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Suggestion: Infested 2.0


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Ideas you might not have considered:

Make chargers armoured as they are infested Grineer.

Give runners shields as they are infested Corpus.

Ancient tentacle attacks wont knock you down but pull you in.

Crawlers will latch on to you (like latchers) and decrease your runspeed and shooting accuracy.

I was thinking about make grineer based units armored, but hey, they should be wearing a full armor plate to get the profit from it. Otherwise, the only armored part will be something like an area around the head - just like it had before the damage 2.0.

Same here about the shielded corpus units, probably this is good idea to make them shielded, but in the other hand being a Human, they should be lost all their shields and in the most cases, they should broke their shield generator before the infestation will invade their bodies.


So about pulling tentacles - already suggested, check the poision ancient part.



Every other whiner who's talking about "oh noes, this is too tough". Remember a few things:

1. Infested is dam swarm! And they should be strong to overcome all these elite squads to reinforce their army.

2. Thus a regular charger should be able to handle with ANY regular corpus/grineer unit.

3. Thus an ancient should be able to handle with any elite corpus/grineer uint.

4. This is how it should be, otherwise - there are no way for infested to be a swarm.

5. New melee system will come - improving melee handling, making most of the attacks usable. So we need something to be a threat.

6. Atm all infested missions including high level defences/MD/survivals are fully doable in the solo mode. This is not going to happen. 

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We shouldn't have any stunlocks, period. I understand staggering and knocking over every now and then, but stunning and dedicated hit-a-stunned-player attacks are way, way too much.


What I'd like to see is for the Infested to get the Left 4 Dead treatment, where one of their main advantages over a player is their mobility. Climbing up walls, over ledges, leaping down from above platforms, with base movement speed capable of outrunning a player with ease (leaving the only escape plans to either maneuvers or simply killing the Infested).

They need to be scary and challenging. Stunlocks are neither; they're just one of those things that make you frown at the screen, shake your head, and hop onto a game that appreciates player skill a bit more.

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Though I'm sure I'd find a couple things I don't like if I really dug, I like the bulk of it. I like how simple a good portion of it is to add in, and that you recycle your own traits such as ceiling climbing between your ideas. Making the lump as a whole a lot more feasible.

I always liked the gas all infested used to leave. There was to much of it but if appropriate quantities were added I wouldn't mind seeing it come back.


Some good brain food I like it.

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We shouldn't have any stunlocks, period. I understand staggering and knocking over every now and then, but stunning and dedicated hit-a-stunned-player attacks are way, way too much.


What I'd like to see is for the Infested to get the Left 4 Dead treatment, where one of their main advantages over a player is their mobility. Climbing up walls, over ledges, leaping down from above platforms, with base movement speed capable of outrunning a player with ease (leaving the only escape plans to either maneuvers or simply killing the Infested).

They need to be scary and challenging. Stunlocks are neither; they're just one of those things that make you frown at the screen, shake your head, and hop onto a game that appreciates player skill a bit more.

Stunlock are better than you thought if DE will rework them proper:

1. You should be able to block any stunning move if you're fast enough

2. You should be able to fight in stunlock mode in QTE mode to free yourself

3. There is should be cooldown period for any stunlock during that you're immune to any controlling factor such as knockdowns/stunlocks - remember, what happens if you're meeting a bunch of ancients and wasn't fast enough? Yeah, a tenno football!

4. There are should be proper hitting calculations depends on the target's positiond. In example, if Ancient hits you in the head and you were knocked down, its tentacle should fly above you, leaving you unharmed because of missing.

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Also, you seem to have forgotten that infested like to SWARM. Having Healing Ancients restore 35% of a targets HP initially and a 25% heal every other pulse means 4 Ancients will be literally immortal. Having enemies with 50% proc chance EACH and a high chance to stagger, stun or knockdown will force players to fight at a distance, as getting anywhere near enemies will be lethal (coupled with all the AoE bursts on death you can't even kill them while they're in close range otherwise you're screwed).

Yes. Yes, please! All I could ask - is making player shudder in just one thought about going cqc against infested.


1. Pack of Ancient Healers making their forces immortal? Split them up.

2. Enemies have high proc chance and a stagger/stun/knockdown ability? Do not go in cqc, you're dam ninja, not a landsknecht. This or working as ninja to deal with them in stealth mode. Otherwise - prepare for troubles, because this is infested swarm.


resuming: you should fear them, keep them away from you dead or alive, running away to keep a distance in case they're chasing you. Sound just like left4dead.

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Stunlock are better than you thought if DE will rework them proper:

1. You should be able to block any stunning move if you're fast enough

2. You should be able to fight in stunlock mode in QTE mode to free yourself

3. There is should be cooldown period for any stunlock during that you're immune to any controlling factor such as knockdowns/stunlocks - remember, what happens if you're meeting a bunch of ancients and wasn't fast enough? Yeah, a tenno football!

4. There are should be proper hitting calculations depends on the target's positiond. In example, if Ancient hits you in the head and you were knocked down, its tentacle should fly above you, leaving you unharmed because of missing.

Stunlocks are already an issue in the game from two out of three factions. Instead of putting in a bunch of gimmicks that only slightly lessen the severity of stunlocks, it's best to stop adding new stunlocks altogether. They add nothing to gameplay; the same "dangerous" effect can be given by simply increasing the Infested's damage, which would at least leave the controller in the player's hands when he's in the most danger.


The "fight in stunlock mode" interests me, though. I'd abhorrently hate seeing every stun lead to a QTE, but we shouldn't lay on the ground like we're dead after simply getting knocked down. After a second-or-so pause, we should be able to roll away from that position in whatever direction we want.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Toxics need the death fart back.

Elec Crawler could be slightly more common and have an energy drain on hit, like little babby disruptors.

Charger could use a damage reduction on that big chest piece, and a range boost on attacks since they (and almost any melee npc) cant hit anything that isnt nailed down.

Runner... maybe a longer range and dmg boost on the pop, with a short range stagger.  Relatively easily avoided, but punish you for not paying attention.

Healer.  Originally I griped about the resists being so different from other ancients, but that kinda works for making them sturdier without larger numbers that may go nuts with scaling.  The heal seems kinda pointless tho as the scutwork is pretty much full life or a stain.  Replace with a hardening effect, like 25%.

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Stunlocks are already an issue in the game from two out of three factions. Instead of putting in a bunch of gimmicks that only slightly lessen the severity of stunlocks, it's best to stop adding new stunlocks altogether. They add nothing to gameplay; the same "dangerous" effect can be given by simply increasing the Infested's damage, which would at least leave the controller in the player's hands when he's in the most danger.


The "fight in stunlock mode" interests me, though. I'd abhorrently hate seeing every stun lead to a QTE, but we shouldn't lay on the ground like we're dead after simply getting knocked down. After a second-or-so pause, we should be able to roll away from that position in whatever direction we want.

You should understand that in most cases all these stunlocks are just not going to happen if you're paying enough attention. Run and roll, evade and block - this is something you should do against corpus/grineer but almost never doing against infested, because they're silly melee fraction. I don't like an idea about just increasing damage dealing - this could totally ruin new player experience because of easy dying in fighting against infested. 

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Here are a few of your ideas that I like:

Crawlers hiding on ceilings.

Chargers being a little faster and able to make small leaps (more akin to Zanuka).

Decrease animation duration on Leapers leap attack.

Elemental procs on certain attacks. (Toxin on toxic ancients, magnetic on disruptors, etc.)

Toxics leaving a small gas cloud after death.


Everything else I cannot subscribe to; especially:

Elemental procs on almost everything.

Increased speed throughout the entire faction.

Stun, stagger and knockdown on almost every unit.


Welcome to Chainstunland where touching a citizen will lead to instant death!


Ideas you might not have considered:

Make chargers armoured as they are infested Grineer.

Give runners shields as they are infested Corpus.

Ancient tentacle attacks wont knock you down but pull you in.

Crawlers will latch on to you (like latchers) and decrease your runspeed and shooting accuracy.



I'm sorry but the errors on this Warrior form is huge.


The spines fan out, It doesn't have 10 fingers, and it's feet have toes.

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You should understand that in most cases all these stunlocks are just not going to happen if you're paying enough attention. Run and roll, evade and block - this is something you should do against corpus/grineer but almost never doing against infested, because they're silly melee fraction. I don't like an idea about just increasing damage dealing - this could totally ruin new player experience because of easy dying in fighting against infested. 

I think 90% of the player base does not even know that a block button/function exists in this game :P


But then there's 80% immunity to knockdown with Sure Footed and Fortitude

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I think 90% of the player base does not even know that a block button/function exists in this game :P


But then there's 80% immunity to knockdown with Sure Footed and Fortitude

This is all their fault, if they're refusing to fully understanding the game.


Btw, agree about installing both knockdown immunity mods. Still you're lost a time during blocking the damage but you're keep standing on your feet at least.

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I was thinking about make grineer based units armored, but hey, they should be wearing a full armor plate to get the profit from it. Otherwise, the only armored part will be something like an area around the head - just like it had before the damage 2.0.

Same here about the shielded corpus units, probably this is good idea to make them shielded, but in the other hand being a Human, they should be lost all their shields and in the most cases, they should broke their shield generator before the infestation will invade their bodies.


So about pulling tentacles - already suggested, check the poision ancient part.



Every other whiner who's talking about "oh noes, this is too tough". Remember a few things:

1. Infested is dam swarm! And they should be strong to overcome all these elite squads to reinforce their army.

2. Thus a regular charger should be able to handle with ANY regular corpus/grineer unit.

3. Thus an ancient should be able to handle with any elite corpus/grineer uint.

4. This is how it should be, otherwise - there are no way for infested to be a swarm.

5. New melee system will come - improving melee handling, making most of the attacks usable. So we need something to be a threat.

6. Atm all infested missions including high level defences/MD/survivals are fully doable in the solo mode. This is not going to happen. 

1: Lol wut

2: No

3: no

4: Let me explain to you how being a meat moss that jumps at things works, you don't zerg in, you wait for mr whoever to sleep, hide in his suit, then wait till he gets in and BOOM infested

5: Lol no

6: Lol no

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I think personally some of these ideas, but not all

Like having a high chance of procs is a awful idea, especially viral and slash

Oh, a ancient just knocked you down? Dead.

Some of these, like chargers being faster, I agree with, but all the proc rate is a no. 

All infested need is some way of attacking tenno on crates, so bring in flying units. or jumping chargers.

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I want infected warframes! Half infected Warframe bosses. Something cool. I want to be chased by a zombie Mag or an undead Rhino, not the awful difficulty op suggested. I would like to see missions that are creepy. Infested are cool and sometimes rather scary when one jumps out at you when you're not paying full attention.


I've only had two Pepsi's what am I writing?

Edited by Sutherland
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1: Lol wut

2: No

3: no

4: Let me explain to you how being a meat moss that jumps at things works, you don't zerg in, you wait for mr whoever to sleep, hide in his suit, then wait till he gets in and BOOM infested

5: Lol no

6: Lol no

So you haven't brought here anything but dumb "lolwut"? Get out and don't come back 'till you'll be able to be more useful for this topic.



I think personally some of these ideas, but not all

Like having a high chance of procs is a awful idea, especially viral and slash

Oh, a ancient just knocked you down? Dead.

Some of these, like chargers being faster, I agree with, but all the proc rate is a no. 

All infested need is some way of attacking tenno on crates, so bring in flying units. or jumping chargers.

Infested should bring fear into your heart in case they've come too close. You shouldn't be able to deal with the with a bare hands, dring your teak inbetween "NICESHOTS". They are too silly, too predictable to accept them as serious threat. I'm suggesting to boost their strong sides. And once again, if you're fast and careful enough, most of these "evil" thing won't harm you.


I want infected warframes! Half infected Warframe bosses. Something cool. I want to be chased by a zombie Mag or an undead Rhino, not the awful difficulty op suggested. I would like to see missions that are creepy. Infested are cool and sometimes rather scary when one jumps out of you when you're not paying full attention.

Your "infested frame" suggestion is fully offtopic in this place.


I'd like to hear more feedback on my "awful difficulty" suggestions. Hell yeah, it's awful - for someone who's fighting against infested from the high crates.


Edited by MECT_HET
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To sorta quote a fellow clan member: If this isn't the worst idea I've ever seen here, it's certainly close.


Melee/CQB is already effectively non-viable at higher levels against Corpus/Grineer, with questionable utility even against Infested as-is... despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of melee weapons are slash based (a damage type that's only resisted by one enemy in the entire faction, and that's a boss). With a good third of the shotguns (close-quarters weapons) sharing that damage type (i.e. meant to be used against Infested). This would just completely drive the nail in melee's coffin.


Nevermind that the game needs less stunlock, not more: slapping the controls away from the player's hands is the kind of tactic I expect from a five-year old.


What the infested need are more unit types to give them additional options without murdering player agency. Compare the number of units the Infested have to say, the Corpus (nevermind Grineer, even ignoring the reskins). Others have already addressed this, additional ranged attacks, flying units, goo/web launchers to slow people down, etc. Hell, simply allowing Chargers to climb up walls/crates would be a step in the right direction. That and make Lobbers/Electrics far more common, the only ranged options Infested currently have are so ridiculously rare they're a non-issue.

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Lets remove melee from the game entirely, by giving the only faction it's viable against so much close-in hate that you won't be able to stand within shotgun range of them unless you're playing Rhino or Trinity! That sounds like a great idea!


Making everything stun is a terribly idea, because becoming truly stunlocked would become even more common. Get 3-4 melee units within range of you? You know, because there's a S#&$ton of them and that's what they do? You're #*($%%@. Enjoy being helpless while they tear you an extra A******. Your proposed changes to the stun system are a whole 'nother topic entirely; unless stuns had a cooldown to avoid stunlocking, you're dead meat.


Proc's everywhere. Not on the light infested. You think the slash procs on grineer are a pain? Just wait until a viral proc strips most of your max health away while a slash proc rips through the rest of your health in two tics.


You're basically making it so that fighting the infested requires you to not get hit ever. That's not "good" difficulty. The Grineer are pretty close to "good" difficulty. They have a wide variety of units that you have to be aware of, capable of fighting at a variety of ranges. Every encounter with the Grineer can be different because you can encounter a new mix of units. Infested are the same 5 units ever time, with a couple crawlers (all variants of which are interchangeable due to how easy to deal with they are) thrown in. Instead of making every infested a stun-bot, add a variety of new infested. Add a spine-hurling walker or charger-like unit to give them some mobile ranged attacks. Make the crawlers stick to walls, like someone else suggested. Add a latcher or equivalent to grab you and slow you down. There's dozens of neat gimmick infested they could add. Making every infested be "you get stunned and procced if you let me get near you, gg" is not the way to make the infested more interesting to fight; it makes them more samey and forces you to fight them at range, when half the fun on fighting infested was that you can actually get up close and personal with them, unlike the other two factions.


And no, one infested should not be able to take down one or more 'humans.' Can one zombie take down a dude with a shotgun on his own? Not if he keeps his head about him. There's a reason the infested come in numbers.

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Chargers: I think chargers are more or less fine as is, in fact I think they should reduce their damage a bit, seeing as they're the cannon fodder of the infested and it should take a lot of them to do more damage. They should increase their movement speed however, and maybe make the armor on higher level chargers actually function like armor, meaning you have to aim at their exposed flesh to deal full damage.


Runners: Instead of just going back to Runners 1.0, I say make these guys less common but actually devastating when they do spawn. Runners should have a massive spore consuming most of their body, and when popped will deal massive amounts of Blast damage to everything within an 5 meter radius, both Tenno and Infested. This would make them both dangerous and tactically useful, as a smart player will prioritize them in a crowd of infested to send them all flying. There could even be elemental variants that deal Elemental procs instead of explosive damage.


Leapers: Hard to say what I think should be done with these guys. Maybe give them a much further leaping distance or increase their agility. Right now they feel more like chargers than, well, the chargers. I also like the idea of Leapers being able to hang from and attack from the walls and ceiling, but I think a model update is in order for them too.


Crawlers: Crawlers in general definitely need to be more common. Electric and Lobber crawlers are two of the few unique and interesting enemies the infested have to offer and yet they're some of the rarest enemies in the game. We should be drowning in the little foot stools considering how pathetic a single one is on their own. I also think they should either scrap the Toxic crawler of combine it with the Lobber; while I did like the poison cloud mechanic, I think it was removed for causing issues on low-end computers or just glitching and becoming invisible, so I'm not sure if DE intends to bring them back.


Ancients: All Ancients are a bit cheap with their unbreakable charge attack, but Disruptors and Toxics are definitely more intimidating than the Healers. Those guys definitely need a buff. Personally I think it would be a whole lot cooler if Healer's pulses completely resurrected nearby dead light infested, meaning you have to prioritize them or risk fighting the same enemies again, but either a more significant health restoration or maybe even doubling all nearby units' health would do as well. As for Ancients in general, I wish they would change their "charge" attack to an actual strait-forward charge attack, make them run much faster but make them dodgable with a well-timed roll.



The infested definitely suffer from a lack of diversity, but I have to agree that giving them stunlocks and high procs doesn't really make them "better" just even more annoying when they do hit you. What we really need are units that don't make a beeline for you and either sneak along the walls and ceiling (which has been mentioned) or utilize some kind of ranged attack. Of course it's hard to argue changes to a melee heavy faction right before Melee 2.0, so perhaps that will bring about some more interesting ways of counteracting the infested instead of being chain-stunned to death.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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So you haven't brought here anything but dumb "lolwut"? Get out and don't come back 'till you'll be able to be more useful for this topic.



Infested should bring fear into your heart in case they've come too close. You shouldn't be able to deal with the with a bare hands, dring your teak inbetween "NICESHOTS". They are too silly, too predictable to accept them as serious threat. I'm suggesting to boost their strong sides. And once again, if you're fast and careful enough, most of these "evil" thing won't harm you.


Your "infested frame" suggestion is fully offtopic in this place.


I'd like to hear more feedback on my "awful difficulty" suggestions. Hell yeah, it's awful - for someone who's fighting against infested from the high crates.



I fail to see how that is off topic, do say why though... I'm suggesting a new enemy infested that is based off a warframe, High in speed and attack. Similar to your revamp of Infested difficulty. Similar to peoples suggestions of more varied Infested enemies.


You think I need a crate to kill infested? Unlike some I have honor.

Now if you're thinking this is me attacking your idea it's not I'm just expressing a strong opinion and; IMHO stun-lock is not a difficulty at all. Infested should remain as a large group that rush in. I wish there were more in missions honestly I do.

In many cases if you don't outrun those infested on missions as is and if you get completely surrounded there is a good chance you'll find yourself being obliterated. Owned. Finished. Strength in numbers. More variety I agree, more stun-locks? Say goodbye to defense missions and survival missions against infested's.


Let's talk about the slow frames too. They aren't that fast and there is a good chance they will end up in constant stun-locks. Is that fair? Hell no.

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I dunno why all these people are crying about stunlocks? Stunlock is great idea to force people to avoid infested in cqc. You know what it will mean for you if you will stop so you're just keep running from them.


And your suggestion is good enough, but completely not about reworking an actual infested. If we're talking about increasing their diversity, adding a brand new infested into their forces - yes, please. Otherwise... no. As devs mentioned before there will be some kind of "leader" caring about their own squads, increasing their abilities and strength - yes, this is there you idea could be added. Why don't you go there and suggest?


I'm suggesting some minor improvements, not a major overhaul - something able to increase their potency without a huge rework. Forget about stunlocks, actually there are at least 4 points per each infested. 

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