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Is Warframe Officialy Still In Open Beta ?


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Thanks for confirming it for me guys. I really had a hard time finding out up to date info about it.


More like open alpha. :P

Well by IBM standards it can be considered a Beta now. Not that anybody cares about their naming rules anymore.

But yeah, I generally feel a bit disappointed (more like sad) too, it isn't a full featured game yet.


With all the abuse of "Open Beta" thing lately, I start to be strongly against it. Bot as gamer and game developer.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for devs like Digital Extremes, who seem honest, communicative and especially who are working on their 'hearth' project.
But I would personally prefer to wait 2 more years and get a full featured game with enough content to keep me interested for a year, then getting (unknowingly) into a middle of another Beta, and then leaving soon after, a bit disappointed.

Tabula rasa was a disappointment like that.
Another one - that really got me pi**ed - was MechWarrior Online, as I was a huge fan of old MechWarrior games.

Warframe actually was a lot of fun. It imho is a really well made game. Only with a little content, both environment and especially missions variability.

With the second one I don't  really understand, because it takes couple of hours of any junior level designer \ scripter to create a new mission. 1st hand experience. You can in theory have dozens of them inside a week. Still we have 4, very basic ones, with couple of clones with different names :-.

Huh, a wall of text. Sorry for that.


Yea it is, and it actually does say so. On the login screen in the upper right hand corner you can see it. 



Thanks for the pointer (and even a screen cap !). I had the feeling I might have missed it somewhere ;)


Is it just me or it really looks like DE doesn't really want to advertise its Beta much ? ;)


While it is technically displayed (but only once you reach the login screen, meaning you've already taken the time to install the game) DE should really be displaying that it's in beta somewhere on the front page in clear and large print. 

I absolutely agree !

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..I was wondering since DE doesn't seem to really display it anywhere (anymore?).

Plus, on a side note, if this is a Beta, is there a date when they expect to reach a 'true release' ?

It's going to remain in beta forever because DE knows that the beta tag acts as a shield to protect against criticism. It's done a lot these days, it's kinda sickening.

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Well I kind of admire DE (as a fellow developer), so I tend to not look at them as somebody trying to 'scheme' us or a liars.

But yeah, I think a lot of devs and publishers do that. Either for what you say or so they can get their game tested by players, and let the players even pay for it !
But for DE, for all it matter they can keep the Beta status forever if they care, as long as the game doesn't feel like Beta, right ? ;)

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Personally I am drawn towards games in Beta, especially when they're F2P. Maybe it's just a personal tendency, but I think making sure to send a clear and well advertised message to let people who are interested in the game know that it's technically in Beta will actually attract more traffic rather than less. I'm not an expert on that by any means, so perhaps DE has data that proves otherwise.

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Personally I am drawn towards games in Beta, especially when they're F2P.

Im kind of curious. Can you say what exactly is the interesting thing in it for you ? The Beta, the F2P, .. ?

I mean I understand why Closed Betas are so popular. People are excited about new game and want to get a peek at it as soon as possible. Plus its cool to get into Closed beta, while most of people wount etc.

Its not very interesting for me. I had enough of semi-functional alphas and betas as a dev, for rest of my life :) So I don't know.

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Im kind of curious. Can you say what exactly is the interesting thing in it for you ? The Beta, the F2P, .. ?


The Beta part. Generally I know that the game will be under a consistent amount of change while it's in said state, and I enjoy watching as a game grows along the course of its evolution from a cluttered mess to an enticing product.

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Technically, yes, it's still a beta, though generally, there isn't that much of a significant difference between beta and full release for a free-to-play MMO, as long as it still has developers assigned to it after release.


The biggest point is that while in beta, it doesn't receive professional critic reviews. For a game that can periodically expand and change drastically, this aspect does have significance. Critics generally only review a game once, and never change that review, no matter how much the game itself has changed after release, so the beta label protects the game from potentially getting a poor review score, and forever being cursed by it, even if they fix everything that caused that rating to be so low.

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The Beta part. Generally I know that the game will be under a consistent amount of change while it's in said state, and I enjoy watching as a game grows along the course of its evolution from a cluttered mess to an enticing product.

Yep, I can absolutely relate to that. Well said !


The biggest point is that while in beta, it doesn't receive professional critic reviews. For a game that can periodically expand and change drastically, this aspect does have significance. Critics generally only review a game once, and never change that review, no matter how much the game itself has changed after release, so the beta label protects the game from potentially getting a poor review score, and forever being cursed by it, even if they fix everything that caused that rating to be so low.

Thats right. I'll just clarify. There's a .."tag" for a title, specified by developer / publisher, called "reviewable". Eg. if a title is marked as "Beta - reviewable" or "good for review" or something like that, then (obviously) developers give reviewers a free hand to review (and criticize) it.

And that was the case for Warframe already some time last year.

And there are a lot of (quite average) reviews for it online. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/warframe

(So much for 'criticism shield' I guess ;)

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Many games use the "beta" tag as an excuse to protect themselves from reviewing, however Warframe has the case twisted around, in a way.


Instead of being a theoretically complete game that opens up the cash shop and starts getting some income while fixing minor stuff (like most of games in "beta" tag), Warframe has been called a beta, opened up the shop and pours content into it while still being arguably on even alpha levels with some features.


I know making money is important so content that generates money must be developed, but goddamnit there's so many things that need to be added and they've been missing from the game for MONTHS.


In result we get this mess of a diamond in the rough: The core of the game is solid and fun, but it's lacking all the additional things that make a game great, and DE is stuck in this mess of having to make money and also improve the game.


And what are those you ask?

Take a look at the suggestions forum, or just think of the first thing coming to mind that fits the description of:

"I really need it"

"It's not overcomplicated"

"It doesn't mess with existing features"

"It's easy to make"


And there's tons of things like that.

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Yep, I can absolutely relate to that. Well said !


Thats right. I'll just clarify. There's a .."tag" for a title, specified by developer / publisher, called "reviewable". Eg. if a title is marked as "Beta - reviewable" or "good for review" or something like that, then (obviously) developers give reviewers a free hand to review (and criticize) it.

And that was the case for Warframe already some time last year.

And there are a lot of (quite average) reviews for it online. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/warframe

(So much for 'criticism shield' I guess ;)

I never said the shield was perfect, not by a long shot.

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Instead of being a theoretically complete game that opens up the cash shop and starts getting some income while fixing minor stuff (like most of games in "beta" tag), Warframe has been called a beta, opened up the shop and pours content into it while still being arguably on even alpha levels with some features.


I know making money is important so content that generates money must be developed, but goddamnit there's so many things that need to be added and they've been missing from the game for MONTHS.


In result we get this mess of a diamond in the rough: The core of the game is solid and fun, but it's lacking all the additional things that make a game great, and DE is stuck in this mess of having to make money and also improve the game.

Well I imagine it went like this..

The owners / top managers of DE (along with rest of DE) made some solid money on previous commercial titles.

They decided (based on their own words) they want, for a change, work on something they really like. We should admire them for that, because not everybody with well established company would say good bye to safe path of future profits to follow his dream.

So they put together a bit of their personal money and put together what became Warframe Open Beta at start of 2013.

It wasn't much, from what I read. Just one environment, couple of Grineer enemies, couple of Warframes, gui and platinum store.

Even like that though it might have easily cost several mil of their personal dollars in server hardware and whatnots, propagation and possibly wages for most of the team - if the team was paid as if working on any other commercial project.

In 2013 they decided they invested enough and waited long enough and released the game stub to the public as F2P.

In between they got some money back via Founders program, which might have given them back what they originally invested. (MechWarrior Online Founders program grossed over 5mil usd.)

Since then they are slowly working on upgrading the game into .. I really don't know what. :) Maybe they don't know either.

And they keep on sustaining the dev team and the online game on platinum store sales.

All the above is pure speculation on the little publicly known data.

Why they choose to start with so little content ?

Why it takes them so long to create additional (graphic) content, why they choose to add tons of frames and weapons instead of real content the game desperately needs (like environments, levels and missions and generally AAA game content) ?

Why Steve Sinclair originally choose not to put any story into the game at all, and it remains the same to this day ?

We can only wonder. ;)

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