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Exclusivity -Vs- Brakk?


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I have recently read various posts about people's opinions about and reaction to the "exclusivity" of certain items in this game, particularly those awarded in past events.


As for me, I do not mind rewarding players with exclusive items as a bragging right or a show of presence or effort during certain events. But I do have a problem with 1 specific item, namely the Brakk.


Why, you ask? It isn't just an "exclusive" skin or a weapon on par with the rest of weapons. It is the best weapon in the game, and it doesn't seem like anything is comparable to it or even comes close to its damage output, especially for sidearms (yes, even Detron pales in comparison).


There is currently no way whatsoever to obtain this powerful weapon, and I find it really unfair that it's exclusive to only certain players and deny it to everyone else. I am sure many -or all- of you who have the Brakk will disagree with this, but that still doesn't make it right or fair for the rest of us.


So I would like to ask DE, are there any plans to make the Brakk available? I don't care if it is really hard to obtain like the Detron, or if you have to run a 100 missions to get it, as long as it is obtainable. Give me a chance to earn it!

Edited by Hadronox
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Would be right or fair for you to play during The Gravidus Dilemma.

And i'm really starting to hate people, because they are always trying to touch Brakk. All over again. Nerf was not enough?

Edited by Skynin
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But if its obtainable, then its not exclusive. Thats self explanitory.


This argument, though not usually this well worded, happens every time an event exclusive weapon comes out and it always ends the same way.


There will always be something more powerful. Ill bet you that in less than two weeks, something more powerful than the Brakk will come along. (In fact the Soma and Synapse already are) and then nobody will care about the Brakk anymore.


Power Creep eats everything...always has. Don't see many Strun Wraiths floating around anymore, Do ya?

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It's an event-exclusive reward. If you weren't around for the event, you missed the reward. It's as simple as that. Its not unfair that new players can't get it, its simply unfortunate that we didn't know about this game earlier.


I'll just put it this way. You didn't participate in the event, so why should you be able to get the event-exclusive reward through other means? It just devalues the weapon and it's exclusivity.

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I don't have the Brakk...Nor will I ever. Thats perfectly fine, because i didn't win it, I didnt earn it. Im fine with that. I will have my chance, and by the time i do, there will be things much more powerful than the Brakk.




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It's an event-exclusive reward. If you weren't around for the event, you missed the reward. It's as simple as that. Its not unfair that new players can't get it, its simply unfortunate that we didn't know about this game earlier.


I'll just put it this way. You didn't participate in the event, so why should you be able to get the event-exclusive reward through other means? It just devalues the weapon and it's exclusivity.

It's never been stated that the brakk will remain exclusive.  People shouldn't get butt hurt if it's released again.

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I have brakk,

I worked for it,

once they make a new OP gun Brakk will be forgotten (powercreep)

Now I would be ok with them having another event for it, as long as it required the same amount of work.


I don't have braton vandel gimmi it I wasn't here for it so you owe it to me

Edited by LordMidnightX
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It's never been stated that the brakk will remain exclusive.  People shouldn't get butt hurt if it's released again.

 It's also never been stated that Snipetron Vandal will remain exclusive......

(I want it!)


Yeah and I also want Braton vandal and Lato Vandal..


Edited by SpilockT_T
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Hey I wanted the Snipetron Vandal but i was working all summer long. There's 0% chance of ever getting that because "lore". (why did they make it waaaay better than the original snipetron?)


I'm sure they'll make the Brakk available at some point. Event weapons should just be cool versions of weapons in game already with an extra polarity or something, it's kind of annoying when they release versions of guns that are much better or completely exclusive guns that are arguably the best weapon in the game.

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It is the best weapon in the game


No. It's the best single target DPSecond secondary weapon within 20 meters.


Stug has more range and much more DPS if firing at more than one enemy.



I find it really unfair that it's exclusive to only certain players and deny it to everyone else. 



It's not exclusive. It was available to earn for a limited time. That time window has closed.


You'll have to wait for them to re open that window again.



Edited by Archistopheles
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As long as you have to put in at least the same amount of work for it I'm fine with releasing it again.


I have the Brakk and Detron and I totally agree with this statement. 


They could even reuse it in another event while introducing another exclusive weapon for those that already have the Brakk. 

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play the events = win exclusive weapons.


dont know how to explain this in a more simple way.


this is getting old also, you was not around, sorry for you, no reward.

While you are 100%, absolutely, in every way Correct, You are simply wasting your breath. (err...fingertips....whatever, you get the idea) They will never listen. This happens every time a decent exclusive weapon comes out, and its always the same. QQ ...X has a cool weapon, i want it too!


I have a few exclusives (all the Wraiths, Vandaltron) but im missing several more. Because, and listen very closely for this everyone....I NEVER EARNED ANY MORE OF THEM. Its not fair to anyone if their shiney new toy that they worked so hard to get before the time was up, can be given to anyone who feels they should be given the chance at it too. Just wait, You will have your turn at something totally OP.. And it will stay OP for a month or so, then power creep will Nom it in a nanosecond.


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play the events = win exclusive weapons.


dont know how to explain this in a more simple way.


this is getting old also, you was not around, sorry for you, no reward.

People thought the same thing about frost prime after they got his bp from the fusion moa event.  Much butt hurt ensued after he was released in the void.  An item being released in an event does not mean it's exclusive.  Only wraith and vandal weapons have been stated to be exclusive.

Edited by Aggh
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As long as you have to put in at least the same amount of work for it I'm fine with releasing it again.


That is my whole point. I don't expect them to hand it over. I want to EARN it, just give us a chance. People ran a 100 missions during the even to get it? Fine, I will do the same. I don't understand why some people feel special just because they were around a month earlier?


I don't personally care for boasting or bragging rights or stuff like that, I just don't like to feel I am getting penalized by missing out on one of the best weapons in the game just because I started playing a bit after the event started.


PS: Some people do not seem to get my point at all. Also, where in my post did I ask for a nerf?

Edited by Hadronox
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As long as you have to put in at least the same amount of work for it I'm fine with releasing it again.

A suggestion floating around was making it the equivalent of the Detron from a grineer random encounter (obviously with requirements adjusted), there are several factors that'd need to be revised of course but essentially in a very possible scenario that'd at least compensate the exclusivity freaks in that they had the easier/guaranteed way of obtaining (and crafting) the gun.

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Yo man come one... The Brakk is a weapon that makes it right as a reward for the Gradivus Dilemma, 100 missions is no easy grind. It was just nerfed not too long ago, and now it is good where it stands. There are plenty of other weapons that can't be gotten anymore from past events: the Vandal Series weapons, other Wraith Series weapons, etc. yet these aren't as complained about as the Brakk.


Thing is, we don't need anymore complaints about how the Brakk is too powerful or unattainable.

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A suggestion floating around was making it the equivalent of the Detron from a grineer random encounter (obviously with requirements adjusted), there are several factors that'd need to be revised of course but essentially in a very possible scenario that'd at least compensate the exclusivity freaks in that they had the easier/guaranteed way of obtaining (and crafting) the gun.

I'm all for making a grineer Harvester. More lore.

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That is my whole point. I don't expect them to hand it over. I want to EARN it, just give us a chance. People ran a 100 missions during the even to get it? Fine, I will do the same. I don't understand why some people feel special just because they were around a month earlier?


I don't personally care for boasting or bragging rights or stuff like that, I just don't like to feel I am getting penalized by missing out on one of the best weapons in the game just because I started playing a bit after the event started.


PS: Some people do not seem to get my point at all. Also, where in my post did I ask for a nerf?

FWIW, I sincerely hope it does get released again for those that missed out on it. I'm also fairly certain it will in the forseeable future. The Detron is available now and it was the losing weapon.


That said though... How are you getting penalized?

Likewise, in your first post:

You stated that you had no problem with exclusive items being exclusive.

But...That it wasn't fair that the Brakk was available to certain players and denied to everyone else.


The point of your first post reads like: " I'm OK with exclusive items being exclusive unless I really like it or it's really good... Then it being exclusive isn't fair".

Fair doesn't mean what you think it does in that case.


That may be what others are seeing as the point of your post... Then again, it may not be.

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It just wouldn't be the same.  The people who went for the 100 runs did it without knowing the stats of the weapon or how it would play.  It was an unknown and some people regret not getting it after deciding to skip out.  It would need to be more difficult than just 100 runs for it to be fair in my opinion.


I missed the Strun Wraith when it was 1shotting everything, and that was because I joined a day late.

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FWIW, I sincerely hope it does get released again for those that missed out on it. I'm also fairly certain it will in the forseeable future. The Detron is available now and it was the losing weapon.


That said though... How are you getting penalized?

Likewise, in your first post:

You stated that you had no problem with exclusive items being exclusive.

But...That it wasn't fair that the Brakk was available to certain players and denied to everyone else.


The point of your first post reads like: " I'm OK with exclusive items being exclusive unless I really like it or it's really good... Then it being exclusive isn't fair".

Fair doesn't mean what you think it does in that case.


That may be what others are seeing as the point of your post... Then again, it may not be.


I already mentioned in my OP but I will clarify further. I am ok with exclusive items if they were collectibles, like a token of participation or a trophy,  or if they were aesthetic items, like special skins, or special weapons that are on par with existing weapons. But this is hardly the case with the Brakk. That is why I feel it is unfair because I am missing out on one of the most powerful weapons in the game at the moment, simply because I was not around for that event.


I am NOT asking for nerfs, and I am in no way undermining the efforts of those who did earn it; 100 missions is a lot of effort spent. I am simply asking for a similar chance to earn it, as they did.

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