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Saryn Prime


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For some reason Saryn reminds me of Predator.  They have that.."infested" alien look.  I think a Dred helmet would fit her.  


P.S. I'm not saying Saryn is African.  Anyone can get dreds, but how many people you know have Predator's dredlocks ;) 

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Alien queen prime confirmed??

Alien queen is Banshee. Just look at her standard helmet.


Merged into the existing thread.

Oh, and I was already wondering, why this thread suddenly looked like a train crash.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I really like your design, but here are a few suggestions:

1) the helmet to me is angled up too high. If it could be angled down a little and still keep the same aesthetic that would be better.

2) Saryn does NOT need her butt piece, what she could use are symmetrical mutated thighs unlike regular Saryn's asymmetrical one. You could also give those thigh parts a scheme more refined looking than the mutated swollen fleshly scheme that normal saryn has. Perhaps a golden vine like growth or something.

3) if there's going to be an angry mob if you don't add a but piece, then try doing what they did with ember's thigh cages. Incase you don't know what I mean, I'm saying change it from a blotchy mutated mess simply made to hide the best rump in the game to a golden antler skirt that accentuates instead of covering it. Although I doubt the lady developers would go for that.

There's my thoughts on it, good work so far

Edited by andymous87
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  • 6 months later...

ok my little insight on this as a HUGE saryn player:


Helmet: absolutly LOVE the idea, the slick elegant look of the "visor" panel its fantastic, the inverted V going up looks great, perhaps instead of the round part behind her helmet you oculd try some tubes or spike like things, would give her a "crown" like touch i tink would be great for the "sexy frame"


Shoulders: need something changed, perhaps having her "organic" parts slightly more spiky or with "blade" like things, needs more golden bling bling there


Arms: i like the golden details you put there, but perhaps having her whole arm up to the elbow OR half upper arm in the same color (as in elbow or opera lenght gloves) would be nice, i tink it would go with her elegant like touch she already has


Waist: actually i tink she should have both tights infested parts instead of one (as in the original) somewhat of more ornaments to her


Legs: they need some kind of knee blades or some ornaments, they feel to naked


Regardless i like the idea, whe need saryn prime as the next prime D=

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INCREDIBLE work, I prefer this compared to all the previous Saryn prime concepts, this is fabulous!!!! 

The head reminds me of nyx prime's a bit (but its epic)

All in all I love it, its clean and quite elegant looking. 

Edited by Nalinaa
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