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Destiny Will Crush Warframe Like Little Girl


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Got to say that I don't see why people constantly complain about this it is £40 a year, if you are a gamer who doesn't have that much spare income from your yearly income then perhaps you should not be a gamer?


Because the quality of service that accompanies that yearly fee doesn't match up with what I'm paying for. I get better function out of PC multiplayer networks, and I don't pay a cent for those. There are also a number of games that *require* an Xbox LIVE subscription to access their full functionality, and constantly push for an Xbox LIVE subscription. When I buy games, I expect to buy games, not packages of advertising. Furthermore, Microsoft is a large enough company that it should be able to support game servers without yearly fees, but it chooses not to. Look at Sony and their PSN. Last I checked, you didn't need to pay for that. It's not the specific amount of money that bothers me. It's the business philosophy that money is a part of that I don't like, and I have no intention of taking part in it.

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The best game Bungie ever made (yes, not Halo), was Oni in my eyes. Sadly the pc version seemed greatly cut back compared to it's console version but it was still cool. Hell, if the melee system in Warframe hit that level, the complaints would subside quite a bit.

I'm not a big fan of the Batman Arkham style mechanic anyways, that's just pressing hit all over, game even showing you when to block, counter etc. It smells too "console" for me, holding my hand in everything - ah well, better not to continue on this track of thought or I will end up in an argument about PC or Consoles being better.


By the way, who in his right mind would say something about crushing a little girl? That alone makes a pack of Zanuka-riding-Stalkers hunt you!

ONIII !!!! That game was the best +1 for the reference. Yes unfortunately that PS2/PC games melee system is far superior to our current one... We will see what this mighty Melee 2.0 has in store....

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Because the quality of service that accompanies that yearly fee doesn't match up with what I'm paying for. I get better function out of PC multiplayer networks, and I don't pay a cent for those. There are also a number of games that *require* an Xbox LIVE subscription to access their full functionality, and constantly push for an Xbox LIVE subscription. When I buy games, I expect to buy games, not packages of advertising. Furthermore, Microsoft is a large enough company that it should be able to support game servers without yearly fees, but it chooses not to. Look at Sony and their PSN. Last I checked, you didn't need to pay for that. It's not the specific amount of money that bothers me. It's the business philosophy that money is a part of that I don't like, and I have no intention of taking part in it.



And your evidence for this is... where? I've experienced updages 7 through 11.5 on Warframe. Pretty much all of them have been huge improvements to the game. As far as I can tell, Destiny hasn't been released yet. Destiny is not a F2P model, so it has to ship as a "finished" product. Bungie has a much larger budget than DE. Sure, Bungie games will look flashier and more polished when they're released, but your accusation of DE not bothering to improve Warframe is innacurate and, quite frankly, rather offensive. I can definitely tell that you've been very vocal and insightful when providing feedback concerning what you think DE can improve about Warframe.

You can't reasonably expect someone to meet all of your expectations when they have no idea what those expectations might be. Try contributing something useful.


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Hot damn, the flames are rife here. Destiny looks pretty good, and I've been a fan of Bungie for quite a while. I will certainly purchase it on release. 


That said, it can't "crush warframe like little girl". Warframe is not only a completely different genre, but occupies a completely different mindset. I play warframe for the high-octane, fast paced parkour ninja action. I will not play Destiny hoping to achieve this as well. Destiny is more of an RPG shooter than an Action-Shooter, and thus has a slower, concentrated pace with emphasis on lore, molding your character and making your character all around the heaviest artillery. 


There is absolutely no comparison to make. Instead of making a hype thread about Destiny, OP, you instead chose to insinuate that it will stomp Warframe, leading me to clearly assume this being a troll attempt...and it's sad to say how well it worked for everyone.

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Um... sure.


Looks like a VERY good game. Not going to say what it will do if ported to PC.



Sure, Bungie is a BIT better than EA or Ubisoft's scum. But if you think DE HASN'T improved this game... you haven't been here very long or you haven't been paying attention.


And before you go all 'EEEE FANBOI' at me... I DO NOT agree with some of what they have changed. I do not LIKE some of what they have changed. But... here is a hint. They LISTEN to what the players say. Ubi and EA don't. Bungie now too... likely won't. It isn't profitable for the big boys to listen to small voices.


That said, if you hate the game so much, go play Destiny or whatever. We won't stop you.

Edited by Letter13
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The best game Bungie ever made (yes, not Halo), was Oni in my eyes. Sadly the pc version seemed greatly cut back compared to it's console version but it was still cool. Hell, if the melee system in Warframe hit that level, the complaints would subside quite a bit.

I'm not a big fan of the Batman Arkham style mechanic anyways, that's just pressing hit all over, game even showing you when to block, counter etc. It smells too "console" for me, holding my hand in everything - ah well, better not to continue on this track of thought or I will end up in an argument about PC or Consoles being better.



OMG I LOVED THAT GAME... So sad it didn't do as well as it SHOULD have. Just doing the 'Running Lariat' was WORTH the rest of the game although the REST of it was cool. Even the dream sequence which was just plain WEIRD. 

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Destiny wont crush anything, it is not for PC master race.


(hate Bungie for that.)


At the end of the day, that's all that matters.


Destiny looks incredibly fun, and I would play the S#&$ out of it.  I'd forget Warframe even existed.


But Bungie's a bastard and hates PC, so F*** 'em.

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I never liked Halo, it's a pretty generic fps, only good thing about it is the universe, but then again I didn't play every Halo game since I don't have an xbox.


Destiny I'm interested in, gameplay looks fun though it does look similar to some other games and the universe is something I would like to learn more about.

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Um... sure.


Looks like a VERY good game. Not going to say what it will do if ported to PC.



Sure, Bungie is a BIT better than EA or Ubisoft's scum. But if you think DE HASN'T improved this game... you haven't been here very long or you haven't been paying attention.


And before you go all 'EEEE FANBOI' at me... I DO NOT agree with some of what they have changed. I do not LIKE some of what they have changed. But... here is a hint. They LISTEN to what the players say. Ubi and EA don't. Bungie now too... likely won't. It isn't profitable for the big boys to listen to small voices.


That said, if you hate the game so much, go play Destiny or whatever. We won't stop you.

I understand EA but how is ubisoft is a scum? Their games are frikin spectacular. Listening to player is something else. It doesn't always equal a good game. You can't tell a writer to change the inside of a book.

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OMG I LOVED THAT GAME... So sad it didn't do as well as it SHOULD have. Just doing the 'Running Lariat' was WORTH the rest of the game although the REST of it was cool. Even the dream sequence which was just plain WEIRD. 


Remember the code you got at the end of the game? You could change into any character - the ninjas were kickass, lariat changed into "I will step on your neck bro!", rolls/dodge into that phased out bada*sness. Man I miss that game. And of course I love it's cinematics being completely animeted (<-not mistype) :) Good, heartfelt story, lovable characters... ah well, this is Warframe forums so maybe I shouldn't get into it that much but as for DE it might be worth checking it out. It's truly good and you might find some new ideas through it.

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I understand EA but how is ubisoft is a scum? Their games are frikin spectacular. Listening to player is something else. It doesn't always equal a good game. You can't tell a writer to change the inside of a book.


Lets see...




Pretty games with cool sound

Fairly fun games.

Fairly good stories for the most part


Took what was probably THE most realistic and comprehensive tactical shooter of all time (Ghost Recon) and turned it into a kiddie arcade game. Ghost Recon Future Soldier is a clone of Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Think I exaggerate? They used the SAME RADIO CALL SIGNS FOR THE CHARACTERS! "Hunter' and 'Overlord' sound familiar? They should. Corridor shooter, check. Stupid over the top Michael Bay action, check. Realism? Nope. Support for the game on PC or console? Nope. That is when you can even get it to WORK, which is about 1/2 the players. Game crashing bugs everywhere. Fixed? Are you kidding? They have better things to do with their time and money. Like make other games to sell.


Took what might have been THE best stealth action game of all time (Splinter Cell) and turned it into a run and gun corridor shooter with stealth elements. (Stealth? Oh yeah, everyone has to be DEAD! Then they can't see me!) MAYBE Blacklist has fixed some of that. Won't hold my breath.


Don't even get me started on HAWX...


NO PC support. Patches? WHAT patches? They don't need no stinkin' patches! Had to go to a hacker to get Splinter Cell Conviction to work right. Same with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Same with EVERY SINGLE other game they have put out since.


LOUSY customer support in general these days. (Had a problem with multiplayer in a game, I was told to find the fix for THEIR netcode on Google. Google fix didn't work either.)


Stupid admins on the forums. One who openly advocated a poster commit suicide.  I called him on it and was perma-banned from their forums for 'disrespecting a company employee'. No, I don't disrespect someone who does that. Nosiree. Not me.


NO, repeat NO communication from company to players. This is COMPANY POLICY. You think DE doesn't talk much? it took Ubisoft 6 MONTHS to reply to a problem that had 10,000 signatures on it. (Multiplayer netcode problem with Splinter Cell Conviction.) And their response? 'Get better internet, suckers.'


Lying cheating moneygrubbing scum who make pretty games that sound good and play fairly well on some systems.


Their ENTIRE system is made to make money, not good games. If their games ARE good, cool. If not? You are screwed. Good luck with the odds. They are trending more and more towards the bad side.


Funny... I haven't had bad experiences with EA. Long wait times, but most of my problems they fixed quickly. Ubisoft are scum. Every last one of them I have dealt with have made me sick.

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Funny... I haven't had bad experiences with EA. Long wait times, but most of my problems they fixed quickly. Ubisoft are scum. Every last one of them I have dealt with have made me sick.


Seriously, they MURDERED cnc.





EDIT: What did we expect with a name like TWILIGHT?

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Seriously, they MURDERED cnc.





EDIT: What did we expect with a name like TWILIGHT?


Ok, you got me. Didn't play that one. Stopped after Red Alert 2.


Seriously though... Ubisoft, EA, NCSoft and SOE exist in a rarified category of 'We so big we don't have to give a **** about our players'. Even BLIZZARD tries sometimes. The others don't.

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Ok, you got me. Didn't play that one. Stopped after Red Alert 2.


Seriously though... Ubisoft, EA, NCSoft and SOE exist in a rarified category of 'We so big we don't have to give a **** about our players'. Even BLIZZARD tries sometimes. The others don't.

You ask me, no matter what developer they are, at least they aren't Gearbox "Let's not only trounce on loyal anticipating fanbases, but outright FALSIFY previews to shatter their hearts and give us money" Software.

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You ask me, no matter what developer they are, at least they aren't Gearbox "Let's not only trounce on loyal anticipating fanbases, but outright FALSIFY previews to shatter their hearts and give us money" Software.


Dude, that is basic marketing. ESPECIALLY for video games.


Thing is...


DE hasn't lied about this game still being in development. Some PLAYERS have said it isn't, but DE has never said it was finished. It is...refreshing not to be lied to by a game developer. They don't tell us as much as we might wish, but they haven't actually lied.


They have made mistakes, and then Scott or Steve come on and say 'Hey, we made a mistake. Sorry.'


When did you last see EA, Ubisoft, NCSoft or SOE do that? I THINK Blizzard did once after Burning Crusade, but I am not sure. Don't play WoW anymore.

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Dude, that is basic marketing. ESPECIALLY for video games.


Not necessarily, there's exaggerating, then there's falsifying. I'm sure everyone is aware of the Aliens: Colonial Marines fiasco, where "vertical slice" build that was shown two months prior to release was not only superior graphically to the released game, but the level itself was better. Now, EA's recent bout with BF4 (releasing it MONTHS before the game was even playable, and at the same time selling their stock JUST prior to it, etc) is showing itself, but note that Gearbox did this not once, but TWICE.

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