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Update 7- What's Your Feedback People?


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I can't even begin to describe how upset I am. Had 4 frames maxed out and now I can't even figure out how to get my shields or health past 150. Not to mention the fact that the whole fusion system is as confusing as it is expensive. Can't help but feel like I got ripped off. Sure go ahead and respec but if that means I have to spend a ton of credits just to get where I was before the update then it feels a lot like taking hours of gametime out of my pocket. What is the point of the catalysts etc now?

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RNG for progression means that people who never get sheild mods cannot progress, and I never get sheild mods. And I really don't want to have to wait however long it's gonna take for DE to fix this to be able to play the game, because grinding for a sheild mod you know just isn't coming makes this game crap.

Edited by CosyPigeon
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It's beta, your hard work could've been deleted in a hard reset for all you know. They warned everyone how this is going to work.

Actually it's the exact opposite. The devs said over and over that there would be no hard reset, there would only be an optional reset for those who wanted it. Update 7 acted as a de facto reset, and a lot of people are upset for that very reason.

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You lads are confusing 'Ranks' and 'levels', a rank 30 weapon is fine the way they changed it to incorperate differant and high level mods. But they do need to implement some form of passive progression, outside of the weapon 'Rank' system. They need to use the leveling system to give people advantages regardless of their weapon rank.

I think this would fix a lot of the problems people are having with the new system. Old system Rank 30= level 30, now Rank 30 = level{Depends on your mods].

The new maps are awsome, I love the enemy diversity, and I got a bp for the shockwave warframe outside of the boss mission, which would have adressed several people's problems with farming the same mission over and over.

The credit cost does need to be slashed, as the main source for revenue was mods, but nobody wants to sell them anymore, and that 1mil credit pool goes away quickly.

You guys need to think of yourselves as level 1 Tenno, and forget how uber you used to be. I've actually had more fun with this game in the last two days than I've had in a long time.

Edited by ZEDD
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On the "levelling is useless now". This is my Ash, he's rank 24. I'm trying to level him up in order to obtain more mod capacity. Once he reaches 25 or 26, I should have enough to fuse my Focus card (which is at 5% power strength right now), hopefully to 10%. That level increase is accompanied by a 5% gain in power strength.

People are looking directly at mod capacity increases with levels and thinking "oh it's useless", but ignoring what comes out of having the increased capcacity. Before you went about choosing health nodes or ability nodes with every level, but now you can choose a greater range of upgrades. Power strength, power range, power duration, armor, health, shield capacity, sprint speed. I could go for Focus and increase my power strength once he levels up, -or- I could Power Duration or simply switch out one of my cards lower mod cap cards for Steel Fibre.

Level ups haven't been removed, they've simply been integrated into the mod system.

Edited by Tangerine
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Things I like:

New environments. Planetside environments are great, I hope they make more planetside environment's in the future.

New enemies. more enemy variety is great, and I have heard rumours of a rogue tenno running around trying to assasinate us, which is awesome

New defense mission layout. Yay, dfence missions can become survival mode.

Things that need work:

Equipping mods. Would like more mod slots, and an actual explenation of the differences between each mod slots and how they affect how many mods you can have equiped, as the tiny symbols are meaningless and often go unoticed.

Fusing mods. when you fuse mod's, it needs to be much more transparent about what your are getting, and what you are losing, too many brand new players are accidentally fusing away their warframe powers, which pretty much ruins the game for them instantly.

Economy. Since mods used to be the primary source of credits, and now people are fusing them instead fo selling them, people need more ways to get credits. Especially since the mod system has introduced new and more expensive credit sinks.

Things I don't like.

Progression being 100% luck based. You cannot progress without necessary mods, and if you are not lucky enough to get the neccesary mods, you cannot progress in the game. this sucks big time.

No passive improvements for leveling warframe and equipment. Same problem as above.

Sheild mods are absurdly hard to obtain. Same problem as above.

Summary: Unfortunately the bad outweighs the good for this update, the new stuff is shiney and awesome. But the game play has been completly ruined for those of us not blessed by the random number gods, and the mod fusion system is incredibly hostile to new players.

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If I had just started testing out Warframe and hadn't seen how good a game it was in 6.0 and only saw it in it's current 7.0 form there isn't a chance in hell I would continue testing let alone have become a Master level Founder. 7.0 is absolute crap.

1) The previous skill upgrade path was excelent. The trading card system blows it's a HUGE step backward.

a) Cards have no descriptions as to what they do when you upgrade them, what's the point? At least have a preview so you can tell you're moving from say 2% stun chance to 4% for god sakes any type of feedback to the player in this system would be very helpfull. New players thrown into this mess probably wouldn't bother trying to figure it out.

b) Melee is pathetic now. I can't even begin to describe how frustrating it is to have level 30 dual flame blades and truely loving playing a melee mindset and now in a level 2 mission those same blades take 3 hits to kill a mob. Really what the hell were you thinking with that?

c) Mix the two systems. Reinstate the old skill trees but use the card system as the mod slots. At least this way a level 30 warframe doesn't have 100 freaking hitpoints and 100 shield.

I realize ver 7 is setup to test out a new idea but your players need a ton more feedback as to what the cards mean and why they should bother upgrading them in the first place. The horrid lack of information in game is inexcusable.

7.0 was such a huge step backward from the game you had in 6.0, stop listening to whomever came up with this trading card idea in the staff meetings.

ps. throw in a toggle so we can see team mates hp bars (holding z to check sucks when you're playing a healer).

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This new update has really let me down and i have lost a lot of intrest in the game because of it, mostly because of the upgrades and stuff. i have lost all my abilities and my weapon upgrades, it is like starting from scratch but having the levels on my guns and person but nothing to show for it. I would really like you to change it back but the damage is done and i dont think i will be getting my stuff back even if you do. I think i can speak for a lot of people when i say that the new system is terrible

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First of all, expecting not to loose progres on a major or total system overhaul which also comes on the heels of a Closed Beta seems slightly unreasonable to me. I am actually surprised that the comming optional reset is actually optional, though with the mod system a character reset has practically already ocurred. I would expect nothing else at this stage. Seems like the "no hard reset" statement should not have been made, but in essence, levles were kept, we even got some shinies for the leftover mods. If balanced right, this still is a significant advantage over "fresh" players, see bellow.

The current mod system, to me, is much, much better then the old one. Even from a grinding perspective, at least for now, I find the drops much more interesting, although that might be just as much due to actually being able to see exactly what I picked up as the desirability for good drops.

The potential of customization, providing that there is enough mods and enough uses for mods in the future, seems to be much, much better, which is a good thing in my book. Hopefully, in future updates we will see enemies/bosses/missions that utilize the customization aspect and require rethinking of setups for best results.

Not sure about the "ding" factor as related to weapons and warframes. I can only tell if it has been hurt or not once I can start from scratch once the optional wipe is introduced. Again, if properly balanced, the lack of trees can be very well completmented by the mod slots ("ding" - I can take a new position in a tree replaced by "ding", I can add that mod I've been saving, or, hey, I can slot this mod I have laying around. Just like in the old system, its not like all upgrades in the tree were moving us towards our target build)

At a glance, adding some sort of minor to medium flat stat increase, perhaps even different across different warframes, or somewhat configurable (pick 2 of 6 or sth, subject to respec costs) does not seem like a bad idea to me and helps to add to the mentioned "ding" excitement if we dont find any good mods. I would rather not see a tree anymore, instead have some non-loot realted reason to be happy about a level up, other then expertise rank, which is fairly pointless for anything else then bragging rights.

I cannot say about the fusion costs yet, but adding a major money sink into the game was needed. In the old system, money became redundant very, very quickly. By the sounds of things it might need balancing, but that is to be expected. The figures I've seen in other reports do indeed seem too steep, especially since I have no idea how money acquisition rate has changed.

Overal, from a design perspective, Update 7 is a major step forward in my book, implementation seems not to shabby either. Definite thumbs up from me.

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Level ups haven't been removed, they've simply been integrated into the mod system.

That is the exact problem, it's been incorporated into a RnG system. The Mod overhaul has great potential but if it's simply down to luck there's no sense of progression.

I like the new system but Warframes defo need some sort of passive health or shield gain, that by far is my biggest issue.

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Actually it's the exact opposite. The devs said over and over that there would be no hard reset, there would only be an optional reset for those who wanted it. Update 7 acted as a de facto reset, and a lot of people are upset for that very reason.

The devs also said that the new system will completely wipe the old system. Which no, it's not exactly the opposite, it just meant not a total hard-wipe. Beta-testing means a lot of things can still change. Which it did. And now they need our feedback and patience, which are usually needed in beta tests. Clearly you haven't been in a lot of betas.

If your an adult, you should read terms of services and know what your getting yourself into. Don't cry when you think they did you wrong when it's you that stepped in.

This would be a problem is this game was launched.

Edited by Torguish
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Level ups haven't been removed, they've simply been integrated into the mod system.

This is why the system is crap.

Mods are RNG. Your odd of getting anything is based on dice rolls.

So leveling, player progression, is now heavy in RNG.

I don't think new players would care to stick with this system. I feels as ugly as it sounds. The only way to be set to leave low level systems is to hope you get blessed with health and shield mods by the RNGods early on.

If RNG heavy player progression like this existed in other games it'd be bad there too. This is not a matter of 'It is wrong for Warframe'. This is a matter of 'Holy S#&$, I can't imagine this being fun at all.'

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After playing it a bit, I do like this update, for the most part. It still has some serious problems though.

1. A lack of meaning to leveling up. Your warframes stats should increase as you level up. Or bring back the upgrade tree to an extent. Allow us to get upgrade points with level and be able to assign them to things like shields, health and energy, maybe other things too.

2. Warframe abilities sharing mod slots with mods. This just plain sucks. Either add more mod slots and mod capacity to warframes or something. The way it is now is just a poor choice in design.

3. Some drops that are supposed to be common drop far less than supposed rare drops. Yes I know it is random, but common drops should be easy to get, and not require some one to farm for days to get one or two.

4. I like sentinels, but the devs led on that they would be more customizable. As is, the variety of mods that can be equipped to them is far to low.

5. Alert system still sucks, and yes I know that the devs already said they are working on it, but I won't miss the chance to complain about it lol.

6. The boss at Merrow... HOLY S#&$. One shot fest of death. I don't mind the skill set they gave her, but I think maybe they should tone the damage and Aoe radius of the explosions down.

7. The cost of upgrading using fusion cores still costs to much. Makes all the cores from the old mod system pretty much useless.

8. Got a few aesthetic complaints. The wyrm sentinel looks like some sort of floating parasite, not something there to assist you. It should look more like a device than a living being, shade looks much better. Also, that giant spike shoulder pad on the banshee looks like crap, the rest of it is pretty cool.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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The best thing in this game for me is going pure melee build with some tankiness and sprint speed. Now I find it impossible since game is forcing me do diversity my stats in illusional way, because there is like 12 different stats or so to armor, where I can pick 8 (since i use only 2 abilities anyway). There would be diversity if I could pick 8 from pool of 80 different affixes not mere 12 or max 15.

Anyway back to melee, I find it now even worse than it was before comparing to gunplay. I have no real dmg or attack speed in it, since I cant stack any stats that would be usefull. Basicaly everybody do same thing on same type of weapon, get armor piecing dmg +fire damage + freeze damage + attack rate or go more into charge attacks. There is no customization now, if you want pure damage, before you just stacked x type of damage, now you just stack all types since you cant stack the same. Thats not a fix, thats just lazyness of developers in fixing the balance of mods.

Stacking never was bad, it just needed diminishing effect and numerical balance, but thats impossible with current "only graphic" developers.

Upgrade tree got removed instead of being improved aswell, I already wrote long time ago how to improve the tree well.

1) Make it bigger to give diversity, also give more stat diveristy (since its same problem as with cards, 8 out of 12 is not really diversity).

2) Remove mod slots from tree and add them as seperate function to each item, like quaranted mod slot each 5 ranks of item.

But what for arsing yourself as developer. Better improve graphic, add the same S#&$ as it were, remove what should be improved and break the promise of transfering old mods to new. The last part was totally predictable, because I heard similar promise like 100 times and developers always will S#&$ up players, thats they plan from begining just packed in nice illusive words. They plan to fck your grind up because thats money for them, look how they sell mods for real cash now.

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i think its very good update... i dont see where isthe problem with u7 and the new mods.. i figured out everything in 2 min and less, whats so confusing???

Everyhing is good,

(prices was bad but they fixed it)... And this is beta, things like this happens :D

I like the game now more then ever :D

Sry for bad english

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good thing:

- new maps - weapons - mission types

- buffs/nerfs/rebalance to make the game more challenging etc.

bad thing:

- silly pokemon cards and names instead of cool schematics drawings (or just high-tech attachment parts) of new weapon systems

- g4y-fairies (my name for sentinel-crap-idea) buzzing above cyborgs's heads

- waste of artist's time on 2D/3D effect of cards (making/drawing boots on grineers feet would be a time better spent)

- waste of artist's time on new hacking animation (previous animation was better)

- waste of artist's time on new ingame info display and animation (previous stuff was better)

- new sniper-grineer-girl's "looks/outfit" are out of sync with the rest of the military soldiers, she looks and behaves more like a little devil girl who just ran out of mental hospital and not like a soldier (mech-suits and mech-walkers would be better = remake of heavy soldiers)

- inventory system still terrible

People complaining about money/time lost:

I still have all warframes-weapons-catalysts-reactors-colors-whatever that I bought with platinum or build via BP, 4.500.000+ credits, 600+ platinums and 3 pages of fusion cores (I was keeping only good blue/green ones and selling the stuff I didn't like or need)

I agree U7 and new mod-system is rushed (by nVidia) before being finished and re-thinked, rebalanced etc.

Edited by Strac_CRO
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Kind of immensely disappointed that all of my beautiful mods are gone, now that I have to farm for them all over again.

It was hard finding all the high-value numbers, and ontop of that, I have to start back from square one, honestly I would have much rather taken a reset to at least get my plat back so I could re-do everything since, that's pretty much what I'm doing right now.

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- silly pokemon cards and names instead of cool schematics drawings (or just high-tech attachment parts) of new weapon systems
Everything else is being rehashed to death, so I'm going to second this.

Some of the names for mods are very silly. A mod called 'Thief's Wit' fits the style of Warframe. A mod called 'Shogun Spazz' does not. Please rename the dumb ones to maintain the appropriate level of gravitas.

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