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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
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OK seriously....we have all the info we need to figure out how to get flagged if you sit down and think about it.  The email we get is Alad V saying "Volunteer".  If you help the corpus, you are volunteering yourself.  If you help the greneer, you are not volunteering yourself as you are fighting AGAINST them.  


Now if i remember right, DE steve mentioned that the harvester spawns on corpus tile sets or has a higher chance to spawn on those tile sets (really need to re watch that to analyze it better as I'm going off of memory) so it would seem we have all the info we really need we just have to hope the RNG gods are with us.  

even with all info lol....we could have gotten spawns from harvester and got the stuffs we need but we r stuck here, its just the RNG,rng,rng,rng,rng and RNG messing with us...only...i still don't have any clue, to farm harvy anymore, even with deathmark,i am still stuck and i have got no more motivation unless i get a random harvy spawn at least and re-farm again...but none's happening cuz it's all RNG, and he never lets it happen. ( the only thing i will be waiting now is getting grineer battlepay of the current invasion, if it helps anyway to increase spawn chances i guess...i just don't know cuz i haven't gotten any spawn since the message i had received ).

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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...So who am I supposed to kill for now!? *Falls to his knees, holding the bloodied heads of Corpus Crewman and a Grineer Lancer*
While RNG doesnt bother me as whole, they could seriously give Harvey some sort of counting script. Like 5 Corpus bosses killed = Harvey Death mark or 5 invasion battles on either side = mark.
I still haven't seen him, beginning to think its a hoax...A HOAX I SAY!

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My suggestion..run some experiments...get a couple friends together...on set supports corpus...the other set supports greneer and find out who gets the email faster...that will give you the answer you need.  Look at it this way...you are helping the corpus...so you are tech volunteering for the zanuka project by helping them.

  This is a pretty decent idea. Start a few new accounts. Have 1 only do grineer support, 1 only do corpus support, 1 do grineer support and kill some bosses, 1 so corpus support and kill some bosses, (the grineer support and corpus support can go full wing too since we can skip around the star chart). See what happens.


Now if i remember right, DE steve mentioned that the harvester spawns on corpus tile sets or has a higher chance to spawn on those tile sets (really need to re watch that to analyze it better as I'm going off of memory).

Could you reference where your getting this from so that it can be verified?

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  This is a pretty decent idea. Start a few new accounts. Have 1 only do grineer support, 1 only do corpus support, 1 do grineer support and kill some bosses, 1 so corpus support and kill some bosses, (the grineer support and corpus support can go full wing too since we can skip around the star chart). See what happens.


Could you reference where your getting this from so that it can be verified?


the live stream that he talked about the harvester in.  Last one If I remember right.  I'll rewatch it now so i can give you guys a def answer and at what time to fast forward to

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Guys, why are you still trying to figure out things that are both confirmed or clear after a few hours from 11.7.3 hotfix?


- Harvester is triggered by invasions, both sides work

- Harvester is not triggered by deathmarks, meaning boss kills are useless

- After the message it's just randomness to get him spawn

- If you had a mark before 11.7.3 you won't get any message until you get a spawn, then invasions will make Alad write you

- Harvester appears only in VS Corpus missions or in places invaded by Corpus(Derelict Void...)


That's it, there's nothing less to figure out; maybe we could discover after how many runs you get a message from Alad if you don't have a mark, but from reports it seems like it's quite fast, usually before run 7.


There's really no more space for speculations, the only reason to keep talking about it is to share our experiences regarding RNG and drops...

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But he doesn't say higher spawn on corpus tileset does he?

at 1:01:00 de scott says something about being pro greneer couldn't completely understand but here is what I am hearing so discuss.


FLAG: Corpus battle pay

Spawn: Pro greneer (apparently harvester doesn't like that) and continue to be pro greneer

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at 1:01:00 de scott says something about being pro greneer couldn't completely understand but here is what I am hearing so discuss.


FLAG: Corpus battle pay

Spawn: Pro greneer (apparently harvester doesn't like that)

Nope. The message can be gotten by doing ivnasions, with both sides, it doesn't matter. That's it, nothing special to understand.


Also, remember that after that livestream many things have changed regarding the Harvester, spawn rate has changed and seems like triggering system as well. Probably during Livestream siding with the Grineer was the only way to trigger him, but after they decided to give both sides a chance to trigger him, for not forcing invasions on one direction.


That's it, really, nothing to explain about it.

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So if I have a e-mail in my inbox, will it be guaranteed it will be spawning for me at some point in nearish future or not?

It could be your next mission after reading this post, or 1,000 missions from now. You're still marked, so it's guaranteed Harvester will appear.

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Guys, why are you still trying to figure out things that are both confirmed or clear after a few hours from 11.7.3 hotfix?


- Harvester is triggered by invasions, both sides work

- Harvester is not triggered by deathmarks, meaning boss kills are useless

- After the message it's just randomness to get him spawn

- If you had a mark before 11.7.3 you won't get any message until you get a spawn, then invasions will make Alad write you

- Harvester appears only in VS Corpus missions or in places invaded by Corpus(Derelict Void...)


That's it, there's nothing less to figure out; maybe we could discover after how many runs you get a message from Alad if you don't have a mark, but from reports it seems like it's quite fast, usually before run 7.


There's really no more space for speculations, the only reason to keep talking about it is to share our experiences regarding RNG and drops...

-We don't know if both sides work, only that both sides can give a mail notice from Alad

-We don't know if boss kills have anything to do with Harvester spawn. (People have gotten harvester spawns after killing Alad V. Doesn't mean it has anything to do with it, just means that it does not interfere)

-Yes RNG

-If you had a mark before 11.7.3 you can get a message before a spawn. (I did)

-Harvester might only appear in corpus occupied missions or might not. He was noted to have appeared on the Cicero Tileset.

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-We don't know if both sides work, only that both sides can give a mail notice from Alad

-We don't know if boss kills have anything to do with Harvester spawn. (People have gotten harvester spawns after killing Alad V. Doesn't mean it has anything to do with it, just means that it does not interfere)

-Yes RNG

-If you had a mark before 11.7.3 you can get a message before a spawn. (I did)

- Harvester might only appear in corpus occupied missions or might not. He was noted to have appeared on the Cicero Tileset.

- Nope, we have reports of getting message from both sides: message triggers the Harvester, which means it will make him hunting for you; so yeah, both sides work. You don't get useless message: message=spawn when RNG is good for you.

- We do know: Stalker now appears for every boss assassination, including Alad V; so no, spawns after Alad V kills were not related to him but to others missions. If you start killing bosses you'll get the Stalker on you, not the Harvester

If you think about it, Stalker has extended his influence probably to give us a hint: when DE saw that the boss assassination theory was spreading too much they decided to "help" us, giving us good reasons to believe it was wrong. 

- Hotfix notes says in quite a clear way that who had a mark before has to wait for a spawn to reset it and to be able to get message; and I can confirm it  myself...

- Well, in this case I can tell you that: when 99% of the missions have been reported to be Corpus against only it's sure enough to say that only Corpus missions are working; consider also that Cicero event was before a lto of changes on Harvester mechanics. And also, I've never read or heard about Harvester in Cicero tileset, which makes me really doubt it's true.

I write in this and other Harvester related topics since their beginning, and I've not read a single message about Harvester spawning in non-against-Corpus missions.


EDIT: wow, after reading I may sound rude, not my intention at all!

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Nope. The message can be gotten by doing ivnasions, with both sides, it doesn't matter. That's it, nothing special to understand.


Also, remember that after that livestream many things have changed regarding the Harvester, spawn rate has changed and seems like triggering system as well. Probably during Livestream siding with the Grineer was the only way to trigger him, but after they decided to give both sides a chance to trigger him, for not forcing invasions on one direction.


That's it, really, nothing to explain about it.

actually deSteve mentioned that corpus battle pay was the way to get flagged (may be faster) as I did a LOT of greneer, but did one corpus side and got it immediately.   


EDIT:  So what I'm gonna do is go with my gut feeling and support greneer now that i'm flagged and see how long it takes to get the harvester, he said we had to keep supporting greneer so thats what i'm going to do now that i'm flagged.  So lets recap of my steps so far.


Battle Pay for corpus to flag - Check (flagged now)

Supporting Greneer in invasions (apparently harvester doesn't like that) - in progress

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It could be your next mission after reading this post, or 1,000 missions from now. You're still marked, so it's guaranteed Harvester will appear.

Thanks for the information. Would have taken so many hours to find something about this. Oddly enough I did only 5 invasions for Grineer to get the e-mail, now I still have one question. In order to get that e-mail to your post, do you have to have that boss mark for you or do you need to kill the boss if you have not yet in order to spawn it?

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Ok so I decided to try siding with Corpus this time, after countless Grineer paid missions, ONE round was all it took to get a message from Alad V.

Let the hunt begin....


I played for both sides, same old c*p i still maybe have some mark that is not used pre path 11.7.


I am just wasting my nerves and runs.

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We might get useless messages. Who's not to say that the mail system hasn't been correctly tied to the harvester? Beta game baby.


Killing Alad V doesn't keep the harvester from spawning. That's a fact.


If you had a mark before 11.7.3 you can get a message before a spawn. Also a fact. 


Don't think of it as being rude, just think about it as putting the true information out there.

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Killing Alad V doesn't keep the harvester from spawning. That's a fact.


If you had a mark before 11.7.3 you can get a message before a spawn. Also a fact. 

Well actually killing Alad does, cause it will give you a deathmark, which is the Stalker one; considering that Stalker and Harvester use the same spawn mechanic, having a Stalker mark decrease chances to get a Harvester spawn..


About the message I suppose that was not "working as intended"...

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actually deSteve mentioned that corpus battle pay was the way to get flagged (may be faster) as I did a LOT of greneer, but did one corpus side and got it immediately.   


EDIT:  So what I'm gonna do is go with my gut feeling and support greneer now that i'm flagged and see how long it takes to get the harvester, he said we had to keep supporting greneer so thats what i'm going to do now that i'm flagged.  So lets recap of my steps so far.


Battle Pay for corpus to flag - Check (flagged now)

Supporting Greneer in invasions (apparently harvester doesn't like that) - in progress

People are getting mail from both sides, so how can you explain that? Also, I got my message right after the fifth invasion supporting Grineer.

I think it's really easier for everyone to accept that both sides NOW give you a mark.


Also, to everyone saying that during Livestream 20 Steve said "battle pays for Corpus", please watch it until 59:55.


Rebecca: "What did you just say?"

Steve: "You know, support Corpus.."

Rebecca: "NO"

Scott: "NO"

Steve: "I mean, Grineer, support Grineer"


Now, let's go together to minute 1:01:05


Scott:" So, Harvester seeks for you if you're PRO-GRINEER"


Scott: " And continue to be PRO GRINEER"


Now, what more evidence you need to understand the "support Corpus" was a mistake???? 


But, after that things have clearly changed, cause now both sides can trigger the Harvester, probably to make things easier for us, to not alterate the invasions and to not make Corpus supporters unable to get the Detron.

That's it guy, why don't we focus on something more constructive than trying to find more randomness or problems???

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First off i need too say big thanks too Siralextraffo i own him big time, because it was his mark not mine i will continur hunt with you until you finish with barell.




I also want too say thanks too Magpool, Plasmaface, Zero-1,Rexsol and others.

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