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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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I sumerize from what I remember.


They want to keep secrets the kind of rules to spawn harvester and the likes but they realized that when there's a bug or when they do a change in the way it works it completly screw every test done so far.


So he confirmed that the way to get marked by harvester is to support grineer in invasion against corpus.


He also talked about seeing the deathmark in the codex briefly but I did not get it he was saying they will never do that or if he was saying that it's it would work later on (I will wait for the stream to be available in redifusion to clear that part

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The big, huge question is whether it's only supporting the grineer vs the corpus that counts, or if it's any battle pay received from any faction.


IE, does Harvester get mad when you help the grineer vs the infested?


I suggest the deathmark is for killing bosses, and which of the two stalkers spawns is a probability based on your battle history.  Ie, 60 grineer missions vs 40 corpus missions means 60% harvester vs 40% stalker.

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I sumerize from what I remember.


They want to keep secrets the kind of rules to spawn harvester and the likes but they realized that when there's a bug or when they do a change in the way it works it completly screw every test done so far.


So he confirmed that the way to get marked by harvester is to support grineer in invasion against corpus.


He also talked about seeing the deathmark in the codex briefly but I did not get it he was saying they will never do that or if he was saying that it's it would work later on (I will wait for the stream to be available in redifusion to clear that part

He said that in the future they will have a "reputation" or "infamy" system for each faction that will shoe whether you have a deathmark or not.

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The big, huge question is whether it's only supporting the grineer vs the corpus that counts, or if it's any battle pay received from any faction.


IE, does Harvester get mad when you help the grineer vs the infested?


I suggest the deathmark is for killing bosses, and which of the two stalkers spawns is a probability based on your battle history.  Ie, 60 grineer missions vs 40 corpus missions means 60% harvester vs 40% stalker.

I think they are going off battle pay. Which would make sense, since I have yet to get a Harvester spawn, and before now I had only racked up like 300 missions on the same invasion mission. Which means all that only gave me 1 battle pay out or 1 point if you will.

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I got Harvester to spawn the first time for me a few mins ago.

I've supported the Grineers in Ext against Corpus today.(I wanted the 3x Neurodes)


Then i joined a online Surv Mission on Lillith and he spawned to kill me. (i had the text)

When he spawned, i killed the harvester. He dropped a pink ball and something else. I went to pick it up but then the hoster left the game and when we (the other 3 ppl) had a clear screen again, we couldn't pick the drops up =.= They were glitched damnit



PS: I didn't kill any Bosses in a few days.

Edited by YoshiiKazuya
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Some possibilities


1)You're marked after finishing X mission on grineer side against corpus

2)You're marked after killing X corpus in invasion missions

3)You're marked after you receive a battle pay reward from grineer

4)You're marked after reaching X grineer allies survivor at the end of your invasions



Note that if it's 3 then it might be possible that those marks stack and also that invasion from the gravidus incident have already stocked some mark (whivh would explain how some people have already goten 9+ harvester in total.

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Some possibilities


1)You're marked after finishing X mission on grineer side against corpus

2)You're marked after killing X corpus in invasion missions

3)You're marked after you receive a battle pay reward from grineer

4)You're marked after reaching X grineer allies survivor at the end of your invasions



Note that if it's 3 then it might be possible that those marks stack and also that invasion from the gravidus incident have already stocked some mark (whivh would explain how some people have already goten 9+ harvester in total.

Third option can't be right. I didn't get my reward from helping grineer yet but the other ones can be possible.

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It's funny- I haven't supported Grineer in the invasions, yet I've fought Harvy no less then 4 times. Only got one Detron BP drop from him, no components. Every time I've fought him, I've been in a Vs. Corpus mission, and most of those have been in a Nightmare mission, and on all but 1 I have been Banshee.


Now, I believe DE when they say you have to "Support Grineer" to make Harvy spawn, but that might be as simple as killing Corpus, Invasion be damned.


Just posting my personal experiences.


EDIT: To clarify, I haven't seen Harvy since just before 11.6, so things may have changed. I have also done some of the Grineer-Sponsored Infestation Culls.

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Third option can't be right. I didn't get my reward from helping grineer yet but the other ones can be possible.



Not even once ? Not even during the Gravidus incident ? Keep in mind that thos mark can stay on fur a huge amount of time before activating (someone got stalked for killin J3 golem yesterday and that boss is out of the games since month now)




It's funny- I haven't supported Grineer in the invasions, yet I've fought Harvy no less then 4 times. Only got one Detron BP drop from him, no components. Every time I've fought him, I've been in a Vs. Corpus mission, and most of those have been in a Nightmare mission, and on all but 1 I have been Banshee.


Now, I believe DE when they say you have to "Support Grineer" to make Harvy spawn, but that might be as simple as killing Corpus, Invasion be damned.


Just posting my personal experiences.


-When you fought him was he after you or after someone else in your game ? (If he's after you you get taunted several time by message from Alad the same way as when you're on an assassinate mission)


-When you say you did no support grineer can you be more specific ? You never played any invasion mission against corpus ever ?

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Another confounding question is whether supporting Corpus (as I did - wanted to load up on fieldron) renders any anti-corpus missions. 


For myself, I have been farming Harvester utterly unsuccessfully for days. My most recent battle pay is from Grineer, but that was from a mission a long time ago - lately I've been supporting Corpus a lot more because of more desirable battle pay.


I wonder whether my support of Grineer in invasions has been nullifying my Harvester death marks from killing normal and then Corpus bosses?


And though this probably goes without saying, DE Steve said explicitly in the recent stream (near the end) that you can't get in a "sink hole" where decisions you made during the Gravitus dilemma still affect you now. I take him to mean that whom you supported during Gravitus does not have a bearing (or at least a strong bearing) on getting Harvester.

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What I only hope is that invasions is the only or at least the main thing to get the Harvester spawn.


If it's just a hint on a bigger mechanism, we may waste our time again doing tons of invasions without having triggered him...

It can spawn on invasions that is for sure, i did 3 runs with same people and on our third Harvester appeared then we all crashed.

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It can spawn on invasions that is for sure, i did 3 runs with same people and on our third Harvester appeared then we all crashed.

Well, I had 2 spawns on invasions as well, so this was also before ;)


What is new know should be knowing that invasions triggers it, hoping everything related to triggering the Harvester is actually hidden in invasions!

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I don't want them giving out Detrons like candy, but I'm not even going to bother with it until we have more info on how to spawn him and if the probabilities are fixed. I say this because there are people who have done 250+ runs and they have only gotten the BP for it, it would be insulting if the next day they just gave them out left and right through battle pay or an alert or something.

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