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This Game Needs More Variety


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seriously, this game needs it. There are so many mods I would like to use for my frame but theres no point because they decrease the overall effectiveness of the frame. I would like to use my retribution mod but why would I do that when I can slap on a redirection. I would like to use Heavy Impact but why would I when I can slap a Focus on my frame instead. A large chunk of Mods go to waste simply because there is no place for them...Its to the point where if you araanged a selection of player builds in a row you would see a repitition of the same mods over and over.


Vigor, Redirection, Flow/Streamline and you wide assortment of corrupted and Nightmare


I would love to slap on Diamond skin for my Frost Prime so I can make him a true anti-corpus but why would i do that when the mod utterly sucks with its low laser resistance?


I would love to turn my Valkyr into a true melee monster but she wont survive very well even with her ridiculous armor rating unless im using her ultimate.


I would love to use mods in combinations if they provided some combined benefit as opposed to more HP more shield, more energy. I would love to play this game in a different way but that seems like a it wont be happening for a long time.


Now that I have every frame I would love to utilize them in ways as opposed to pressing the shoot button. 


This game needs variety...which it sorely lacks.

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You have the freedom to use whatever mod you want. Not everyone feels the need to use the best mods they can.

You do but will you? These mod are easily overshadowed by other mods and when you think about why have it in at all? People are going to flock towards the best mods to increase survivability not for any variety sake. some of the other mods should be as viable as the popular ones but they're not and that's a bloody shame.

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I'd say the variety is going to be more than we can handle if the warframes had more than the four laughable abilities (two of which are worth using in most cases). The more skills and tricks up their sleve the better, right? But so far to see only four is really disappointing. 

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Well, if you upgrade the mods to max then they can be pretty useful, and they can even be more useful if you combine them with the right mods. You said diamond skin is useless, but when upgraded to max, it gives you almost a 20% defense against lasers. You also said that you wanted to make Valkyr more durable, just slap some health and shields mods.


You complain about problems that can be fixed with the mods that already exist.

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Well, if you upgrade the mods to max then they can be pretty useful, and they can even be more useful if you combine them with the right mods. You said diamond skin is useless, but when upgraded to max, it gives you almost a 20% defense against lasers. You also said that you wanted to make Valkyr more durable, just slap some health and shields mods.


You complain about problems that can be fixed with the mods that already exist.

you clearly missed the point. from what I can see you didnt even read the beginning of the post. you clearly ignored the topic and went for a segment you could attack. 18% laser resistance isnt gonna make me slap on diamond skin and regardless of how much armor valky has, shes gonna die extremely easy. she has literally no shields so why would i boost that up?


If you managed to read you would understand that this game and the builds you can make are lacking in variety. almost every build utilizes the same cookie cutter mods with little to no variation between because there are no other mods out there that provide nearly the same benefits. simply maxing a mod isnt going to be the most effective way to play.


Next time read before you post

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You do but will you? These mod are easily overshadowed by other mods and when you think about why have it in at all? People are going to flock towards the best mods to increase survivability not for any variety sake. some of the other mods should be as viable as the popular ones but they're not and that's a bloody shame.


I do, all the time. Why? Cause they are there to use.

I dont fell the need to min/max at every step. If im going to go for a long defense and survival then, yes, you cant play around that much but outside of those two occasions the game doesnt require to equip anything. Hek, even in those two occasions you can play around a bit, you can pick between flow or streamline since orbs drop like mad so you have space to try one other thing out.


I have ranked to max several times by making builds using all sorts of mods, anyone one can do it if they actually want it.



Edited by Mak_Gohae
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you clearly missed the point. from what I can see you didnt even read the beginning of the post. you clearly ignored the topic and went for a segment you could attack. 18% laser resistance isnt gonna make me slap on diamond skin and regardless of how much armor valky has, shes gonna die extremely easy. she has literally no shields so why would i boost that up?


If you managed to read you would understand that this game and the builds you can make are lacking in variety. almost every build utilizes the same cookie cutter mods with little to no variation between because there are no other mods out there that provide nearly the same benefits. simply maxing a mod isnt going to be the most effective way to play.


Next time read before you post


I actually read the entire post, and all the posts after, before posting. You said you don't want to use 18% resistance, but what do you expect 100% resistance against shields? That mod is to make it so you last a bit longer against lasers, not make you invulnerable against them. You said you don't want to upgrade shields, even though they are the main way of defense against attacks. You complain that she is too frail, but you won't use the means that are given to you to make her last longer.


Could the game use more mods? Sure, it would be awesome if there were even more varied mods.


Are the current mods useless? Not really. I can't make hundreds of different frame variations with the mods, but I still can vary my gameplay depending on the mods I use. How many hours do you have in the game? Maybe you've played for so long that it seems that there aren't that many useful mods because you've realized which mods are the best.

Edited by spartan-322
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Funny how the word variety has a different meaning to everyone. Not that it's a bad thing to have a lot of suggestions and ideas, but this goes to show how difficult it is to sift through all the opinions and arbitrarily point out which one is wrong or right. I for one think that very few of the warframes live up to their intended roles, for example you read the description which clearly says "This guy relies on stealth": However from my experience stealth is highly overrated and only used as a gimmickry excuse to get your attention into thinking "Yeah, now I'm going to be a real space ninja". You're not really being sneaky at all even when you want to just for fun. It's time-consuming, a lot more difficult to stay undected and hardly more rewarding.

After a few runs with your "stealthy" ninja you realise that there's no big difference between using bruteforce while cloaked or just steamrolling your way through the entire level. That's plain disgusting in my opinion, the only obviously different thing is how "badass" the ability animations would look like. Infact that's probably the sole reason you'd pick a warframe, only to enjoy the fancy colours.


More mods to compliment the abilities for better synergy? Sure why not, at the end of the day you're stuck with the same old abilities. Only slightly buffed. 

Where's the skill tree that'll make your warframe feel the way you want it to be played? You know, that little bit of customization that's arguably the best way to create something unique of your own.

Also aside from the few abilities we get to toy around with, there's hardly a difference in the playstyle no matter which warframe you're using. 
What makes Rhino live up to his name? Partially the ability to be a punchbag... maybe. Or maybe the way he should move, fight, react to the surroundings. Where's the ferocity and brute strenght in Rhino, why are all melee animations the same for every class as if they share the same muscularity? Why is Rhino flying like Superman instead of charging the enemy on foot and the ground cracking under his feet as he turns his mass into an unstoppable force? Why isn't he the one tearing things apart with his bare hands? Why oh why is so much potential thrown away?


Sadly the questions go on with little answers to come. I could say the same for every frame and how it's lacking its primary attribute.

There's no finesse in the stealth gameplay, no grace in the use of elemental powers, no balance between strenght and agility, or let alone say benefit in superior tech. All these characteristics are annoyingly squashed together into a terrible mess and what shocked me most are the vote results on the wiki page. It seems that people like being handed new equally messed up content as long as it's shiny. 

Variety comes with further development of the potential which all warframes have. Currently they are souless puppets on strings, there's no character involved, no charisma, not emotionally engaging in the least. I'll be honest here, I'm already struggling to try and NOT hate their apathy to everything around them. Show us the true cunning nature of Ash and Loki, make them feel like true masters of deception. Or why not demonstrate the beauty and destruction of Ember's wildfire spirit?

In short, make them trully unique to their roles with representative gameplay that will provide a one of a kind challenge for their specialized roles.
I sincerely hope that some of this input will result in constrictive feedback for the betterment of the game.

Edited by Petk0
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Funny how the word variety has a different meaning to everyone. Not that it's a bad thing to have a lot of suggestions and ideas, but this goes to show how difficult it is to sift through all the opinions and arbitrarily point out which one is wrong or right. I for one think that very few of the warframes live up to their intended roles, for example you read the description which clearly says "This guy relies on stealth": However from my experience stealth is highly overrated and only used as a gimmickry excuse to get your attention into thinking "Yeah, now I'm going to be a real space ninja". You're not really being sneaky at all even when you want to just for fun. It's time-consuming, a lot more difficult to stay undected and hardly more rewarding.

After a few runs with your "stealthy" ninja you realise that there's no big difference between using bruteforce while cloaked or just steamrolling your way through the entire level. That's plain disgusting in my opinion, the only obviously different thing is how "badass" the ability animations would look like. Infact that's probably the sole reason you'd pick a warframe, only to enjoy the fancy colours.


More mods to compliment the abilities for better synergy? Sure why not, at the end of the day you're stuck with the same old abilities. Only slightly buffed. 

Where's the skill tree that'll make your warframe feel the way you want it to be played? You know, that little bit of customization that's arguably the best way to create something unique of your own.


Also aside from the few abilities we get to toy around with, there's hardly a difference in the playstyle no matter which warframe you're using. 

What makes Rhino live up to his name? Partially the ability to be a punchbag... maybe. Or maybe the way he should move, fight, react to the surroundings. Where's the ferocity and brute strenght in Rhino, why are all melee animations the same for every class as if they share the same muscularity? Why is Rhino flying like Superman instead of charging the enemy on foot and the ground cracking under his feet as he turns his mass into an unstoppable force? Why isn't he the one tearing things apart with his bare hands? Why oh why is so much potential thrown away?


Sadly the questions go on with little answers to come. I could say the same for every frame and how it's lacking its primary attribute.

There's no finesse in the stealth gameplay, no grace in the use of elemental powers, no balance between strenght and agility, or let alone say benefit in superior tech. All these characteristics are annoyingly squashed together into a terrible mess and what shocked me most are the vote results on the wiki page. It seems that people like being handed new equally messed up content as long as it's shiny. 

Variety comes with further development of the potential which all warframes have. Currently they are souless puppets on strings, there's no character involved, no charisma, not emotionally engaging in the least. I'll be honest here, I'm already struggling to try and NOT hate their apathy to everything around them. Show us the true cunning nature of Ash and Loki, make them feel like true masters of deception. Or why not demonstrate the beauty and destruction of Ember's wildfire spirit?

In short, make them trully unique to their roles with representative gameplay that will provide a one of a kind challenge for their specialized roles.

I sincerely hope that some of this input will result in constrictive feedback for the betterment of the game.

I truly appreciate reading this post, its a nice summary of essentially how ive felt on alot if issues, namely the frames and mods. its sad how each frame is practically the same with a few cosmetic tweaks ans whatnot, yet lacks individuality. Rhino's charge should have been a skill that drains his energy at a rate yet he has his mobility and destructive force behind it, yet his rhino charge is just another slash dash. I would love for the DEVS to read this particular post.

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seriously, this game needs it. There are so many mods I would like to use for my frame but theres no point because they decrease the overall effectiveness of the frame. I would like to use my retribution mod but why would I do that when I can slap on a redirection. I would like to use Heavy Impact but why would I when I can slap a Focus on my frame instead. A large chunk of Mods go to waste simply because there is no place for them...Its to the point where if you araanged a selection of player builds in a row you would see a repitition of the same mods over and over.


Vigor, Redirection, Flow/Streamline and you wide assortment of corrupted and Nightmare


I would love to slap on Diamond skin for my Frost Prime so I can make him a true anti-corpus but why would i do that when the mod utterly sucks with its low laser resistance?


I would love to turn my Valkyr into a true melee monster but she wont survive very well even with her ridiculous armor rating unless im using her ultimate.


I would love to use mods in combinations if they provided some combined benefit as opposed to more HP more shield, more energy. I would love to play this game in a different way but that seems like a it wont be happening for a long time.


Now that I have every frame I would love to utilize them in ways as opposed to pressing the shoot button. 


This game needs variety...which it sorely lacks.

I support your opinio,the game is satisfactory yet it requires more to keep the veteran players

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What it needs is missions that make you feel like a ninja. lets be honest, a ninja doesn't go in guns a blaze'n. a opposing tenno faction like the stalker would be nice.


You can always try solo-ing a mission and doing it stealthy. I've been replaying Mercury exterminate missions just to try and finish them without firing a single shot. Managed to do the very first one with a Loki. It's quite fun, and a bit challenging.

Edited by doom.
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Certain mods are obviously "B string mods." I think they should give us a few extra card slots that we can only put "common or uncommon" cards into: then you would start seeing more diverse builds being made that use these cards. 

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