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Petition To Fix Continuous Weapons


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Please fix this DE. This is a whole class of weapons i would love to play around with and have fun again.


I can't remember the last mission that i did with someone using a continuous weapon. I use Ignis on low level exterminates to go quick but so many of these are useless in most missions that are lvl 40+.


Quanta is somewhat viable but the damage is all over the place. Nothing like killing a heavy gunner in a second then moving onto the peasant next to him and takeing 3 seconds to kill him....wth.

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I went on a status weapon binge a little while back, trying every decent status weapon under the sun, and it was really sad how much worse continuous weapons are. Bringin it up tho, it didnt seem like people cared, or thought it wasnt a problem. This thread is refreshing, I sincerely hope when DE does get a chance to re-evaluate it they find a solid solution to calculating status thats actually fair to continuous weapons.


That alone could bring alot of woefully underpowered guns into a respectable tier. Lookin at you Glaxion, Spectra.

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And after 2 years, we are still at where we started.

DE has shown no interest in reverting beam weapons for the sake of "optimization".


Back in the day I could count every tick damage and when I fire a shotgun that release 21 pellets with Multishot, it displays 21 pellets on screen. Now it is stuck on the default pellet amount.


Oh well, welcome to "optimization".

Edited by fatpig84
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I blame it on DE wanting the game to run on a toaster.

Flux rifle was just simply amazing back then. You can feel the instant gratification of the beam shredding everything.

Now all you have is a delay reaction to everything and feels terrible to use.

This is a perfect example of if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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I blame it on DE wanting the game to run on a toaster.

Flux rifle was just simply amazing back then. You can feel the instant gratification of the beam shredding everything.

Now all you have is a delay reaction to everything and feels terrible to use.

This is a perfect example of if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Well they had to make it run on a console...

Which is a shame really.


And you did not even need a hefty card for Warframe, i could game WF on a Geforce 560 TI and still had all the particles, projectiles and all the fun stuff turned on. Now I am on my 970 and I still dunno why DE don't revert those changes.

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the reason why continuous weapons is tick based is because if they became actually no ticks the load on the processor may go off the roof, with how demanding the game is for the processor this could be a disaster for people playing on low end setup, and as an F2P game you'd want as many peeps to play on the game as possible


im playing on a laptop where in big combats my gpu usage went down to 40% but my processor cores are all maxed out, there should be more processor optimization imo before continuous weapon became no ticks

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the reason why continuous weapons is tick based is because if they became actually no ticks the load on the processor may go off the roof, with how demanding the game is for the processor this could be a disaster for people playing on low end setup, and as an F2P game you'd want as many peeps to play on the game as possible


im playing on a laptop where in big combats my gpu usage went down to 40% but my processor cores are all maxed out, there should be more processor optimization imo before continuous weapon became no ticks

High rate of fire rifles and other weapons produce the same effect, and they keep their full, instant damage. Continuous weapons get the lag because of the change, which makes them clunky without solving the actual "problem".

So no, low end users are not an excuse to make continuous weapons suck.

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