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Dark Knight Warframe.


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We have Oberon, which is the Paladin frame. Why not giving him a polar opposite?


I haven't determined the stats and the name, but I thought of some powers.


1. Ebony Cyclone


<name> spins his melee weapon around himself, doing damage to enemies around him.


2. Coil Theft


<name> steals life over time from the enemy.


3. Fog of War


<name> summons a fog, reducing enemy sight.


4. Black Rite


<name> forces a Tenno into a last stand for a surge in power.




-Ebony Cyclone's damage depend on the primary damage type of your melee weapon.

-Coil Theft is inversely affected by Power Duration, like Oberon's Renewal.

-Fog of War is not a stealth-granting power. But it will decrease the enemy's accuracy.


So, what do you think? Any fitting name? Any ideas for stats? What would you change?

Edited by AfroGamerNinja
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a Dark knight is Knight that started Walking the Dark Path for power or became corrupted by power  it is not a Opposite of a Paladin in most games Paladins Are Powerfull tanks With Light(holy) based damage and can heal Team mates While a Dark Knight Sacrefices its own Health For A Huge Boost In Power Making them Damage Dealers at the cost of Hp or there own lifes (Think Demonic Possesion though a Cursed sword) The most Accapted Polar opposite of Paladins are Know as Death Knights Cappable of dealing Heavy Damage stealing the Life Force of Enemies Using there own hp for a Short boost or Summoning A Skeletal Servant (Mostly Limited to 1 instead of Multipule like Necromancers)

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I'd suggest changing Black Rite to something like:


Down a player for a surge in power.


That way the player is still in the game. Could also allow for some interesting gameplay with that mod that lets you do more damage while downed.

Guess that would make sense. Renewal's ressurecting specs only worked on downed allies, after all.


Anyway, I replaced Steel Tornado with Deathly Herald.

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perhaps something diffrent that doesn't make one think of batman? bu ti like the idea, sounds fun.

I would call it Death Knight, but I'm sure there's 12-year old WoW players who'd think this would be plagiarism.


Besides, this is NOT a Batman frame. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlackKnight'>Here's the reason why.

Edited by AfroGamerNinja
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You have a solid idea but your premise is already taken by Nekros. Oberon heals the team while Nekros keeps them supplied and their "backrounds" are opposites as well, with oberon being a healer and nekros being a practitioner of the dark arts.

You may have a point. But:


-Nekros is a mage and I think Trinity would be a better comparaison instead of Oberon. Trinity heals and keeps people alive, which is white magic, while Nekros ressurects foes, rips out souls, terrifies and desecrates enemies for supplies.

-Oberon is a paladin, which are usually knights with healing powers.

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Sounds like a neat idea. But I think Fog of War would be cooler if this Dark Knight Warframe summons a large circular fog that is too tall to see over from a first-person perspective (but of course make it to where the players can see through the fog enough to kill enemies) and all the enemies caught in the fog sporadically shoot everywhere in hopes of killing their enemy and sometimes they (the enemies) end up killing each other. And maybe the fog has a passive buff for players who enter the fog gain a defense boost (increased shields or armor rating) or maybe evasion of all if not most of the enemy fire with all of them (the enemies) shooting. Also enemies outside of the fog do not dare enter the fog and cannot target players that are in the fog. I really hope this Dark Knight warframe becomes a reality. I really like the idea and I hope my contribution helps. What about Akerbus (though the original work is spelled acerbus) for this frame's name (from what i have looked up it seems to be pronounced a-ker-bus, but i think his name should be pronounced a-ker-biss. I am getting mixed results from multiple sources (I used the wiktionary and latinwordlist.com) but the definitions such as rough, violent, dark etc. fit his powers. Lastly, the last power seems a bit harsh and players can abuse that very easily and drive other players mad. Try something else is all i can say for the final power.

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Sounds like a neat idea. But I think Fog of War would be cooler if this Dark Knight Warframe summons a large circular fog that is too tall to see over from a first-person perspective (but of course make it to where the players can see through the fog enough to kill enemies) and all the enemies caught in the fog sporadically shoot everywhere in hopes of killing their enemy and sometimes they (the enemies) end up killing each other. And maybe the fog has a passive buff for players who enter the fog gain a defense boost (increased shields or armor rating) or maybe evasion of all if not most of the enemy fire with all of them (the enemies) shooting. Also enemies outside of the fog do not dare enter the fog and cannot target players that are in the fog. I really hope this Dark Knight warframe becomes a reality. I really like the idea and I hope my contribution helps. What about Akerbus (though the original work is spelled acerbus) for this frame's name (from what i have looked up it seems to be pronounced a-ker-bus, but i think his name should be pronounced a-ker-biss. I am getting mixed results from multiple sources (I used the wiktionary and latinwordlist.com) but the definitions such as rough, violent, dark etc. fit his powers. Lastly, the last power seems a bit harsh and players can abuse that very easily and drive other players mad. Try something else is all i can say for the final power.


Another idea for Black Rite is that you use your own health to refill your energy and get a overall damage boost. Though I'm not sure that's better.

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