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Why I Believe Warframe Will Never Become A Great Game.


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so you are leaving?, can i have your stuff?


Warframe its a young game, they still at beta what means that the developers still adding content to make the game better and have the standars of a released game. but take in mind that warframe its not a bad game, take in mid the amount of hours that some players have in the game. First its free, yes i have invest some money in the game because have gived to me tons of entertainment and i want to support the developers to keep improving the game.


I beleave that warframe 1 day will have an awesome new player experience a storyline mission and a engame related to player interaction, but im not realy in any rush, they update the game fairly often and the main point still up, the game its changing and they are working on it, if you are frustated on the game, give it a break and return. i did that i got realy surprised by the amount of stuff on the game. and they keep adding it.


Most of the people complain about the game but rarely people point the good stuff in the game, not everything its bad you know, there are some other awefull games out there, warframe have tons of stuff to improve but still pretty solid on some mechanics and gameplay. they need to just update the content. If you are bored of the game or frustated give it a break and return later on, there is no suscription : D


tl;dr can i have you stuff?

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One thing I do want to make clear, this has nothing to do with feeling I'm entitled to something that I did not get nor am I saying that I dislike the game because I do like the game, what I am saying is DE, IMHO, seems to be ignoring core things that should be done instead of giving out nice shiny things to distract the community while they try and figure out where the heck they are going. Also my analogy of using the Roman games to distract the populace from problems in the empire is valid with the Roman Games being the shiny things we are given at each major update, and the problems being distracted from would be not fixing RNG, no LORE, New Player Experience etc. 

Well you could have nothing. I said this on a previous post before. How do we know someone in the office doesn't just make new guns on their day off? These guns could be easy to make so they give them out. Too many variables not to mention we have no idea what they're working on.

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Warframe has advanced leaps and bounds and currently still is. This is DE's first always-online multiplayer game so it's bound to overwhelming at times. If you don't believe that the game isn't constantly revolutionising itself then go look at what the game was like in closed beta. It's actually progressing at a good pace.


Having said that, though, there is still a lot to do with the game, and the devs are currently working on that while being constantly bombarded with hate/feedback which would probably destabilise their original vision for a particular feature. Also, the reason why weapons are being released constantly rather than new features is because A) they take significantly less time to make B) DE has different departments for different jobs, like every other company. Only a tiny section of the team is working on weapons, it's not as if Steve and Co are all sitting in a ruin designing weapons instead of everything else. Good things come to those who wait, and having been here since Closed Beta, I can testify that good things have come in that long period of waiting.

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It is one of the BEST fps FTP game ever, best support from staff, on forum etc. ohh wait is co-op and duel in the same game? ohh we shot infected like zombies to? Free prizes ? nice :) ohh wait update "15" co-op and Multiplayer and teams and infected zombies in the same game? (now wait this is serious Multiplayer?) and all for FREE? yes, thanks to Digital Extremes TEAM.

yes we have bugs but the thing is that they fix it will we all play the game, why ther is so much bugs?(small bugs) because they always bring us something new.

yep all the way Warframe. (sorry that I gave too much attention to this topic)

half translated this sorry...

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The whole Roman Empire thing was a bit of a stretch... but i need to agree.

Either DE steps up their game or things won't get any better. I'll be waiting till U13 (U12 will solve no real problems) to see what they're going to make to fix the major issues in the game and if players feedback will have a serious impact in the solving of the serious issues that plague WF.


Till then i'll continue on believing that Warframe is a rough diamond, although i'm pissed... faith lingers.

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Warframe is a different game than most that you would find, particularly games you have to buy, but that's what makes Warframe great.


For most console developers and third party publishers, video games are a product, and this is a business. They focus on developing a game with a catchy premise and hammer out every last inch of their finished product. Sure, they may find some bugs every now and then after release, it happens, but for the most part, those third party publishers are not as consumer connected as DE.


DE is still a business and they have bills to pay, granted, but that doesn't necessarily imply that they are money driven. When software developers are intimately connected to patching bugs reported in forums, while they understand the code, we make the game.


When you mention that the developers have not really hinted towards where they want to direct the game, while that may be true, it is not really up to them. A more detailed and informed convention would be an interview with both new and experienced players on their thoughts with Warframe and where they would like the game to go.


You can read through these forums – DE is legitimately listening.


And there are several problems with the game, I won't argue with that. RNG is definitely one of the most frustrating issues for me, especially with mod drops. However, the difference between Warframe and Halo, as you said Warframe would never match, is merely the structured release of the games.


Halo has been released several times, upgrading with each platform. Still, Halo 2 is different than Halo 4, not necessarily with graphics, content, etc., but in the way that Halo 4 expands upon the successes of the previous generations coupled with new elements to the game.


In contrary to Bungie's development, Warframe is an ongoing process. Warframe is a beta and unless if DE decides to leave the game at a certain point, could always be called a beta. The game is a continuous process of hammering out bugs and tweaking the gameplay to the user's interest. Obviously I don't know about DE's intentions, but a Warframe 2 seems unlikely.


So are there problems? Yes. Several problems, we can be as blunt as we'd like about that. As ninjas of Warframe, it is our obligation to be blunt. Spot the errors and complain all you like, but do it for the general improvement of the game. When DE adds new content – new weapons, warframes, maps, and layouts, don't expect them to be perfect.


It's a continual process.

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i dont understand why ppl keep flame on this game if you dont like it then dont play it.

Warframe is my most played game i have +1200 hour gameplay and I am still playing it because I love this game I am keep breaking the records with my clan mates.



You should really ready the whole topic, at one point, you would notice that he doesn't actuality hate it and just wants it to succeed.


Seriously... The amount of people who blindly reply without reading....

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I won't reiterate what has been said before in regards to RNG, Lore or even fixes that need to be done because the number of posts on these subjects are vast and numerous and it would be redundant to do so. What I want to touch on is DE's refusal to recognize or even acknowledge in what direction they want to take this game. In livestreams of late it almost reminds me of Politicians in a news conference giving vast amounts of information without really giving any information at all.  If you strip away the amazing graphics, because in all honesty they are amazing, this game is nothing more than a mindless, droning game of shooting mobs. In some context I'm sure that can be fun because I love killing mobs mindlessly as much as the next person, but after a while that gets old and any game that is one dimensional will eventually not survive or simply fade into obscurity.


Some will use the excuse that Warframe is still in "Beta" and that might be true, but even in the beginning it started with no core story line to propel the game as many other "Beta" games have done, which is like baking a apple pie and forgetting to put the filling in, then trying to do it afterwards. We all who have been playing since the beginning know what Warframe needs to be done and as I said the posts about these things is vast. I believe DE is so worried about getting new players and keeping the old ones that they would rather saturate the game with new shiny guns and warframes rather being brave and saying heck with putting out new content and lets fix all the things wrong with Warframe, Lore, New Player Experience, RNG etc. I truly believe if they concentrated on this they could have a great game that could rival Halo and I also believe that even if some people left because of no new content they would come back later to a better game with a true story to drive the game and missions, better balanced RNG and weapons and a truly perfectly working game. These are my own observations and thoughts.


I'm sure DE will probably never see this post or even if they did they will continue their path of giving out shiny new things to distract the community, sort of reminds me of the Roman Emperors when they would put on vast games to distract the populace from everything that was wrong with the empire, lets hope Warframe does not go the same way the Roman Empire did.

why no one will ever take you seriously.

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umm, warframe is already one of the best game out there, even while it still in Beta. 


There are a whole lot of other broken games worst off than warframe, so apparently your reasoning is going against general rating of gamers. 

What?!  You mean the game where even the gaming websites see and note everything wrong with it? The game can't pull new players and can barely retain old ones. What is so good about it?  I like the game and I can hardly make myself play it.

Edited by GSGregory
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What?!  You mean the game where even the gaming websites see and note everything wrong with it? The game can't pull new players and can barely retain old ones. What is so good about it?  I like the game and I can hardly make myself play it.

that's your personal opinions on warframe. Doesn't change the facts that it list as one of the best game out there. 


If the game doesn't suit your taste, you can go and play other games. There are other new players that play it. 

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that's your personal opinions on warframe. Doesn't change the facts that it list as one of the best game out there. 


If the game doesn't suit your taste, you can go and play other games. There are other new players that play it. 

My personal view huh? So the many, many players that have brought up issue after issue in the game are all wrong? What about the many review sites that agree with the players on just how bad this game truly is?  Or are you too dumb to actually read this line "I like the game and I can hardly make myself play it."



The game is fun. Is it good? Better than the S#&$ games. Is it great? Not even in the ball park.  Great games don't make me feel bored playing them. 

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played 800hrs but i am still enjoying the game, and very excited about the new updates thats going to be soon.


think of it as this food you like, but your friend does not like it. 

 we have our own opinions.


i have never been dissapointed with the development of the game so far, (except oberon, my opinion, i dont realy like it....)

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My personal view huh? So the many, many players that have brought up issue after issue in the game are all wrong? What about the many review sites that agree with the players on just how bad this game truly is?  Or are you too dumb to actually read this line "I like the game and I can hardly make myself play it."



The game is fun. Is it good? Better than the S#&$ games. Is it great? Not even in the ball park.  Great games don't make me feel bored playing them. 

Quote yourself: "Or are you too dumb to actually read this line" : "That's your personal opinions on warframe, doesn't change the fact that it list as one of the best game out there" " 


Yes, there are many issues in the game, remember that it still in Beta, mean the developers still haven't fully complete the game yet. 

The game haven't bore me, the game bore you, so? Choose another game. 

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"Major changes to nearly every facet of the game" and yet the game really hasn't changed all that much for the past year.

Hahaha, man what.

One thing I do want to make clear, this has nothing to do with feeling I'm entitled to something that I did not get nor am I saying that I dislike the game because I do like the game, what I am saying is DE, IMHO, seems to be ignoring core things that should be done instead of giving out nice shiny things to distract the community while they try and figure out where the heck they are going. Also my analogy of using the Roman games to distract the populace from problems in the empire is valid with the Roman Games being the shiny things we are given at each major update, and the problems being distracted from would be not fixing RNG, no LORE, New Player Experience etc.

Err, but those things you mention are things they're fixing. Slowly but surely we've been getting lore. It's just mostly in the form of events and environmental storytelling. The new player experience is something they're working on changing and fixing, and it's still much better than it was a year ago because the tutorial then didn't even include how to parkour. Even the RNG they're working on fixing.

It's just they're really slow at fixing these issues.

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Slowly but surely we've been getting lore. It's just mostly in the form of events and environmental storytelling.


Really where can new players absorb all this great LORE?


Can you provide a link to the back story from way back when up until now so I can get caught up?

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Quote yourself: "Or are you too dumb to actually read this line" : "That's your personal opinions on warframe, doesn't change the fact that it list as one of the best game out there" " 


Yes, there are many issues in the game, remember that it still in Beta, mean the developers still haven't fully complete the game yet. 

The game haven't bore me, the game bore you, so? Choose another game. 

A personal view shared by person after person after person becomes more than a personal view. Or do vets and new players alike repeatedly bringing up the same problems with the game not say something?

Yes its in beta. Has it shown vast improvement? No. Are they making money off of it? Yes.

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Let me bring us back to the original posts, I am not touching how bored we are playing or the lack of challenge or if we like the game or not, my point is,  when the game was originally put out it should have had a full tutorial that explained everything at that time, it should have had some kind of core back story with each mission effecting the outcome of that story, demos of games I have played even had some kind of story, and those were just demos. I want the DE to be brave and say lets fix the things we have said we are going to fix and heck with giving out new content every update. I believe in the long run it would help Warframe be the game I think we all want it to be. 

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Couldn't agree more, but thats basically what this mindless consumer society has fallen to.


Play shiny graphics with less than superficial gameplay. Aslong as its shiny and they're under the illusion that its more fun to shoot with the reskin of a gun with some different stats.


But more importantly as long as DE is getting dat cash. They couldn't care less.


You me or anyone ain't have S#&$ to say once they getting dat doe.

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