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I Found A Massive Bug!


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Don't be ridiculous.


So being ridiculous is YOUR prerogative?


So being silly is not allowed? I see. How sad.


Ah well, I tried.


Just for kicks... here is a definition for YOU... (See? Me can do it too! ME edumacated!)




I know, I know, its so hard to tell when someone is being silly when you want to be upset. But you might want to try sometime. Your blood pressure will thank you.


((And if you CANNOT understand that? Yes, I knew it was a crustacean. And no, I don't CARE. I thought it was funny until you bloody science bureaucrats came in and tried to ruin everything. But then again... that is what bureaucrats DO. Fun is VERBOTEN! Unless it is YOUR fun in taking the fun away from others by showing how educated you are. Or do you have forms to fill out? Some 12 page essay question test to be answered to be able to have fun? Or do we need to talk to a specific bureaucrat on a specific day to have fun on the internet?))


tl:dr? I find you ridiculous.

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If so, that's quite a terrible joke.

If you had shown a picture of a bug (insect), it would at least be a pun.

But you just told me that you deliberately chose a picture of a crustacean, which completely invalidates your joke.


So being ridiculous is YOUR prerogative?


So being silly is not allowed? I see. How sad.


Ah well, I tried.


Just for kicks... here is a definition for YOU... (See? Me can do it too! ME edumacated!)




I know, I know, its so hard to tell when someone is being silly when you want to be upset. But you might want to try sometime. Your blood pressure will thank you.


((And if you CANNOT understand that? Yes, I knew it was a crustacean. And no, I don't CARE. I thought it was funny until you bloody science bureaucrats came in and tried to ruin everything. But then again... that is what bureaucrats DO. Fun is VERBOTEN! Unless it is YOUR fun in taking the fun away from others by showing how educated you are. Or do you have forms to fill out or multiple choice tests to be answered to be able to have fun?))

You apparently do not understand the situation, so allow me to explain it to you.

For your sake, I will leave my language as plain as possible.

In your first post, you were criticizing other posters who identified the animal in the OP's picture as a crustacean as opposed to a bug (insect).

You sarcastically claimed that the word "bug" refers only to insects.

Obviously, your actual assertion was that the word "bug" has multiple meanings.

While true, this is highly irrelevant.

The posters who you were criticizing were simply stating that the OP's joke would've been much better had he posted a picture of an actual bug (insect) as opposed to a picture of a crustacean, which is not a bug in any sense of the word.


The remainder of your posts consist of indignant responses.

However, since they are based on your misunderstanding, these responses are irrelevant.

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Ah, the truth is never relevant unless the edumacated bureaucrat uses it. Fair enough.


I still find you ridiculous.

Well, this is a complete dismissal of the facts at hand.

You refuse to address the points I have raised.

Is it because you are now aware of your mistake and wish to avoid resurrecting any resulting opprobrium?

Or is it because you are incapable of understanding or refuse to recognize the extent of this mistake?


Unfortunately, Kalenath, simply turning away does you no good.

You can label your own claims as "the truth", but anyone who has legitimately read this thread will easily identify your erroneous reasoning, especially seeing as I've gone to the trouble of analyzing it.

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So, true bugs and false bugs.




Next time you complain about a 'glitch in computer code that causes problems not associated with the direct action of said computer code', please use the correct terminology instead of the word 'bug'.


(Not that I really expect anyone to do so. After all, that is just silly. Kind of like trying to get people on the internet to use proper diction.)

Actually the term does refer to a lirteral bug. Way back, one of the first computers was having problems with a short circuit, when taken apart, the engineers found a moth that had flown into the machine and caused the short.

The problem was written up as "a bug in the system"

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Actually the term does refer to a lirteral bug. Way back, one of the first computers was having problems with a short circuit, when taken apart, the engineers found a moth that had flown into the machine and caused the short.

The problem was written up as "a bug in the system"



Nope, that is a 'moth in the system' according to the internet science bureaucrats. Who cares what the actual historical basis is when they can show how smart they are by rubbing people's faces in wiki quotes?


I know, I know. Being silly as no place in such a learned environment. Such erudition as the science types have shown must be dignified with the proper respect.









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Nope, that is a 'moth in the system' according to the internet science bureaucrats. Who cares what the actual historical basis is when they can show how smart they are by rubbing people's faces in wiki quotes?


I know, I know. Being silly as no place in such a learned environment. Such erudition as the science types have shown must be dignified with the proper respect.

You're not "being silly".

"Being silly" has cutesy or amusing connotations.

You're just spewing nonsense.


Sixty5 is correct about the etymology of the word "bug" as it pertains to computer science.

You're pretending that some unidentified "bureaucrats" are being pretentious.


Look around. Do you see any bureaucrats? I sure don't.

I'm not a bureaucrat, and I'm pretty sure nobody else in this thread is, either.

You're simply throwing around generic derogatory terms at entities who exist only in your imagination.

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I wasn't quoting Wikipedia...

I stopped using that as a source of info after I found how easy it was to edit.

Changing the date x event happened, amoung other things made for an interesting history class.


Wasn't actually directed at you, Sixty5. Sorry if it came across that way. You at least understand the word 'humor'. 


As for tweaking Wiki? OMG the fun... People have no CLUE without their main source of information. Even when they KNOW it is wrong, they still use it. They can't find any other sources of information. No clue how to for the most part. Sad, but true.





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