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So The Synapse Is Going To Stay Useless Now Or ?


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Update 11.6.0: Drakgoon


- Changed logic that determines visual representation of damage mods on continuous-fire weapons (eg: Synapse, Ignis, etc).

The frequency of damage numbers used to be limited by using a minimum damage threshold. Since damage mods increase the rate at which damage accumulates, this would cause damage to be inflicted more often though each damage event would not necessarily be larger. This led to people thinking the mods did nothing because they didn't notice the increased rate at which numbers would appear (an easy mistake for low level damage mods). Similarly, headshots would make numbers appear more often but not necessarily create bigger numbers.

Now continuous fire weapons now limit the frequency of damage numbers by using a minimum time between impacts, regardless of how much damage has accumulated. This gives us a lot more control and should make things more obvious for players who are applying damage mods (it's easier to notice that numbers are 5% larger in magnitude vs being generated 5% faster)”



Or are you referring to this? I wouldn't exactly consider this a nerf imo

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The synapse is far by the best weapon in the game.

Heavy caliber doesn't effect it. So free damage basically.

With volt's shield it hits RED CRITS! How often do you see that?

SLAP some elemental mods on there you got your self the best endgame gun a tenno could ask for.

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The synapse is far by the best weapon in the game.

Heavy caliber doesn't effect it. So free damage basically.

With volt's shield it hits RED CRITS! How often do you see that?

SLAP some elemental mods on there you got your self the best endgame gun a tenno could ask for.

You didn't use it in a while. It's no longer used by players as a continuous weapon because DE changed damage logic for continuous weapons.

It's now a damage per tick weapon.

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What gun are YOU using? Mine is still the God weapon it was.

The proc chance is bugged right now, and the delay can keep dead NPC still shooting you. The damage done for per bullet and over a duration is largely unchanged, it just has a longer delay in it's application of damage.

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I may be misunderstanding the recent change to the damage logic, but I'm fairly sure it's meant to change how damage is displayed, not how damage is done. Are you sure you aren't just being tricked by a change in how the numbers are shown?

The change was supposed to be visual only, but testing has shown it has broken proc rate(effective rate to a fraction of listed in Ui). Gottfaust and a few others have done video test about this: The damage is the same, but with a much longer delay in application.

Edited by LazyKnight
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exactly what eagle say, now it takes me 0.5 seconds to destroy a simple box LOL


it is not about the damage or even the statut proc, it's about the time i have to shoot for an enemy to fall


it's so weird and confusing now, the only way to use it in a half-effective way is to tap tap which is ironical for a continuous weapon

Edited by Starender
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ok 11.7 introduced a nerf for the status proc of the synapse, and let's be honest, the u16.1 delay to apply damage of continuous weapons was all about that (with viral proc)


so now, can we have our 10 fire rate per second like it was before please ?

Edited by Starender
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well that's the exact word: confusing


the choice of unnecessary changing the delay is confusing

using this weapon is confusing

was it a mistake or is it just like they wanted it ?

will it be fixed or not ?


totally confused

Edited by Starender
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DE, seriously, just revert the continuous weapon changes back to how they were until you can actually work out how to make them work properly.



And for crying out loud, make a seperate server for testing your new systems before they go live.

This could have easily been picked up by a small test team, and didn't need to be thrown at the live game.


Beta or not (enough with that crappy excuse. If you want to charge like wounded bulls, you can't claim it to be beta)

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