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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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It won't increase harvester spawn change, I have been marked for a few weeks and I still haven't been attacked. It's all rng. A clan mate of mine got attacked the first non invasion match he did after getting marked.

well i am still not sure,cuz i haven't seen anyone tried selling any detron components or its bp to see harvy's spawn chance has any affects after that. i wanted to confirm whether this curse of detron will end or simply not...

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well i am still not sure,cuz i haven't seen anyone tried selling any detron components or its bp to see harvy's spawn chance has any affects after that. i wanted to confirm whether this curse of detron will end or simply not...

On a serious note no, it won't work, cause it's simply illogical and cause people are getting Detron anyway, with parts from many hotfix ago.

I mean, I haven't seen anyone trying to play naked to get a spawn either, but this doesn't make that method reasonable or logical in any way.

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On a serious note no, it won't work, cause it's simply illogical and cause people are getting Detron anyway, with parts from many hotfix ago.

I mean, I haven't seen anyone trying to play naked to get a spawn either, but this doesn't make that method reasonable or logical in any way.

sigh....i just don't understand what's goin on with me,...i am totally broke. i can understand getting despair after a month cuz i could get stalker spawn at least as well as farmable, and getting vauban helm after a month, well yeah that time, i had to lvl up alot of stuffs so a month was kinda fine with me but harvy...no spawn = no detron components. 

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sigh....i just don't understand what's goin on with me,...i am totally broke. i can understand getting despair after a month cuz i could get stalker spawn at least as well as farmable, and getting vauban helm after a month, well yeah that time, i had to lvl up alot of stuffs so a month was kinda fine with me but harvy...no spawn = no detron components.

sigh....i just don't understand what's goin on with me,...i am totally broke. i can understand getting despair after a month cuz i could get stalker spawn at least as well as farmable, and getting vauban helm after a month, well yeah that time, i had to lvl up alot of stuffs so a month was kinda fine with me but harvy...no spawn = no detron components.

The problem is that spawns are just one of the luck based things regarding the Harvester.

I got 21 encounters but still I have no way to build the Detron.

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Out of curiosity, how does a Harvester Farming Run look like?


4 Tenno with a Harvester Death mark jumping into endless defense, waiting for 240 secs to see if it shows up and then leave mission or play it to wave 5, in case it appears?

Its like the start of a bad joke:

4 Tennos with a Alad-V e-mail walks into a Corpus Defense... lol but seriously.

You can wait afk for 4 minutes and abort, or you can play for 5 waves so you don't die from boredom. Doesn't matter.

Repeat until you start having nightmares about this when you go to sleep.

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Out of curiosity, how does a Harvester Farming Run look like?


4 Tenno with a Harvester Death mark jumping into endless defense, waiting for 240 secs to see if it shows up and then leave mission or play it to wave 5, in case it appears?


Can't tell you what it looks like. Can tell you that it sounds like a hooker with a hoover, because it sucks so hard.


I have yet to even encounter the thing. RNG is just bull, I finally got an email and still no harvester in sight for me.

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Out of curiosity, how does a Harvester Farming Run look like?


4 Tenno with a Harvester Death mark jumping into endless defense, waiting for 240 secs to see if it shows up and then leave mission or play it to wave 5, in case it appears?

It looks like a bunch of people standing around doing nothing. Such a riveting endgame Warframe has. 

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sigh....i just don't understand what's goin on with me,...i am totally broke. i can understand getting despair after a month cuz i could get stalker spawn at least as well as farmable, and getting vauban helm after a month, well yeah that time, i had to lvl up alot of stuffs so a month was kinda fine with me but harvy...no spawn = no detron components. 

This game has no limit to how many duplicates you are allowed to amass, and it doesn't consider your inventory for spawn chances.The only time the game kept track of drops was several update ago to prevent people from farming Vor for Cronus endlessly.


I haven't seen Harvester once, and I have been running numerous Grineer sided invasion mission, my luck is worse than yours.

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To everyone here that has no Detron yet: tomorrow I'll have a day off work for enlarging works in my office, I'm planning to host waiting games all day and I'd like to do it in full team always.

Join me if you want, let's help each other!


I will be out until some point but i can join at about 13 00 in our time zone, and good luck :)


I am more happy when someone i know get it after all obstacles,  than myself to be honest.

Edited by SALE94
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To everyone here that has no Detron yet: tomorrow I'll have a day off work for enlarging works in my office, I'm planning to host waiting games all day and I'd like to do it in full team always.

Join me if you want, let's help each other!


I'll be up tomorrow as well for harvest hunt but I wanted to know in which timeframe you are (I'm european GMT+1)

Edited by Radonel
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