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Pc Players: Operation Oxium Espionage


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Successfully complete the mission and you'll be rewarded with:

- The new Aviator Mod - offers reduced damage while airborne


*New Aviator Mod - offers reduced damage while airborne


     - Hawkframe Flight-mode confirmed.

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*snipped from other thread, because offtopic there but ontopic here*


Building new Warframes? What? Excuse me, I thought all Warframes have been built by the Orokin as they tailored these suits around the sorry sods who happened to come back from the Void after being tossed in? I thought every Warframe that is added is just one that has been found through awakening in cryopods and Void Towers? Or experimentation, because we also know that Valkyr isn't quite what she originally was.

This again though poses the question, when we are going to see the ORIGINAL Valkyr, and how many of actual Valkyr's have been produced in the Zanuka labs. I doubt every Warframe is unique. That again would make no sense at all.


Since when do Tenno (or in this case, the Lotus) have the technology to build new Warframes? Who would be in there, then? This would be a pointer to Lore and confirming that Tenno can indeed switch Warframes, but I am not sure how sensical that would be to begin with.


I hope the promised Lore that was mentioned to come (likely starting with U12?) is going to fix the loopholes which have been gathering. This becomes less of the "Halo Masterchief" approach but becoming a more unreasonable blob of conflicting information.

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they made this event so they can come close the gap between PC and PS4 its what it seems like they didnt want a big event cause that would take more time in the PS4 world so they did this make event smaller claim its because whiny people dont like to grind " Real Agenda is to Cater to the Playstation Customers. Might not be a big deal but its the little things that make it so freaking frustrating like coming out with the new akmagnus and then like not even 1 day later change it to half even though the advertisement says double the damage and ammo capacity. what the heck man. You dont have to rush things i want the new stuff really bad and i dont care if i have to grind even i complain it always feels like a great reward when i do have to rather have another Gravdius Dilemma type Event. My point to all this is dont try to please everyone when you try to do that you will please no one. The only reason i would even want to get the mod is so i can sell it for platinum. Unless you come out and say it has to be used with Zypher warframe  or something new we are getting like jetpacks. Stop beating around the bushes this is aggravating.

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So.....an event that adds another resource to grind, and a mod that is useful for..........superjumping?

It's bad, not diamond skin or intruder bad, but still; a mod that makes you take less damage while in the air? how about you take cover? are we getting jetpacks?

But I know, clearly this is exactly what the players have been waiting for.

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