warframe crafted from Orokin labs from those that lived as a weapon from the traitors. Was the stalker alone from the start or is he one of the last ones who managed to live encased in a warframe built for revenge against their once heros for unknown centuries? Would you forgive the murderer of your kind because they collectively say, 'I don't remember'?

Why is he avenging infested then? Is Stalker future greenpeace?

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