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Buffs? Buffs. Buffs!


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Things to buff that aren't weapons:

* Survival credit Caches - at current, getting these makes me want to strangle the operative.


* Master Thief - this mod's effect is REALLY underwhelming for 13 mod points.

* Shocking Touch and North Wind - why do these only do 10% damage while Molten Impact and Fever Strike do 15% with all 4 having the same cost?

* Spare Parts - Does this actually DO anything?

* Sure Shot, Rifle Aptitude, and Melee Prowess - these hardly do anything.

* Flame Repellent, Insulation, Lightning Rod, Antitoxin, Warm Coat, Diamond Skin - These only do anything in select areas or against select enemies, and even then, hardly do anything, especially considering mod cost. Heck, I'm not sure Insulation actually helps ever.

* Physique - even at max rank, this does less than an unranked vitality.

* Steel charge - even at max rank, it does less than an unranked Pressure point, and does exactly nothing for charge attacks.

* Rejuvenation - just a bit too slow to be actually helpful

* Provoked - to say this mod isn't worth equipping is an understatement.


* Offense "V" polarities on warframes - While there are some great mods for these, there is literally only one mod for these that isn't rare, and it's Provoked.

* Defense "D" polarities on Weapons - there are TWO mods to go into these, Freeze Damage and status chance. The former is situational, and the latter is generally bad. Okay, Hammershot and Tainted Mag fit into these too, but they are Nightmare and Corrupt, respectively, and that's still only 3 mods for rifles and shotguns.

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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us



Edit:  Realized they already spoke about ragdoll.


I would like to see buffs for


1.  Gremlins (Status-Impact)

2.  Flux (Range)

3.  Bo (Ragdoll-Status-Imapact)

4.  Valkyr (I don't like repeating myself-We alreadyk now what)

5.  Pangolin Sword (Damage-Slash-Stun)

6. Detron (Status)

Edited by Ishki88
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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"


can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?


Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up

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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"


can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?


Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up

Obex definitely lost its ability to ragdoll, but there are many things that got gimped by Damage 2.0, especially warframe powers. Hopefully you find the time to go through and address them, adding armor ignore back to abilities like Slash Dash and Shuriken would be excellent.

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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"


can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?


Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up


Fragor and Bo are the big ones. Formerly capable of ragdolling enemies on charge attacks, no longer able to.


There's likely more, but those are the only two I can think of.


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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"


can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?


Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up




the bo for example, fragor too.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"


can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?


Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up


Grineeer, the Bo used to be able to ragdoll enemies. It cannot do that anymore. Please add that back. I believe that the Fragor should be able to ragdoll an enemy on a charge attack also.

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buff unused mods so that we at least think twice about not equipping them....


- resistance mods maxed out reduce dmg by 50% or more (im ok with making it a 10 rank mod)

- combine mods like acrobat & marathon & quick rest, rush & mag lev, provoked & undying will, physique and rejuvenation, ammo scavenger aura mods etc

Edited by (PS4)lsu4life86
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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"


can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?


Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up



As stated from my fellow Tenno above me and also stated by you.  DMG 2.0 took away Armor Ignore and Rag doll effects from some weapons.


Before DMG 2.0


Fragor charge (I believe) attack would pushback/rag doll enemies into the next enemy unit.

Bo lost it's ragdoll abilities long before DMG 2.0

I believe Gremlin's bullets used to rag doll.


Some other weapons also but I'm sure others can elaborate.


I believe DMG2.0 (Which I love) changed Stagger to Impact.  Bo/Hate/Reaper Prime/Pangolin Sword/ all had 100% Stagger...and now because of DMG 2.0 their stagger abilities are gone (which I don't love.)


Personally I don't like the fact a Lancer/Scorpion can stun lock(stagger ability) me.  It's like DMG2.0 said HAHAAA NOW TASTE your OWN medicine!  Not saying they shouldn't have that ability but I don't see why it was stripped away from us.


Also melee-ing an infested Charger in DMG2.0 is the worse Idea EVER now because our melee weapons do not stagger!


I just wish all weapons before DMG 2.0 that had Stagger or Pushback...Rag doll whatever word you want to use...got their abilities back again.  If do not want to bring back Armor Ignore ever again, that's fine with me.  But being able to melee a Napalm and having him fly back 4 ft into another Napalm or Heavy Gunner would be awesome.  It's just an alternative towards gameplay that doesn't involve you shooting the enemy 200 times.

Edited by Ishki88
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Proc chances on weapons like the Tysis feel broken. As in they don't seem to happen as much as advertised.


Also a blanket buff to proc chances would be very nice. For instance, the Supra requires a higher mastery rank than most weapons in the game but still has a bad proc chance and is outdone by lower ranked weapons very easily.

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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"


can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?


Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up



Home-run Fragor anyone?

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It was one of the features we needed to fling Napalm Grineer the hell away from us"

can you be more specific? What lost its ability to ragdoll?

Sounds like more damage 2.0 fallout that needs cleaning up

We used to be able to launch Grineer off the map with our fragors. It was fun... Perhaps it was replaced by blast proc? Edited by sushidubya
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Proc chances on weapons like the Tysis feel broken. As in they don't seem to happen as much as advertised.


Also a blanket buff to proc chances would be very nice. For instance, the Supra requires a higher mastery rank than most weapons in the game but still has a bad proc chance and is outdone by lower ranked weapons very easily.

Oh, I forgot to add that every weapon without a polarity in the entire game should get a polarity. This will help decrease the grind that you guys keep promising that you want to decrease and make a lot of unappealing weapons a lot more appealing.

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Grineeeerr -HNGGGGG


Going to add a little more detail to my previous statement.   


Please re-introduce the ability to rag-doll.


Rag doll:  Lifting the enemy off the ground causing them to clash with any near by enemy.  Causing both enemies to fall to the ground.


What weapons used to do this? 


§=Should do this as of now; anything else used to RD(Rag Doll) prior to DMG 2.0


1. Bo

2. Fragor

3. Kogake

4. Twin Gremlins

5. Magistar§

6. Amphis

7. Orthos

8. Furax


Weapons that should recieve their 100% Stagger back or be introduced to Stagger




1. Dual Ether

2. Gram§

3. Hate-Reaper Prime

4. Machete

6. Pangolin Sword

7. Bo (Probably not if it has RD)

8. Ether Reaper§

9. Plasma Sword (I have something to say about this weapon)

10. Dakra Prime

11. Kama§

12. Prova Vandal§ ;)

13. Cleavers! 


Just my suggestions.  Also I would LOVE to see the Plasma Sword have a re-skin.  Maybe the Corpus Sword?



Edited by Ishki88
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