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Laser Warframe?


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Mine is actually kinda silly. :l




I can see it now his 


1 would be



2 would be



3 would be



and 4 would be


1. Covered from Ability 3... dash 2.


2. Point Defense.


3. Covered either Ability 3 dash 1 or 3. Or by ability 1, which is "Vaporize" as a group.


4. Yeah. Got two suggested abilities for it. :3

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A new theme I thought of. perhaps it could put down laser traps or maybe drones that would fly around zapping things? maybe a wall of lasers that would damage enemies if they walk through it? seems like a good idead what do you guys think?


I like the idea of traps :)

Laserwall sounds great too.


A droner warframe would be an other idea (a great one ^^)

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You've actually convinced me that this is a good idea.

Sold me too. I can just here the Lotus... "This is Prism... Forget the dark, Tenno. Fear the light!" Power names could be, Huygen's Principle, Snell's Law, Diviation & Dispersion, Young and Fresnel. I would like it to be a male frame, but, for some reason, it does inherently seem female.


Using Lasers, both offensively and defensively, sounds super interesting. For instance, 2 different type of laser walls: 


The 1st is a defensive chainlink fence that envelopes around the caster in a specific radial distance (distance and duration expandable by mods/level). While active (and if leveled enough) Prism can place a 360 degree laser barrier around himself and his team mates which can hold back tides of enemies from reaching the players providing much needed sanctuary from charging attackers. This barrier does not stop projectiles, but can provide the much needed seconds to take out the ranged attackers before having to handle the hordes. It does, however, deplete any shields an enemy may have the closer they get to the fence (distance and strength/drain speed also expandable though level/mods). Those stuck in the fence cannot recharge their shields at all.


The 2nd is an offensive laser net that explodes in all directions and dicing all enemies caught in its path into little cubes (but works like Volt's Overcharge, following the pattern of the room/hallways it is used in). This attack has a small charge time while it is building up the net. While building the net also acts as a laser defense barrier but unlike the defensive barrier, it provides a small fire DoT to those who dare to bypass it. When fully charged, it explodes, ignoring shields and inflicting severe fire damage while simultaneous shredding all. Both its distance and charge speed, as well as the amount of fire DoT, can all be enhanced through levels/mods.


That's all I got for now. Enjoy.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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lasers would be nice, but if its a trap based warframe, it would really only be useful for one or two types of missions. would be heavily defensive by nature, with only one real offensive weapon. if you could do what vaubaun does, and attach the tesla grenades to tenno though...walking light show would be awsome :) Perhaps create floating satelites around herself with the ability of deathcubes vaporize perhaps?

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