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Half A Million To Zero.


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I sold another Serration.  I was sitting on Platinum.  I was farming these infested outbreaks and their ludicrous battle pay.  I was collecting resources.  I had mad gobs of stuff.  I was starting to feel epic.  Just a little.  Trotted over to my friend's place where internet was plentiful.


He maximized his Loki, and now Solo-Kills Lephantis.  Yeah, let that sink in.  Okay, it's WAY easier killing a boss with Loki, but considering he's dumped no money into the game at all, Mastery 4, using Grakata... quite impressive.


So I farm up the Nekros parts.  We do some Orokin suvivals.  Mag Prime systems finally drops.  What to do?  I go on a market blueprint rampage.  Cestra?  I'll take one.  Stug?  Looks pig ugly, I'll take one anyways.  Warframe, well, let's go for Nekros, Nyx, Trinity, Mag Prime, Nova, and Valkyr... not in that order.


My GOD the foundry looks amazing.  Forma and 6 frames, plus some Orokin Derelict keys.


I'm flat broke, I've burned my platinum on slots for weapons and frames.  The frames will be done tomorrow except Valkyr.  She's entertaining.  A bit underpowered, but still fun.  Closest I can come to running Krieg in Borderlands 2.  Very cool though.  Learning how to really get the most out of her still.


And I look up at the end of all this, and I have 726 credits left.


I used to be rich baby.


Anyone else ever gone on a mad-stupid frame purchasing spree and watched a fortune in money burn away in 10 minutes?


Also, I think the Stug actually kills enemies from sheer disgust.  White Fluid Globs smothering your face?  I've seen that in videos before, but I can't link the sites.


I'm just sayin'... You get all gooped up from that, in real life you'd find a way to literally die of shame.

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I sold another Serration.  I was sitting on Platinum.  I was farming these infested outbreaks and their ludicrous battle pay.  I was collecting resources.  I had mad gobs of stuff.  I was starting to feel epic.  Just a little.  Trotted over to my friend's place where internet was plentiful.


He maximized his Loki, and now Solo-Kills Lephantis.  Yeah, let that sink in.  Okay, it's WAY easier killing a boss with Loki, but considering he's dumped no money into the game at all, Mastery 4, using Grakata... quite impressive.


So I farm up the Nekros parts.  We do some Orokin suvivals.  Mag Prime systems finally drops.  What to do?  I go on a market blueprint rampage.  Cestra?  I'll take one.  Stug?  Looks pig ugly, I'll take one anyways.  Warframe, well, let's go for Nekros, Nyx, Trinity, Mag Prime, Nova, and Valkyr... not in that order.


My GOD the foundry looks amazing.  Forma and 6 frames, plus some Orokin Derelict keys.


I'm flat broke, I've burned my platinum on slots for weapons and frames.  The frames will be done tomorrow except Valkyr.  She's entertaining.  A bit underpowered, but still fun.  Closest I can come to running Krieg in Borderlands 2.  Very cool though.  Learning how to really get the most out of her still.


And I look up at the end of all this, and I have 726 credits left.


I used to be rich baby.


Anyone else ever gone on a mad-stupid frame purchasing spree and watched a fortune in money burn away in 10 minutes?


Also, I think the Stug actually kills enemies from sheer disgust.  White Fluid Globs smothering your face?  I've seen that in videos before, but I can't link the sites.


I'm just sayin'... You get all gooped up from that, in real life you'd find a way to literally die of shame.

haha, you bet. i also went on a transmutation spree once, spent 2 mil credits in less than 3 minutes.

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haha, absolutely. but fortunately I didn't have more than 3 frames building at once. for me it's usually a fusion spree. I look at my core collection, and my mod collection, and say why not max something out today? I was under 10,000 credits, so not as bad as 726, but I don't remember the last time I was under 10k. at one point I bought all the recipes of weapons and frames I didn't have from the market, just so I could see what there was left to do. didn't have them all going in the foundry at once, but the foundry didn't get many breaks in those days. it was a golden age. now, I'll build the occasional forma, and potatoes if the alerts come up. my credits and core collection slowly recover, but soon enough, I'll go and max another uncommon or rare 10, and it'll be back to square one


also: I think you hit the nail on the head with the stug bit, haha. what a ridiculous gun. DE tried to pass the acrid off on us as if it weren't a d**k. the stug is possibly a little more overt

Edited by Wallace24
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 HAHA! LOL at your post because I have been there!


When I first heard about this game (sometime after closed beta, it popped up on STEAM), man I jumped right in.


I bought a Founder's package after playing about 2 hours. (They had me at wall running space ninja)


Upgraded to Grand Master a session or two after that and then proceeded to buy every weapon and frame available. I blew through them. Had to rank up, you see. Had to master them all. There weren't that many guns/frames at the time. I had tons of Founder's plat so why not? Buy, buy, buy!!! HaHa.


Looking back, I wish I had slowed my roll a little bit. Even though it was at a time when there were only about eight or so Frames to get, about 22 guns, primary/secondary and about two times as many melee weapons available, I just had to catch 'em all.


Back between update 7 and 8 (I think), we lost a week of player stats due to a database going down. After the 'recovery', our frames and weaps all had their levels but player profile stats were lost for like a week or so of time. I had leveled 3 frames and at least 9 weapons that week and my player profile showed like BANSHEE lvl 30 percent played 0% LOL. It wasn't until later that I realized I'd never even taken the time to play Banshee, I'd just leveled her up and moved on.


My advice is to take your time with each frame/weap. Hell, I didn't even really play Mag until her Prime came out and now, I love her. I just blew through the motions of ranking her up back then.


Anyway, you sound like you might be as compulsive about this game as I am so, the good news is, as long as you don't sell them off, you can always dust them off later.


And, they might surprise you how much fun they are.

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I sold another Serration.  I was sitting on Platinum.  I was farming these infested outbreaks and their ludicrous battle pay.  I was collecting resources.  I had mad gobs of stuff.  I was starting to feel epic.  Just a little.  Trotted over to my friend's place where internet was plentiful.


He maximized his Loki, and now Solo-Kills Lephantis.  Yeah, let that sink in.  Okay, it's WAY easier killing a boss with Loki, but considering he's dumped no money into the game at all, Mastery 4, using Grakata... quite impressive.


So I farm up the Nekros parts.  We do some Orokin suvivals.  Mag Prime systems finally drops.  What to do?  I go on a market blueprint rampage.  Cestra?  I'll take one.  Stug?  Looks pig ugly, I'll take one anyways.  Warframe, well, let's go for Nekros, Nyx, Trinity, Mag Prime, Nova, and Valkyr... not in that order.


My GOD the foundry looks amazing.  Forma and 6 frames, plus some Orokin Derelict keys.


I'm flat broke, I've burned my platinum on slots for weapons and frames.  The frames will be done tomorrow except Valkyr.  She's entertaining.  A bit underpowered, but still fun.  Closest I can come to running Krieg in Borderlands 2.  Very cool though.  Learning how to really get the most out of her still.


And I look up at the end of all this, and I have 726 credits left.


I used to be rich baby.


Anyone else ever gone on a mad-stupid frame purchasing spree and watched a fortune in money burn away in 10 minutes?


Also, I think the Stug actually kills enemies from sheer disgust.  White Fluid Globs smothering your face?  I've seen that in videos before, but I can't link the sites.


I'm just sayin'... You get all gooped up from that, in real life you'd find a way to literally die of shame.

had 3million cred and 2000 plat

both gone under 3 second what else is new

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Also, I think the Stug actually kills enemies from sheer disgust.  White Fluid Globs smothering your face?  I've seen that in videos before, but I can't link the sites.


I'm just sayin'... You get all gooped up from that, in real life you'd find a way to literally die of shame.


Oh God XD


But, in other words, yes.

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So, credits are still worth something?

From what I remember, I never had to farm for credits. I remember lacking neural sensors, cells, neurodes, ferrites, plastids.


I mean, if they decide to remove credits from the game, I won't feel any difference.

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I seem to be stuck at 2mil lately. Have all frames and clan research done, so just weapons that get built in bulk. Without thinking about it, I seem to get into a 'void speed run' set for awhile, racking up credits without noticing, then craft a bunch of weapons/forma/potatoes/fieldron/mutagen, so back to playing survivals and defense with new weapons.


I think back on seeing BPs for 100,000 and wondering how will I ever get that much saved? Now I wish there were more things to throw credits at.

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T1 void missions are your friend. 10000+ credits per mission + mission reward that might be sold for about 3000.

50000+ credit battle pays are worth the trouble though.

My rule is that I don't play a mission anymore if it doesn't yield at least 10000+ credits.

Unless ofc there is an item reward I want.

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You can also sell your junk mods for credits.


Last time (first time I cleaned up) I sold only 900x Reach (1.800.000 cr)... And hella tons of Vitality, Redirection, Ghost etc. etc...


Around 3.000.000 cr was the total profit... Then I started selling 10/10 Redirections and I'm back to 2.000.000 >.<

Edited by CookingFood
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