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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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I absolutely hate it when people "represent" people that havent got the possibility so say a word. You can pretty much call me a veteran and while I still agree with most of the arguments, a title like "A letter to DE from x amount of veterans" would be much better. Please. Dont do it again.

You can usign your support if you so choose, but majority of people seem to agree with him. I haven't seen a veteran player who doesn't agree with what he is saying.

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You can usign your support if you so choose, but majority of people seem to agree with him. I haven't seen a veteran player who doesn't agree with what he is saying.

I really do agree with him, Im just saying that I dont like it when others speak for me (veteran"S"!), while I havent said a word yet

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This letter is in no means speaking on behalf of all veteran players and not even all the veterans who I have been actively discussing these issues with over the past weeks.


Seriously, first line man, he said it wasn't from all veteran players in his first words. So don't get so mad... it's just a title lol.

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I Marabunta5 Long time vet Warlord and Founder of The White Rose. agree with this open letter.  Many of my clan quite a few of them being vets from CB have thrown in the towel in the ring by now.   the Rngception is just killing it.  (example: small chance to get harvester, then a small chance he drops something and then a chance that it is the component that you need.  i can imagine cases coming up of people having 100 harvester encounters yet still missing that one part. )

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So this what we got on the Hotfix 11.7 log.


- Just a note on the continued conversations in these forums - everyone that has asked questions, posted threads, and raised points about areas that need attention for this game to deliver on areas we have talked about for a long time. Overall, dev focus is very much on areas being discussed by our community (lore, new player experience, end-game & more)– more than it’s ever been, everyone knows we need it. Thanks for your continued patience as we work to deliver.




I for once can tell u guys that it's a plus the Devs addressing the issues at hand but i'll wait for Livestream 21 to see how the issues at hand are dealt with.

Edited by Bazools
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Thanks you for your time for wrighting this piece ,was worth reading and fully agree this


For livestream , Seriously DE if you show us anything please tell us the DELAY ,how many time?Beetween now and never is to long , farming forever is


not possible,and End game content / lore needed ,how many time you said its was soon? always "Soon" "Almost done"and anyway while we are here


The stealth nerf you perform might be invisible for some casual player but average player will notice with no difficult (since the way you nerf is "Failed to nerf , or over nerfed")

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Hey there,


I'm a veteran player sience first days of closed beta, spent a ton of money just to see the game turn out the way is now ... "simply put the game is too casual" we are pretty much beta testing the game for PS4 players, we pay the money, we have to deal with tons of bugs ... , I my self always find my self unable to play with some of my friends due to NAT errors and stuff ... and the game now is kinda too easy. What happened to being a space ninja ? my ninja is like snail ... The cash shop is soo expansive as well, not to talk  about lore and events they are a mess ... 


For now I Spammie sign this letter as part of Coup De Grace clan member and I feel like everything said above in first post is totally true.

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So just a side question:

What are the pre-requesits for being a veteran? Is this a Veteran only thread? Because I would like to post something here and show my support but I don't fully understand the whole vet thing.

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Oh no whats this... You are making a list of "veterans". 


I can only assume you have good intentions but you make start dividing the community and we bicker between ouselves rather then communicate well to DE.


However I am interested in your criteria. What is it? Mastery rank? When you started? Amount of hours played? Amount of exclusive weapons you have? Founders status? 


I am just curious because it was not needed. The amount of +1s you got on the Op was enough. 

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Oh no whats this... You are making a list of "veterans". 


I can only assume you have good intentions but you make start dividing the community and we bicker between ouselves rather then communicate well to DE.


However I am interested in your criteria. What is it? Mastery rank? When you started? Amount of hours played? Amount of exclusive weapons you have? Founders status? 


I am just curious because it was not needed. The amount of +1s you got on the Op was enough. 


Good post that I agree with completely. I get tired of reading all this us, them, and them non sense. We are all one community and we're better off acting as one. Placing arbitrary titles on people based on even more arbitrary criteria isn't doing anyone any good.


As for criteria, I'm assuming most of the GMs and people who play a lot think of themselves as veterans but that doesn't mean much other than they play a lot.


The ones who should be considered true veterans of Warframe played in the closed beta or before then. Most of which are long gone by now. Ironically due to a lot of the issues being talked about in this thread.

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Oh no whats this... You are making a list of "veterans". 


I can only assume you have good intentions but you make start dividing the community and we bicker between ouselves rather then communicate well to DE.


However I am interested in your criteria. What is it? Mastery rank? When you started? Amount of hours played? Amount of exclusive weapons you have? Founders status? 


I am just curious because it was not needed. The amount of +1s you got on the Op was enough. 

I'd say time played counts more than money spent or luck with rng. 


So just a side question:

What are the pre-requesits for being a veteran? Is this a Veteran only thread? Because I would like to post something here and show my support but I don't fully understand the whole vet thing.

In my opinion all suggestions and opinions are valuable, there issues trough out the game so early game, mid game and end game suggestions and opinions are all good, assuming they make sense. And rng and grind affects the whole spectrum so I would say we all have a voice in this.

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I've been talking to collstro a lot and there isn't any clear definition or rule for what's a veteran. If you started early on in the game, u7 or u8ish, have put in 400-500 in mission hours, reached mastery 14, you're probably rightfully a vet. A lot of the people on this list by far exceed those rough guidelines, the point of this thread was to talk about the game from the perspective of someone with 2,000 hours and 200 forum posts and not the other way around. Check the game hours of some of the people who post a ton, you'd be surprised.

Of course everyone's opinion is important but someone with only a couple hundred hours hasn't seen what we've seen or know what we know. We have a unique point of reference and collectively feel these issues are important. The only point of the veteran distinction is to indicate we know what we're talking about and to some extent these issues affect us in ways that can't be said about casual players. None of us care about our status and it really is no different than saying "This is my concern as a new player." Except we're older players. The distinction is important but not born out of any sort of elitism. Most of us haven't burnt out and played until there really was nothing left to do.

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I've been talking to collstro a lot and there isn't any clear definition or rule for what's a veteran. If you started early on in the game, u7 or u8ish, have put in 400-500 in mission hours, reached mastery 14, you're probably rightfully a vet. A lot of the people on this list by far exceed those rough guidelines, the point of this thread was to talk about the game from the perspective of someone with 2,000 hours and 200 forum posts and not the other way around. Check the game hours of some of the people who post a ton, you'd be surprised.

Of course everyone's opinion is important but someone with only a couple hundred hours hasn't seen what we've seen or know what we know. We have a unique point of reference and collectively feel these issues are important. The only point of the veteran distinction is to indicate we know what we're talking about and to some extent these issues affect us in ways that can't be said about casual players. None of us care about our status and it really is no different than saying "This is my concern as a new player." Except we're older players. The distinction is important but not born out of any sort of elitism.


That's absolute non sense. You don't need to play even 10 hours to see the issues this game has.


And if you guys didn't care about your status you wouldn't bring it up at every opportunity or have to mention that you're a GM or whatever else you feel the need to mention repeatedly. In fact the title of this thread names that the lie it is. Especially when you have people saying you deserve to have your feedback listened to because you're a GM or a veteran ... play a lot.


That's the most nonsensical thing I think I've ever read on this forum. 

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That's absolute non sense. Stop thinking you're special because you play a lot.

(This was all that was written at the first iteration of this post)

Are you saying my experience as a player with nothing left to do is different than someone who is in the middle of the game? I don't think I'm special or important, I just have had experiences some people haven't had yet.

A lot of us feel content is focused towards those in the middle of the game and not enough towards new and old players. None of us care about our founder status. Don't assume that. Most of us have spent money on the game early on and feel our investment in the future of the game wasn't a good decision given the way things have gone in the past, but our core concern is that the game needs to improve for new and old players, not for mid game players. I can't speak for everyone, just the folks I've been talking to lately, many but not all of the signers.

Regardless of your perception of our attitude you can't deny us of our experiences as a certain demographic of players.

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(This was all that was written at the first iteration of this post)

Are you saying my experience as a player with nothing left to do is different than someone who is in the middle of the game? I don't think I'm special or important, I just have had experiences some people haven't had yet. I'm tempted to say you didn't even read my post. Maybe you could explain yourself, at least.


What is there to experience in this game that requires 1000+ hours to fully understand? Not a single damn thing. You can get a full understanding of this game and all the issues it has inside of 10 hours.


The only thing that changes in this game between 10 hours and 1000 hours is the gear and frames you have access to. That's it and that's all.

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I started Warframe late Jan 2013. I have said the same things about this game and to be honest, the game is being developed in a open beta state. This is my first time experiencing a game in mid development. My number one priority is to have challenging and engaging end game content. At this point, I don't see any reason for DE to not have hired people to handle this development. You and I both know that Warframe has been very profitable.

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There's no need to argue about this. It is well explained in --collstro--'s letter why he is asking for veterans' support.


And if you intend to keep this game alive you want to retain all the veterans you can, and have as many new players in this game play long enough that they too become veterans, since the longer someone plays, the more chances you have to get them to spend money.


This letter is openned to everyone by just clicking on the upvote button.


It is indeed not simple to consider someone as a "veteran" or not. I, myself, am playing since 7.10, while I only have 400 hours on this game. I guess I spend more time on this forum than on the actual game. And mastery 11. I first declined to sign this letter for this reason, considering that real veterans were here during CB.


We don't have all the same purpose. As I said, only mastery 11 here, as I don't like collecting weapons just to level them up for some stupid mastery points. There's just too many weapons, and not enough actually worthing it. But I share the same concerns and I am stuck, waiting for a more challenging part in this game.


I think the term "veteran" shouldn't be restricted to how many hours you've been playing this game. But more about "how much you've seen in this game".

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There's no need to argue about this. It is well explained in --collstro--'s letter why he is asking for veterans' support.



This letter is openned to everyone by just clicking on the upvote button.


It is indeed not simple to consider someone as a "veteran" or not. I, myself, am playing since 7.10, while I only have 400 hours on this game. I guess I spend more time on this forum than on the actual game.


I think the term "veteran" shouldn't be restricted to how many hours you've been playing this game. But more about "how much you've seen in this game".


Sorry, I've got a habit of calling out bullS#&$ when I see it. I agree with this thread and it's purpose but I don't agree with the us and them mentality so many of these self proclaimed vets are taking.

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What is there to experience in this game that requires 1000+ hours to fully understand? Not a single damn thing. You can get a full understanding of this game and all the issues it has inside of 10 hours.

The only thing that changes in this game between 10 hours and 1000 hours is the gear and frames you have access to. That's it and that's all.

How many players have seen all enemies, tiles, weapons, and know the history of the game, the screw ups since u7 and on, know what all the mods do, etc. Within 10 hours of gameplay?

I'd guess none of them. But that's only scratching the surface. The point is that once you've done everything there is to do, you've gone through a gauntlet of grind, big unwanted changes, game breaking bugs, drop table scandals, clan culture, etc etc and you are left as someone who is like us, who can see the whole picture and know what it is like to have played all the content there is in the game.

Ask a ps4 player 10 hours in if they know what they are even doing let alone know everything.

This isn't about saying someone with 399 hours is a casual and someone with 400 is a vet, or that you need to be rank 14 to know a lot about the game, we don't really care about the numbers, but the experiences we've had over a long term of dedication to this game.

Once again I can only speak for perhaps half of the signers, if that, which I have been talking to over the past few days.

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How many players have seen all enemies, tiles, weapons, and know the history of the game, the screw ups since u7 and on, know what all the mods do, etc. Within 10 hours of gameplay?

I'd guess none of them. But that's only scratching the surface. The point is that once you've done everything there is to do, you've gone through a gauntlet of grind, big unwanted changes, game breaking bugs, drop table scandals, clan culture, etc etc and you are left as someone who is like us, who can see the whole picture and know what it is like to have played all the content there is in the game.

Ask a ps4 player 10 hours in if they know what they are even doing let alone know everything.


Are you implying game play changes drastically from tile set to tile set? Or from weapon to weapon? Frame to frame? Enemy to enemy? Because it doesn't change all that much and you know it. 


As for the rest, drop table scandal, past game breaking bugs, etc etc. Very little of what you said is relevant to the game as we play it today. And that's all that matters. I don't get why you need to know about all the shenanigans that have taken place over the drop tables and data mining and whatever else that happened months ago to have your feedback, here, today, January 16 2014, be relevant.


I said it before but I'll say it again just for the sake of repetition. DE should listen to your feedback because it's good (most of the feedback in this thread is good). Not because of how much money you spent on the game and how deserving you think that makes you. Not because of how much you play. But because it's good.

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