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Something I Always Wanted To Say (Valkyr Sucks)


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The fact is her ultimate is meh once the mobs get strong. You can't fight anything high level with it, you are just a revival/pod activating machine, an maybe you can draw aggro in the mean time.


The duration is good (30 seconds at base is nothing to laugh at), but the fact of the matter is that, if you have the mods (yes, Rare mods, but not that hard to get), you can cast any skill like this indefinitely (specially in the hardest missions with lots of enemies, which amount to lots of energy dropped).

For example, Blessing, which protects the entire team and lets them use their weapons. While, only with base values, the comparison between the two is balanced, once mods, highly modded weapons, and high level enemies are on the table, being able to cast hysteria every time it runs out makes you the perfect reviver, and not much else, while being able to cast blessing every time it runs out makes it so no one needs reviving, and everyone can focus on killing the enemies.


Then you have the other skills.

Ripline is acceptable for a first skill, it is lackluster damage and lackluster mobility, all in all, that beats the first skills that are only damage. Warcry isn't that much of a buff, not for it's cost, on a frame that already has a skill to spam if it wants to survive. Paralysis... The only reason i ever used this was when i was waiting at extraction and wanted to pile up a bit of affinity (since it gives 25 affinity per use with a cost of 5 energy). It's a low-to-no-damage stagger, it honestly doesn't feel worth casting this days (it feels like a waste of time to see the animation, literally).


Valkyr is based on armor for its survival and single target melee for its damage. And those claws can't copter.

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Just putting my 2 cents in here about her ulti's "slow" attack rate keep in mind since it is a melee attack only her attack rate is reduced when your fps goes low (melee attack rate is connected to fps *hint hint DE this needs to be changed no matter how hard it is*).

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agreed with all my heart... i remember when she is released and i instantly buy her without thinking and then hey guess what im freakin weak!!!!she said... all the problem is well pointed out by your post.... her ulti sounds really nice and it has been rainbow coated by some guy.. her ulti deal very decent damage BUT, apart of the weakness that you pointed out... her ulti are just worthless thanks to the claw's awkward attack pattern....

And consider this..... beside the infested that come toward your way automaticly.... then other faction will be taking cover and will shoot you in all direction, and when your shield is off then its time for you to use your ult, and at that time.... with 360 degree of enemy swarming up, taking cover and shoot you... you will be thinking... where do i begin? i have 60sec to kill all these mobs, and then you will have to ripline and starts killing all those mobs slowly while others changing from cover to cover making you even harder to chase them and then you will think... warcry can slow them down and yea it really is... and it makes you melee faster... but with regard you have wasted 3 sec from casting that skill.. and after killing 11-15 running mobs, you have to recast the ults again.....and while all the heats of battle continues... rhino saw your heavy effort trying to kill all the surrounding mobs slowly and he decided to end your misery with a roar+stomp,killing 720 degree range around 50m of the enemy all around him,leaving you with a bunch of dead bodies and THAT TIME... you will feel like you have wasted your energy and effort..... and you will be thinking which frame you should use next after valkyr...

With all that comes to the conclusion.... she. is. WEAK. and. A BURDEN TO THE TEAM.

Edited by Minami_Chiaki
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The funny thing is, the accusations about nova were speculative.

She was (back then) an even better caster than she is now, because she actually got nerfed.

Even after the last Valkyr "buff", she is still underwhelming as hell.

In lategame only a handfull of Warframes scale infinte (Mag, Necros, Nyx, a bit Saryn with Venom) and Nova is not one of them thats correct but the slow and dmg debuff from her ult makes her wicked sick support especially lvl 60-... fat corpus techs that meld your shield quicker thant un can press shield polarize. Nova is still a girl for every situation, but to the topic give Valk a wider cleave to hysteria(to hit at least 5-6 enemies) and some dmg. Replace the paralyze with something offensive like a Whirlind with her claws or her leash from the first. Her third is good but to long animation, should be max 1 sec.


After all I dont think that Valk will be cast aside but i think that there are more people wanting melee 2.0 than reworking Valk ^^

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Paralysis works as an AOE damage option during Hysteria. Nothing more. In fact, Valkyr pretty much lives entirely on Hysteria. Warcry is not nearly powerful enough outside of low-mid levels and exists more to buff attack speed (especially Hysteria's) rather than nerfing enemies. Paralysis, as mentioned, is practically not safe outside of Hysteria. This leaves Rip-Line as her only non-Hysteria based skill.


Buff Paralysis. Give it the stun that it SHOULD have rather than some stupid stagger. Hell, make the stun time based on the amount of shield drain (more shield = more stun) and I guarantee it will suddenly become much more useful.

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The only thing that needs a look at is paralysis and maybe a speed/damage buff on her ulti (to make it scale better into the late game).


Buff Paralysis. Give it the stun that it SHOULD have rather than some stupid stagger. Hell, make the stun time based on the amount of shield drain (more shield = more stun) and I guarantee it will suddenly become much more useful.

Pretty good idea.


PS if you're stacking HP/amor on her you're a dud.

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The fact is her ultimate is meh once the mobs get strong. You can't fight anything high level with it, you are just a revival/pod activating machine, an maybe you can draw aggro in the mean time.


The duration is good (30 seconds at base is nothing to laugh at), but the fact of the matter is that, if you have the mods (yes, Rare mods, but not that hard to get), you can cast any skill like this indefinitely (specially in the hardest missions with lots of enemies, which amount to lots of energy dropped).

For example, Blessing, which protects the entire team and lets them use their weapons. While, only with base values, the comparison between the two is balanced, once mods, highly modded weapons, and high level enemies are on the table, being able to cast hysteria every time it runs out makes you the perfect reviver, and not much else, while being able to cast blessing every time it runs out makes it so no one needs reviving, and everyone can focus on killing the enemies.


Then you have the other skills.

Ripline is acceptable for a first skill, it is lackluster damage and lackluster mobility, all in all, that beats the first skills that are only damage. Warcry isn't that much of a buff, not for it's cost, on a frame that already has a skill to spam if it wants to survive. Paralysis... The only reason i ever used this was when i was waiting at extraction and wanted to pile up a bit of affinity (since it gives 25 affinity per use with a cost of 5 energy). It's a low-to-no-damage stagger, it honestly doesn't feel worth casting this days (it feels like a waste of time to see the animation, literally).


Valkyr is based on armor for its survival and single target melee for its damage. And those claws can't copter.

Yes, duration on hysteria is pretty good. However, I doubt most Valkyr actually wanted their duration to be that long. Me for example, sticking a fleeting expertise for valkyr. Sometimes duration on hysteria can be an obstacle for dps. She can't use gun or melee in hysteria.

That make her into the worst in dps frame. 

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I usually never say this about any Warframe, but Valkyr is complete trash and nothing more but dead weight for a squad.

Topic of the day for me

+1 to this

My solution: adding flat 3000 puncture damage to hysteria as its the worst scaling and weakest ulti in the game needs a TON more damage and AOE splash damage like 10 meters. + Some kind of charge that cause a Giant Hadooken with 10k punch through damage.

After looking at this...




...the worst I can say is that she's extremely expensive (millions of credits and several hundreds of cores).

after watching the video i had to laugh my &#! off how weak she is and need almost half a minute for a level 40 heavy gunner full moded she is just unbelivable weak beyond no limit.


Edited by zzang
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after watching the video i had to laugh my &#! of how she need almost half a minute for a level 40 heavy gunner full moded she is just unbelivable weak beyond no lomit.


Fair enough, but I see that as the price for being invulnerable during all that time. She's also taking heat off her three teammates, who are focusing on the other side of the room with zero chance of being attacked from behind. I think she's viable for end game, I want to try out that build.

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She's also taking heat off her three teammates, who are focusing on the other side of the room with zero chance of being attacked from behind. I think she's viable for end game, I want to try out that build.

Sure try that out but to be honest what i understand as endgame is something different than what you understand as endgame.

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After looking at this...




...the worst I can say is that she's extremely expensive (millions of credits and several hundreds of cores).

Or ~1600 plat in mods lol. Dont agree with using Narrow minded and lack of Steel fiber if you going to tank damage to activate rage you can easily flop doring ult cast time

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PS if you're stacking HP/amor on her you're a dud.


You can easily go from full HP/full shields to freaking dead in the time it takes to activate Hysteria on Lvl 30+ enemies. The number of times I've been downed while in Hysteria mode speaks to this. Nevermind the extra damage soak you need post-Level 30 when Hysteria can't fight your way out of a wet paper bag and you're guaranteed to take damage.


But if you're all APOLOLOLOLOLODORUS then yeah, you don't need either.


My fixes:

-Boost movement and attack speed of Hysteria. Allow it to hit multiple targets per swing. Increase the damage, or give it an assload of armor penetration.

-Boost the Armor Buff/Debuff of Warcry.

-Vastly increase the damage, stagger and range of Paralysis. If it's not doing Slash Dash levels of damage, it's a worthless ability.

-Ripline is fine.


I'd use Hysteria/Warcry combo more often, but without Flow the energy cost of Hyseria+Warcry means you may not have enough energy to reactivate Hysteria when it runs out. And for Valkyr to have a prayer, that's basically a requirement.

Edited by Nenjin
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I'm only starting to scratch the surface, I'd say lvl 40 to a max of 50 is end game, anything over it is not worth it. What do most people mean when they say "end game"?

when you ask the min maxers they would tell you everything above 70+ thats where the game gets semi difficult and where you need a organized team of clan dudes to be successful and it is worth because one match like this and your melee/secondary goes from 1 to 30 because of great expirience also its a great modfest and its kinda fun.


Even if 50 would be the dead end valkyre would be in a terrible bad condition compared to the frames usually listed in the upper tier

List like: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/162829-warframes-tiered-based-on-end-game-30/


i can confirm this list to be pretty accurate and the topic to be very informative in case you are interested for endgame

Edited by zzang
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