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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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I've only accumulated 256 hours on Warframe, but I stopped playing regularly when they encyrpted the drop tables. For me, the writing was on the wall "Expect even more grind".


I still play some events. But anyway, yes, I also agree with the OP 100%.

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Gosh... There are so many good threads on this forum with suggestions in regards to end-game (quest systems, token systems etc), I can't even be bothered with constructive criticism anymore. Might as well rant at a wall, you get the occasional "we are aware of the issue", but it ends there.

So my conclusion remains "DE don't care", that or DE is just a very clumsy developer, perhaps a bit of both.

What we have with Warframe is a flashy hamster-wheel, fun to run in it for a while but don't expect to go anywhere, you can buy golden parts for the wheel and make it spin faster, but in the end it's still just a flashy hamster-wheel that makes DE money and entertains hamsters for a short while.

Never heard the truth brought out in a more honest and funny way! Haha

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I logged in yesterday for the first time in a month then logged right back out. New toys but I'm tired of leveling weapons on the same missions fighting the same two things over and over again. I'd do void missions to get a change of scenery but instead I logged out.


I want to have fun again someday.

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i heard their excuse about the snowglobe on the Q&A.


i am done with this game

P-people were saying defensive frame was defensive so we ruined it for everyone. And nothing was done to WHY people rely on complete damage mitigation. Could have something to do with ridiculous damage, health and armor scaling. I bet they will ruin trinity next without even glancing at enemy scaling.

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I really want some actual content with high replay value. Currently, all it feels like we have for "replayable" content is: Obtain X weapon and Y frame. Max X and Y. Maybe throw a Forma or 2 in there. Repeat. After approximately 500 hours of playtime, this has grated at me more than I thought it would to the point that I barely even log in that much. I've only logged in recently to see the new toys U12 brought and while they're fun to play with, the fact that pretty much the only "content" this game has on offer currently is blatant grinding has got me rotating back to many of my other games that didn't focus on grind. 


The other huge issue I've been having lately (and as many others have pointed out already) is that a majority of the Devs have been shrugging off our input like it's nothing, especially with the livestreams. Unless it is truly relevant, I don't want to see concept art, new tilesets, anything like that. I want to see how they will fix already present issues, like the horrible early game for new players, RNG as a whole (loot 2.0, anyone?) [void drops also given maybe a revamp via token system] , actually addressing and dealing with enemy scaling and damage-based power scaling, and many many more which I'm a bit too tired right now to remember and list (but know are present).


I think I'll just stick with my other games that are far less reliant on grind and rage-inducing systems (I'm looking at you, RNG) until a lot of these issues are legitimately addressed and resolved.

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just finished my letter of farewell. i hope all of you have fun with whatever you chose i am leaving the game for good

yeah i saw. i see you in Anor... oh wait. i don't know where yet. But you better watch your back.



friend of mine in this game logged in yesterday. our conversation:

- hey man what's new in warframe?

- nothing. except for new frames and weapons and mods.

- new mods?

- yeah corrupted ones.

- where do i get them?

- (me explaining how)

- ohh more grind under grind?

- yeah. and most useful mods are R10.

- sob...


- any new game modes?

- nope, interception is a waste. maps are broken. so we are playing survivals for hour or so when we feel like it.

- survival was fun, i remember using frost.

- frost is dead, brother.

- yeah i saw.

- i still have my acrid is it good still?

- nope dots are ruined. damage 2.0 and stuff. same goes for torid.

- any fun events?

- nope. cicero was the last one. they changed rules for it several times. kinda failure.

- yeah i saw. making photos of plants, didn't even bothered. wait what? changing rules for events?

- yeah several times. ffffff me up with the last change, because i personally collected 16 400p toxins for a clan members. and they f me up in the end. by changing initial rule for event.


yeah to sum it all up. what did we get at U12. basically  nothing new in this game. more bugs, bunch of old ones. no content for high level players but survival. more grind. cloud castles. sorry, but ah... yeah.


thing is: no new melee model, no social hub for players, no focus or all this "end game" stuff will change the fact that game is very dull and empty up here. I was hoping for this new game mode by Scott. I was. But ah... yeah, no natural talent will force me to play this boredom.

Edited by Althix
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I believe the Update 13 will help much more the Veterans since this game has much to offer,the Developers must be testing how much this gameplay formula can last so as to change it with a more precise on player demands game type.This thread is currently doing much to help the game I really hope it succeeds it's goal.


Result summary in Gameplay needs so far(With respect to the PLAYERS and DEVELOPER TEAM )


1. Lore - A better and more active to gameplay codex is required as well as Ninja/Ninjutsu based/theme centered levels.It is very important to mention that the enemies must scare you and I do not see any fearsome looking enemy besides Lephantis


2.Void - The meaning of Special stage/level cannot be practically translated when playing Void.Reasons: A.Repeatance B.Loot system not sufficient in mechanics C.Void does NOT resonate with Prime Warframes


3.Warframes - Veterans are not able to evolve the many hours of gameplay they have used on a maxed level and forma Warframe.It is Important to notice the absense of ARMOR indicator of the Warframe on the new UI


5.Weapons - Ninja Lore is not applicable in weapons yet http://www.kbninjutsu.com/weapons.html  http://bukeyashikidojo.com/ninjainfo.asp


6.Drop rates and related systems are not yet stable many comments have apeared especially on Mag prime items in Void missions


7.Community Workbench is not active in or out of the game - The developers have not introduced the feature which players can create the weapons and armor of their design either by a 1 week contest and poll mechanics in forums or in game in a Dojo feature



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yeah to sum it all up. what did we get at U12. basically  nothing new in this game. more bugs, bunch of old ones. no content for high level players but survival. more grind. cloud castles. sorry, but ah... yeah.


thing is: no new melee model, no social hud for players, no focus or all this "end game" stuff will change the fact that game is very dull and empty up here. I was hoping for this new game mode by Scott. I was. But ah... yeah, no natural talent will force me to play this boredom.


Sadly but this is so accurate in my opinion. Basically with each update DE distract us with new shiny toys, but after few hours/days we back to monotonous grind and killing brainless enemies.

I still play, but after U12 i have more bitter taste on my mouth, why? DE added new stuff behind grind and time walls plus they again screwed up void tables, more grind anyone?

What i would love to see is more important fixes, such as performance/bugs etc.

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Do you guys think Steve knows what to do with all his ideas?

My impression of the last 3 livestreams is, that as far as DE are concerned, Beta is over.

But only the engine, psysics, logic and so on.

2014 is the year they make Warframe into a game, not a gamesystem, content-pipeline.

Now, it seems like the visionary is Steve. The rest must either fulfill his dreams, or shoot them down.

A good example is Focus, masterypoint go into a tree of new powers.

Badlands, err basically clan wars right?

Proxy war, as a way to put npcs into the universe and, in theory create Quests for Epic loot.

He has listened, but does he know WHAT to do?

He stated, Darvo mission and Events will happen less. They need dynamic missions for replayability.

The Forum rejoiced at Ties that bind. Hmm.

The Forum has a thread called CELLS. Still no official comment to my knowledge.

So to sum up, has he listened to the right things?

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Haha, good joke. Now allow me to direct you to a company that makes DE look like golden saints: http://mwomercs.com/ (Seriously, PGI are the worst devs I've ever seen, truly fascinating to watch)

Seriously, have some patience, this game has come a long way in a year. These guys are actually pretty damn good about getting things done when they say they are, so let them build this game out. I played the hell out of closed beta but the lack of content at the time drove me away. Took a long break and now I'm back... and the game has massively progressed since then. So take a breather, go play War Thunder or something, and come back in a couple months.

Edited by Renan.Ruivo
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Haha, good joke. Now allow me to direct you to a company that makes DE look like golden saints: http://mwomercs.com/ (Seriously, PGI are the worst devs I've ever seen, truly fascinating to watch)

Seriously, have some patience, this game has come a long way in a year. These guys are actually pretty damn good about getting things done when they say they are, so let them build this game out. I played the hell out of closed beta but the lack of content at the time drove me away. Took a long break and now I'm back... and the game has massively progressed since then. So take a breather, go play War Thunder or something, and come back in a couple months.


or people could not come back at all.


if you really intend to help the game, stop telling people to "take a break", players could realize there is better games around, less grindy, with actual lore and good gameplay mechanics and never come back.

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Haha, good joke. Now allow me to direct you to a company that makes DE look like golden saints: http://mwomercs.com/ (Seriously, PGI are the worst devs I've ever seen, truly fascinating to watch)

Seriously, have some patience, this game has come a long way in a year. These guys are actually pretty damn good about getting things done when they say they are, so let them build this game out. I played the hell out of closed beta but the lack of content at the time drove me away. Took a long break and now I'm back... and the game has massively progressed since then. So take a breather, go play War Thunder or something, and come back in a couple months.

Just because another company is worse does not mean everything has to be as bad, or worse to be considered bad.

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Just because another company is worse does not mean everything has to be as bad, or worse to be considered bad.


Believe me, I'm not white knighting here.  This game still has major issues, and I completely agree with the majority of the OP, but these types of changes take serious time to design and implement.  I'm at the point again where I need an end game, doing hour long T3 survival runs get old real quick.  But I'm going to be patient about it. 


I was responding to a post that was hilariously bad anyways (now deleted for being bad), so bear that in mind.



or people could not come back at all.


if you really intend to help the game, stop telling people to "take a break", players could realize there is better games around, less grindy, with actual lore and good gameplay mechanics and never come back.


The game is grindy, absolutely.  But this game has fantastic gameplay.  Could be better of course, but it's the core ninja shoot bang slash jumpy wall run insano action that I love and came back for.  Now I just need something to do with all of these OP weapons.

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Believe me, I'm not white knighting here.  This game still has major issues, and I completely agree with the majority of the OP, but these types of changes take serious time to design and implement.  I'm at the point again where I need an end game, doing hour long T3 survival runs get old real quick.  But I'm going to be patient about it. 


I was responding to a post that was hilariously bad anyways (now deleted for being bad), so bear that in mind.


Mk, but still, another company being worse has no bearing on how bad/good another company is, and keep in mind, there has been a lot of vets have been waiting for a long time, and saying "Just keep waiting" isn't exactly something new.

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I'm not sure what your point is by posting this, see, this is a thread that wants DE to address the problems with WF, something more than a shrug and a (seemingly) apathetic "Soon".

It was meant as the same old story of issues. - of grinding and waiting to progress. WF is dancing on the line of one of those and acceptable.

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